Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (2024)

Ceramics and art have a companionship longer than most. The story began in the Palaeolithic period with a potent fusion of water,earth and creativity that has since evolved through many modes. Now, 21st-centuryceramicartists are proving that the mediumhas as much potential for concept as function, lured in byits versatility, sensuality and roleas a platform for provocation.

From artists upholding age-old techniques with a twist to those unearthing radical ways to push materials to their limits, explore our ultimate guide to ceramic artists: the trail-glazers, the mould-breakers and future-shapers on the cutting edge of clay.

Ceramic artists: a guide to the contemporary pioneers

Lindsey Mendick

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (1)

(Image credit: Copyright of Lindsey Mendick. Courtesy of Carl Freedman Gallery, Margate. Photo © Ollie Harrop)

Lindsey Mendick’s ceramic art was talk of clay-based town in ‘Strange Clay’, Hayward Gallery’s landmark show of ceramic artists in 2022. There, Mendick staged an environment that conveyed the intensity of domestic cohabitation. It was an astonishing example of the artist’s ability to use clay not only as a medium but as theatre, complete with props, protagonists and plot. In the process of creating these worlds – layered with candid personal anecdotes, myth, and pop culture references – Mendick subverts clay’s connotations with decoration and function, instead using ceramic art as a narrative device - at once witty, grotesque and beautiful. On 6 April, Mendick will open ‘Where The Bodies Are Buried’ at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, the artist’s first solo UK museum show.

Maxwell Mustardo

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (2)

(Image credit: Maxwell Mustardo/ Culture Object')

Maxwell Mustardo’s ceramic art appears as though its origins are from another universe. This is clay, but not as we know it. Last year, the New Jersey-based artist staged his first solo show in New York at Culture Object. Titled ‘The Substance of Style’, the exhibition comprised ceramic vessels sprayed with bobbled matte fluorescent colours and iridescent colour-shifting PVC. It demonstrated Mustardo’s knack for fusing the tradition of ceramics with an otherworldly approach that is simultaneously playful, uncanny and hyper-contemporary.

Sin-Ying Ho

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (3)

(Image credit: Daniele Iodice)

In her deft cut-and-paste approach, Sin-Ying (Cassandra) Ho fuses together fragments of East and West. Self-described as a ‘global sapien’, Ho creates work reflective of the multicultural cities she’s inhabited, including New York, Toronto, her birthplace of Hong Kong, and Jingdezhen where she lives and works. Ho’s cross-cultural ceramic art is an amalgam of life experiences and observations; European and Chinese elements, decorative motifs and images from past and present collide to create concepts that are fundamentally contemporary. Ho’s solo show, ‘Constructed realities: Life Beyond Borders’ will open on 6 October at Nilufar Gallery, Milan.

Jonathan Baldock

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (4)

(Image credit: Mark Blower)

Jonathan Baldock’s ingenious recipe of wit, grotesqueness, empowerment, mortality, and surrealism is as much ceramic art as theatre. The British artist’s multidisciplinary practice often merges ceramics, painting, sound, metal, textiles and performance to stretch the possibilities of his materials. Baldock – who recently created a striking window display for the Renzo Piano-designed Hermès Flagship store in Tokyo – is best known for incorporating biological forms into his work: disembodied ears, beckoning fingers, or contorted hands pushing and punching, which explore childhood fears, adult desires and the space occupied by the human body. As the artist has said, ‘All bodies are good bodies’.

Shawanda Corbett

(Image credit: Courtesy the artist and Salon 94, New York © Shawanda Corbett)

American multidisciplinary artist Shawanda Corbett is breaking the mould of ceramic art. Her performative pottery – incorporating dance, music and poetry – is shaped by global histories and theories around a ‘complete body’. Corbett is a self-described ‘cyborg’ artist, drawing on Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto (1985). ‘I wanted to use [the book] but with my perspective: a Black woman, queer, disabled and all these other social identities that I have, whether decided or decided for me,’ the Oxford-based artist told us in an interview. Corbett’s ceramic works often comprise totemic, anthropomorphic vessels of different heights, shapes and glazes, their vibrant, glossy surfaces scored with traces of the music Corbett listens to as she works.

Fernando Casasempere

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (6)

(Image credit: Jason Aldon)

When Fernando Casasempere moved to London in 1997, he brought with him over twelve tonnes of his own mixtures of Chilean clay. The ceramic artist has always retained deep connections to the landscape of his native country, through which he confronts urgent global ecological and social concerns with links to the sensibilities of the Land Art movement. His abstract work blends clay with industrial matter, notably waste materials from copper mining (a principal export of Chile) and draws on classical and modern cultural forms such as Pre-Columbian art and Latin American architecture.

