Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (2024)

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (1)

Josh Helmer

June 15, 2024 7:10 pm CT

New Iowa women’s basketball guard Lucy Olsen was a splash name for the Hawkeyes out of the transfer portal.

At Villanova last season, Olsen ranked third nationally in points per game. The 5-foot-9 guard averaged 23.3 points, 4.8 rebounds and 3.8 assists per game last season with the Wildcats. Olsen shot 43.8% from the field, 29.4% from 3-point range and 80.7% from the free-throw line.

ESPN regarded Olsen as the fourth-best player in the transfer portal.

Olsen and the Iowa women’s basketball team are currently going through summer workouts. Now that she’s settled in some in Iowa City, Olsen took some time to join the “Hawkeye Report Podcast” to discuss her transition to the Hawkeyes.

Hawkeye Report’s Tom Kakert and Kyle Huesmann caught up with Olsen to discuss the move to the black and gold.

Here’s their full interview. Plus, Olsen’s comments transcribed below.

On her reaction to Lisa Bluder's retirement

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (2)

Gregory Fisher-USA TODAY Sports

Lucy Olsen: Yeah, I was in the car driving and I was just shocked when she told me. I was like, ‘What? That’s crazy.’ But then, it kind of made sense. She’s been doing it for a while. She had a great year to end on. And then when she told me, Jan was on the phone as well, so they said Jan was taking over. And I’m like, ‘Alright. Fine with me.’ I met Jan during the visit. She was awesome. I loved her. They were talking about how pretty much the whole team was going to stay, all the coaching staff was going to stay, so nothing is really changing. Obviously, it would’ve been awesome to get coached by coach Bluder, but coach Jan has been awesome. I really trusted her and what the program had. I loved the team and if they were all staying, it sold it for me anyways.

On the process of visiting and committing to Iowa out of the transfer portal

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (3)

Steph Chambers/Getty Images

Lucy Olsen: It feels like forever ago now, but when it was happening, definitely overwhelming. It got out before I actually entered that I was transferring, so that was crazy and then as soon as I entered and my name popped up in the portal, coach Bluder called. That was like my first call. Yeah, on the phone, she just sounded amazing. All the coaches sounded amazing. I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, these places are great.’ But, there was something about coach Bluder that I just wanted to know more of and we hopped on a Zoom the next day with all of the coaching staff and my parents. Learned more about each of them and the program. Then, we were like. Let’s set up a visit because I only have … I think it was early April, so finals were like in the end of May or beginning of May. You can’t really go on visits if students are taking finals, so I was like, ‘Alright. Let’s try to get this stuff in early.’

Oh, and I was doing the USA 3×3 trials, so that was the end of April. So, I’m like, ‘Alright. I have right now to get it done.’ So, the only time that fit was right after the WNBA draft and they flew back in the middle of the night to meet up with us. That just showed a lot that they really wanted me. It felt good to be wanted enough that they were just putting a lot of time and effort into it, so it showed me that I could trust them. Once I got here, they were super nice. All the coaches were great. They just seemed like great coaches but even nicer people. And then I got to go out to dinner with the team and everyone was just so fun, so nice, friendly, and obviously they get it done on the court. So, it was just the perfect fit and when I was leaving I was like, ‘This is everything I want and more, so I don’t really see why I would go on any other visit.’

On having the confidence to follow Caitlin Clark

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (4)

Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports

Lucy Olsen: Yeah, I mean, obviously she’s amazing, greatest player to come through Iowa. She left a legacy. But, I think what I’ve kind of just been going with is I’m not Caitlin Clark, I’m not going to try to be Caitlin Clark. I’m just going to come out here, have fun, play basketball with a new team, see what we can get done. We’re the underdogs again, so let’s make something happen. And the coaches just had so much confidence in me that it helped me I guess get over that little thought of, ‘Oh, do I want to follow in that?’ And she also texted me which was cool and she’s like, ‘They really want to have you here.’ And I feel like just hearing that from someone that did just do all of that was another big step in my thought process.

Similarities at Iowa after taking over Maddy Siegrist's scoring role at Villanova

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (5)

Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

Lucy Olsen: Yeah, for sure. It is pretty similar. I think Villanova was a little different because we had a lot of great players, but we didn’t really know who was going to step up and I wasn’t going into it like, ‘Oh, I want to try to take over Maddy Siegrist’s scoring role.’ It just kind of happened that way. Here, I feel like I’m a little bit … I’m still a newcomer, so I’m trying to find my spot in it. And I know we have great players here, too, so it’s trying to figure out how we all play together. Both of them, it’s just I want to win. So, whatever it takes to win. I think last year the leadership part of it I had to grow in. I think that’ll help coming to Iowa, because we have five freshmen, some upperclassmen, but I think the leadership part of it I’m going to try to take with me.