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Martha Freud

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (7)

(Image credit: press)

The work of British ceramic artist Martha Freud is a bold fusion of wit, cultural critique, tongue-in-cheek wordplay and philosophical reflection. It was following a degree in furniture and product design that Freud discovered anaffinity with ceramics, a moment she describes as ‘love at first sight’. In recent years, Freud has been focussing her energy on motherhood, an experience she has is now channelling into something of an art renaissance. ‘Mixed Messages’ at Nonemore Gallery, London, is Freud’s first solo show in more than a decade and features new works that blend technology and tradition. This includes delicate porcelain tableware and candles which feature witty slogans, life lessons and statements of empowerment: ‘Well, Well, Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions’, ‘f*ck This sh*t’ and ‘My Body My Labels’ among them. It takes a certain vision to achieve an impactful balance of profanity, profundity, and poetry, but Martha Freud might have just cracked it.

King Houndekpinkou

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (8)

(Image credit: Alexandre Guirkinger)

King Houndekpinkou’s otherworldly ceramic art blends ancestral pottery traditions with space-age video game aesthetics. The Paris-based artist, of Beninese origin, fuses seemingly disparate influences – from Japanese craft, African Voodoo and pop culture to form sculptures bursting with bold colour, playful spikes and cracked surfaces. As he told writer Minako Norimatsu in a profile for our September 2021 issue, ‘It can take a combination of hundreds of powders to obtain a particular colour or texture. Sometimes I rework a piece that is ostensibly finished, applying another layer of glaze and firing it again. Then a new piece is born!’

Brie Ruais

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (9)

(Image credit: Nash Baker)

Brooklyn-based Brie Ruais uses one primary tool to fashion her dynamic clay pieces: her own body. Each of her sculptures is made with the equivalent of her body weight in clay, resulting in pieces that uncannily mirror human scale. Each gouge, scrape and fold is evidence of raw physical engagement with her material, reminiscent of work by Ana Mendieta and Lynda Bengalis. Ruais’ often creates alone in the desolate desert terrain of Nevada's Great Basin, with no Wi-Fi or phone service. The intensity of solitude, and the charged intimacy with her material, as she rolls, pushes and pulls her body across it, results in works that blur sculpture and performance.

Ron Nagle

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (10)

(Image credit: ©Ron Nagle, Courtesy Matthew Marks Gallery)

It’s a rare trait in the arts, but acclaimed American ceramicist and prolific musician Ron Nagle has managed to master two very distinctive mediums with singular zest, conviction and unpredictability. Clay began as a rebellion for Nagle, both against his parents’ ‘closed-minded’ view of suitable vocations, and the conventional ceramic applications that ruled 1950s California. Gaining prominence in his 20s, he joined forces with other like-minded artists, such as Peter Voulkos and Ken Price, and soon found his rhythm. The results were small-scale, huge impact pieces that the artist has been perfecting for the last 60 years. An amalgam of hyper-polished and rugged surfaces combined with spicy, saturated hues, his works are imbued with the legacies ofCalifornia: pop culture, the Finish Fetish movement and itssun-soaked vernacular.

Zemer Peled

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (11)

(Image credit: press)

The more you look at Zemer Peled’s work, the more there is to see. Thethe Israel-born, LA-based artist’salmost impossibly intricate ceramic sculptures are composed of thousands of porcelain shards to form small and large scale objects that resemble organic forms. Each shard is created from strips or slabs of raw or glazed porcelain that she rolls, smashes then affixes to her works. Often taking colour cues from the blue cobalt of Japanese pottery, the artist examines the beauty and brutality of the natural world and delves into themes of memory, identity and place. The resulting works – almost appearing soft from afar, and playful yetominously spiky up close - resemble something between blooming flora, undulating sea anemones or something entirely abstract.

Magdalene Odundo

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (12)

(Image credit: Sophie Green)

Over a four-decade career, the Kenyan-born British studio potter and revered educator has made a tangible mark on ceramic art. Her restrained, often asymmetrical sculptures allude to the curvature of the female human form and affirm the inextricable and profound link between humanity and clay. As a young ceramicartist, she travelled to Nigeria, New Mexico and China, immersing herself in various approaches to craftsmanship. The artist’s hollow vessels carry a catalogue of global histories, technical approaches and cultures: graphic design - which she first trained in - diasporic identities, British studio pottery, ceremonial vessels from Kenya and Nigeria and Ancient Greek and Roman techniques. In place of the potters’ wheel, Odundo makes use of a coiling technique to hand-build her vessels, which she fires and burnishes repeatedly. The resulting objects have a surface akin to satin, and range incolourfromflaming orange to subdued black, and sometimes a combination of the two.Odundo’s solo show at Salon 94’s newly-renovated89th Street location will be on view until 3 July 2021 in New York.