On immediately getting into the gym at Iowa

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (6)

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

Lucy Olsen: I was itching the whole time to get in the gym. I just wanted to shoot, especially after two plane flights. I’m like, ‘I need to go shoot around.’ And I’m not a big shopper either. Once I got here, my mom was like, ‘Oh, we’ve got to decorate your room, go grocery shopping.’ All that. I’m like, ‘I don’t really want to.’ So, finally I had some free time. Finally hit the gym. Taylor (McCabe) showed me around. I still didn’t have my access. Now, I have my access. Now, I can get in whenever I want. I’m loving life.

On the first few days of summer workouts

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (7)

Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

Lucy Olsen: Yeah, I think because it is a new era. New coach, new players, it brought us all together more. We all want the same thing. We don’t know if it’s going to be the same as last year. It’s going to be different because of all of these new people, but everyone really came together. The energy’s been great at practice. It’s been loud. The freshmen are definitely not shy. They are bringing the energy; they’re bringing the enthusiasm. They’re fun and I think the workouts have been good. I’m exhausted, so I think that’s a good sign that we’re working hard. I don’t know coach Jan as anything but a head coach and I think she’s doing a great job so far.

On how much she saw Iowa's women's basketball fan support while at Villanova

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (8)


Lucy Olsen: Yeah, I mean, just watching them on TV, it’s amazing. I feel like you can’t really understand it unless you’re there. Going into the gym, shooting around, I’m like, ‘This place is going to be packed with people. It’s going to be crazy in here.’ So, I’m super excited to step on the floor for my first time with all those people.

I got off the plane and there was someone when I was picking up my Chick-fil-A. They were like, ‘Hey, can we get a picture with you?’ I was like, ‘Man, how do they even know me?’ But, the Iowa fans have just been so nice and everyone they’re like, ‘I know you don’t know me, but if you ever need anything.’ I’m like, ‘Thanks!’ Everyone’s just so nice here and supportive. At Villanova, we had a very big crowd. They were all like little kids cheering. They didn’t know if we won or lost, but they were just happy to be there. I think it’s a different type of crowd. Bigger, but, yeah, I’m super excited to meet more fans and see it all in action.

If that Iowa fan interest surprised her

Lucy Olsen: I was not ready for it, because I’m like, ‘I haven’t even stepped on the court yet. Why are you (asking for a picture)? You don’t even know.’ I don’t know. Hopefully, I’m prepared. I mean, I’m going to enjoy it all. I’m not going to wish none of it happens. It’s my choice. I’m excited for it. I couldn’t be happier to be in this position and playing for such an amazing crowd.

On what kind of player she is

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (10)

David Butler II-USA TODAY Sports

Lucy Olsen: I’m gonna smile. I love to play basketball, so I’m going to have fun with it. Whatever we need, whatever coach needs us to do to win, that’s what I’m going to try to do. If I need to score the ball, I’ll try to score the ball. Play defense, get a little scrappy. That’s the goal. Anything to help us win.

On her midrange jumper

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (11)

David Butler II-USA TODAY Sports

Lucy Olsen: Yeah, that’s funny. I didn’t really have it in high school. I don’t really know where it came from or why I started doing it, but in college I just fell in love with it. I think my size is interesting because I’m long, but I’m not the strongest, so I feel like the midrange I can shoot over people and they can’t really body me. I think that’s why I started to, that’s what I was adapting to. Yeah, I don’t know. I love the midrange, though. It’s so much fun.

What part NIL, the Iowa Swarm played in her decision

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (12)

Joseph Cress/Iowa City Press-Citizen / USA TODAY NETWORK

Lucy Olsen: Yeah, I think it was more of a bonus of my decision in that Iowa happened to have such a great Swarm business already. Mostly I was looking somewhere that I could just go play basketball for fun, get exposed. The Big Ten Network’s a little different than FloHoops. I want to go play at the next level, so some exposure like that and play with different people. The Swarm was just a bonus on top to give me a little cushion for after college, but that wasn’t a main thing that I was looking for when I was entering the portal.

Who she is excited to play in the Big Ten

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (13)

Jayne Kamin-Oncea-USA TODAY Sports

Lucy Olsen: One, Illinois, because they beat us in the WBIT. I’m a big I don’t like you until I beat you person, so we really shouldn’t have any beef, but now I have beef with Illinois. I’m excited to play UCLA, USC just because I don’t think I’ve really played (West Coast teams). We went out to Oregon last year, but we haven’t played that many teams from the West Coast, or I haven’t played that many teams from the West Coast before. Yeah, I don’t know. I’m excited to play everyone. I’ve only played Penn State, Illinois from the Big Ten. Everyone’s strong, competitive. I’m excited. It’s going to be a game every night.

The chemistry between her and Taylor McCabe

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (14)

Joseph Cress/For the Register / USA TODAY NETWORK

Lucy Olsen: We were scrimmaging the other day, playing pick-up and we were on the same team which was fun. We got to try that out a little bit and she can shoot the lights out so it’s great to have her on my team. I’m like, ‘Stay on my team the whole time. I’ll find you.’ But, she was knocking down shots. The more we play together, the more we’re going to find each other on the little pocket passes. Yeah, I love it. I’m like, ‘Here, shoot it.’ And then she’ll just make it. I’m like, ‘This is great.’

Other Iowa coaches being a part of her visit, the tornado warning

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (15)

Robert Goddin-USA TODAY Sports

Lucy Olsen: Yes, that is true. Met the football coach and the field hockey coach, so that was really cool. And then, the tornado warning was funny because we were sitting in the coach’s office, me and my parents, and then all of the coaches. It was getting into a serious conversation. All of a sudden the rain is coming down sideways and it switches directions and we’re like, ‘What’s happening?’ Our phones start going off. They’re like, ‘Oh no, a tornado warning. Let’s go down to the locker room.’

My parents and I are like, ‘What?’ I’ve never been in a tornado warning situation. We don’t really get those in Pennsylvania. And then my mom, she’s like,‘Oh, I want to see it. Do people go outside?’ I’m like, ‘What are you talking about? You can’t see the tornado.’ They’re like, ‘No, no. People go and watch them.’ I’m like, ‘No, you’re not going to watch it.’ But then we sat in the locker room for like 20 minutes. Yeah, that was exciting. We were saying things are getting shaken up, the storm’s coming. That was fun. Definitely memorable.

What Iowa practices are like

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (16)

Matthew Holst/Getty Images

Lucy Olsen: Villanova was a very five-out, pass and cut offense and Iowa has a lot of similarities with that. The pass and cut. I think that helps a lot. It doesn’t feel like I’m learning from the start again and just a lot of concepts are similar, which is nice. I think coach Jan’s been doing a really good job of explaining why we’re doing the drills we’re doing and how that will help us in games. My brain works like that. If I don’t know why I’m doing it, I get confused and then I’m all out of whack. She’s been doing a really good job of explaining it but then letting us figure it out, which I think is awesome. I don’t know what the practices were like last year, but I like the format of them this year.

On Iowa's offensive pace

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (17)

Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

Lucy Olsen: Yeah, that was definitely a nice part about Iowa. I love how they run the floor. It’s fun to be able to pass it up to someone, they create and you score within 10 seconds of the shot clock. I love how they were able to just play basketball. It didn’t look like they were setting up a play the whole time. Yeah, that was definitely a big part of my commitment.

On having freedom in Iowa's offense and running it

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (18)

Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports

Lucy Olsen: Yeah, I think how they’ve explained it so far in what we’ve been doing is it’s a very read and react type of offense. Whoever has the ball kind of chooses what they want to do and then based on what happens there, the next players can read off of it. It’s more of concepts and learning the game of basketball and then just playing out of it so there is a lot of freedom.

If Iowa has exceeded her expectations

Lucy Olsen discusses Iowa transition on 'Hawkeye Report Podcast' (19)

Joseph Cress/Iowa City Press-Citizen / USA TODAY NETWORK

Lucy Olsen: Yeah, I didn’t really know what to expect, but, as we were flying in, all you can see is cornfields. So, I’m like, ‘Oh boy, I don’t know what I’m really getting into right now.’ But then you take like a 25-minute drive and you get into the city and I love how campus trickles right into downtown. And I also love how everything is 10 to 15 minutes apart. You don’t really have to drive that far to get to anything. But yeah, it definitely exceeded my expectations because the only thing I saw was cornfields. But, it’s not. It’s much more. And you have everything you need in this one area. I love it.

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