Ai Weiwei

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (13)

(Image credit: © Ai Weiwei. Courtesy Lisson Gallery)

Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei is just as famed for breaking ceramic art as making it. In 1995, in one of the most memorable and controversial moments of art-world theatre, he intentionally dropped an alleged 2,000-year-old Han Dynasty Urn, which shattered at his feet. A year before, Ai painted over another with the red Coca-Cola logo. This erasure of artefacts – and ergo cultural history - is a recurring theme in Ai’s work, with ancient ceramic vessels often his tools of choice to question who or what ascribes cultural value. In a different, but no less striking ceramic mode, Ai dominated Tate’s turbine hall with 100 million individually hand-crafted life-sized sunflower seeds sculpted and painted by specialists in Jingdezhen, China. It was an invitation to reflect on the ‘Made in China’ phenomenon, and more broadly, contemporary cultural exchange. Ai confronts the vast history of ceramic art, smashes it open and pieces it back together to astonishing, and explosive effect.

Grayson Perry

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (14)

(Image credit: © Grayson Perry. Courtesy the artist and Victoria Miro)

A mere whisper of the term ‘ceramic art’ is usually enough to bring Grayson Perry’s work into the conversation. The artist’s command of the medium as a storytelling device is nonpareil, chronicling scenes of contemporary British life with wit, poignancy and nostalgia. At first glance, these pieces are alluring, playful and spirited. A closer inspection often brings with it a change in mood, as his sgraffito surfaces reveal loaded stories of prejudice, injustice, desire, disaster, religion, mass media and power. His work – which also extends across cast iron, bronze and printmaking – is dense with autobiographical references and unflinching societal statements. Perry simultaneously flips ceramics on its head to question the social status of the medium itself – turning its purity into a vehicle for fiery allegory.

Genesis Belanger

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (15)

(Image credit: Jillian Freyer)

In the work of Brooklyn-based sculptorGenesis Belanger, nothing is quite what it seems. Demure pastel hues and mundane objects are skewered with sharp wit and cultural critique - ingredients that make for uncanny visual consumption. Unlike many ceramic artists, Belanger eschews glazes in favour of a matte surface. Colours use either the natural tones of the clay or involve blending pigments into the stoneware or porcelain. Often involving mid-century furniture, pills, food, telephones, candles,flowers and displaced body parts, Belanger’s ceramic compositions are smorgasbords of surprise and conceptual depth. Each piece is packaged like a surreal novella, bound up in contemporary realism: feminist critiques of contemporary America, vanity, excess, consumerism, and in a 2020 show at The Aldrich, grief and loss.

Theaster Gates

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (16)

(Image credit: Chris Strong, Courtesy Gagosian, © Theaster Gates.)

American artist Theaster Gates has a practice of many facets. Through his socially-engaged art, Gates delves into race, territory, and the history of objects. He trained as a potter, and maintains a deep affinity with clay. For Gates, the ceramic vessel is rooted in metaphor: a container of spirituality, ritual and universality, and architecture for shared experiences. Last year, Gates staged ‘Black Vessel’ at Gagosian New York, in which he created a space for contemplation through large-scale works in glazed and fired clay. The artist’s ability to unify age-old traditions and ceramic sensitivities with contemporary themes and aesthetics anchors him as a forerunner of contemporary ceramic art, and a great deal more. Read afull interview with Gates forour At Home With series.

Lubna Chowdhary

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (17)

(Image credit: press)

The work of London-based artist Lubna Chowdhary is all about tensions and hybridity: between manual and industrial, East and West, minimalism and superfluity. Born in Tanzania to Indian parents, the artist creates vivid hand-painted tiles, three-dimensional objects and spacial installations that defy easy categorisation. Chowdhary’s interests lie in the malleability of clay, its relationship with the human hand and colour’s capacity to generate visual and emotional responses. Through her bold lashings of colour, lustrous surfaces and gridlike geometric constructions, the medium is imbued with wide-ranging histories, geographies and cultures. Her new exhibition at Jhaveri Contemporary in Mumbai centres on the concept of code-switching, the act of shifting between linguistic codes and systems. This, in the context of Chowdhary’s work, means an interchange between different modes of production, cultural references and media, conveyed through tiled ceramic work, paintings and collages on paper.Lubna Chowdhary is currently exhibiting at Frieze New York in theJhaveri Contemporary online viewing room.

Zizipho Poswa

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (18)

(Image credit: Nico Krijno)

The Cape Town-based ceramicist’s titanic totemic works, vividly hued and often of variegated parts, are deeply rooted in her experience as a Xhosa woman. In 2006, Poswa co-founded Cape Town ceramic studio Imiso, a leap that allowed her to translate her training in textile design into the ceramic sphere. Her relatively recent success as an independent artist came after two decades of dedication to clay as a vehicle for expression, and as a business. Her stoneware pieces, ambitious in scale and often composed of different parts, draw on Xhosa rituals and textiles, the water vessels carried by Xhosa women, and African hairstyles. Texture plays a central role in Poswa’s work: course surface treatments are often juxtaposed with silky smooth appendages (or vice versa), and other striking embellishments that bridge the gap between tradition and modernity.


Contemporary ArtCeramics

Ceramic artists: top trail-glazers breaking the mould (2024)


What is breaking the mold new approaches to ceramics? ›

Breaking The Mould: New Approaches to Ceramics is an astonishing collection of the most exciting ceramic design today, exploring the increasingly varied ways in which the boundaries of pottery design are being extended and challenged by contemporary makers.

Why ceramic artists are so good at dealing with failure? ›

Clay is not forgiving to the individual who is always moving forward,” he offers. To grow and develop new work, artists must face brushes with failure. He recalls a surprisingly liberating four-month period where he was making large porcelain sculptures that consistently failed.

Who was the ceramic artist in 1950? ›

In the early 1950s many potters, along with furniture and glass designers were influenced by the popular Scandinavian artisans. Others, such as Americans, Polia Pillin, Gertrud and Otto Natzler, and Peter Voulkos, created their own interpretations of abstract expressionism.

What does mold mean in ceramics? ›

Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

A mold a shaped cavity used to make a copy of an object. It can consist of one or many sections and is used to reproduce work in clay or clay slip.

Do ceramic artists make money? ›

A Ceramic Artist in your area makes on average $53 per hour, or $1.55 (30.152%) more than the national average hourly salary of $51.37.

Why is ceramic art so expensive? ›

Different types of clay come at different prices, and the amount of clay you need for your projects will also affect the overall cost. Additionally, you'll need to invest in various tools and equipment such as a pottery wheel, a kiln, and pottery glazes.

What is the oldest ceramic art you can find? ›

The oldest known ceramic artifact is dated as early as 28,000 BCE (BCE = Before Common Era), during the late Paleolithic period. It is a statuette of a woman, named the Venus of Dolní Věstonice, from a small prehistoric settlement near Brno, in the Czech Republic.

Who started ceramics? ›

The earliest pottery vessels date from East Asia, with discoveries in China and Japan, which were still linked by a land bridge at the time, as well as some in what is now the Russian Far East, providing many between 20,000–10,000 BCE despite the vessels being simple utilitarian tools.

What is pottery artist called? ›

Studio potters can be referred to as ceramic artists, ceramists, ceramicists or as an artist who uses clay as a medium. Much studio pottery is tableware or cookware but an increasing number of studio potters produce non-functional or sculptural items.

What are 2 ceramic techniques an artist might use? ›

Ceramic objects can be built by hand using slab, coiling, and pinching techniques. Potters also use wheel throwing to create symmetrical pottery and slip casting to create multiples of one object.

What's the difference between pottery and ceramic? ›

In summary, pottery is a type of ceramics that specifically involves shaping and firing clay to create functional or decorative objects. Ceramics is the more general term encompassing a wide range of materials and products that are formed by firing non-metallic inorganic materials at high temperatures.

Can you be a self-taught ceramicist? ›

If you don't want to, or can't afford, to take classes, I'd start looking at videos on hand building. A small banding wheel, an old credit card, a sponge, bucket of water and a bag of clay would be enough to get started on hand building. I've also seen some incredible pinch pots.

What is mold breaking? ›

phrase. If you say that someone breaks the mold, you mean that they do completely different things from what has been done before or from what is usually done. See full dictionary entry for mold.

What are the disadvantages of ceramic mold casting? ›

The main disadvantages are: it is only cost effective for small- to medium-sized production runs and the ceramic is not reusable. Ferrous and high-temperature non-ferrous are most commonly cast with these processes; other materials cast include: aluminum, copper, magnesium, titanium, and zinc alloys.

What is the method of Moulding ceramics? ›

Introduce a specialized gelling agent into the binder, ensuring thorough mixing. Place the slurry mixture into the pattern, forming the desired shape for the ceramic mold. Subject the slurry-filled pattern to high temperatures, allowing for proper curing and shaping of the ceramic mold.

What is the difference between the traditional ceramics and the new ceramics as far as raw materials are concerned? ›

Raw materials

While traditional ceramics are made using natural materials, such as feldspar, quartz, or clay, advanced ceramics are made using synthetic powders, such as aluminium oxide, silicon carbide, silicon nitride, and others.

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