The Capital Times from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)

Home Owned-Home Edited Home Read THE CAPITAt TIMES WISCONSIN Wednesday Afternoon, January 15, 1911 MADISON 1VE1V YORK STOCK QUOTATIONS (By the Associated Press I Mt. Iloreb Pin Team Faces Lodi Friday TRI COUNTY BOWLING 15 Chicago Com Prices Score Gains of Cent CHICAGO, Jan 15 (IP) Corn prices continued their creeping advance today, scoring gains of almost a cent at times reflecting a let-up in country selling and the materially improved corn-hog price feeding ratio. Wheat rose sympathetically with corn. There was an absence of pressure in the pit and scattered purchases credited to previous short sellers as well as cash gram dealers and millers lifting hedges strengthened the market. Receipts were; wheat 8 cars, corn 109, oats 11.

Corn closed cent higher than yesterday, May 64-, July 63; wheat unchanged to up, May 87 July 82-'; oats higher. Kresge 26 Kroger Grocery 23 mm Lehman Corp 22 Lib Glass 4) Loews 3.1 Liggett and Myers 9f- Loft Inc 16 Lone Stai Cement 40 Lonllard 1' Lockheed 26 Hi 30 Mathleson Alkali 28 Marshall Field 14 Mid Cont Pet 74 Minn Mol 4 Miami Copper 9 Monsanto 85 Mont Ward 3 N- Nash Kelvinator Nat Biscuit Nat Dairy Prod Nat Distillers Nat Lead Natl Steel Nchi Corp Newport Industries Cent 14 Nor Amer Avia 16 Nor Amer Co 16 Nor Pac 6 Ohio Oil J-1 Otis Steel Owens 111 G1 5 17 11 23 17 S'-! 8 8 9 47 Packard 3 Pa rani Iict 11 Pennev 84 Penn 2.1 Phelps Dodge 33 Phil Morris 77 Phillis Pet 39 Proctor and Gamble 57 Purity Baking ll' Pub Svc 20 Pullman 26 Pure Oil S'fc Radio Corn of Amer 4 Radio Keith Oph-eum 3 Reming Rand 9 Rcipub Steel 21 Reyn Tob 33 -s- Safewav Stores 41 Schenley Distill 11 Sears Roebuck 77' Shell In OU 12 Soc Vac 9 8 10 27 37 Sou Pac Servel Corp S. Calif Edison Sperry Corp Srrrry Stand Brands Stand Oil Cal a i Vk 6 'A 20 Spiegel, Inc 6 Graysons Talents Wasted in Hawaii; He Should Be Stirring Things Up Over in London (While NEA Sports Editor Harry Grayson vacations, The Scoreboard Is written by leading sports editors and sports authorities.) By FRANCIS WALLACE (Widely-known Sports Authority and Writer) I HAVE been asked by my old pal Harry to help fill his space while he is cavorting on the beach at Waikiki. Any subject, he says, will do. Okay.

My subject is Grayson. I always figure that people who read a writer every day are interested In what kind of a guy he is. At least, back in the old home town of Bellaire, Ohio, the fans are always asking me about the personalities of writers. Well, Grayson is just like Grayson. Hes unique.

Hes a 'living legend among the sport writers and that's why 1 think hes worth writing about for the boys are cynically modest about publicizing each other. Harry is a regular guy and a great newspaperman. He gets Impulses and follows them to strange places such as Waikiki. He has a sense of humor and he also has all the masculine virtues you can think of. HE'S somewhere around 40 but he hops around like a 20-year-old.

He keeps in shape probably without any effort. He's about 6 feet, 180, has sharp dark eyes, plenty of hair that Is edging from black to gray. His voice Is quick and he knows all the American dialects, Including the profane. He's always good for laughs and he tells a story better than he knows. He has a full background in sports and he knows as many people personally as any other man you can mention.

I get around some myself in a years time; and wherever I go I look for Grayson and usually find him. He's where the fun and laughs are but the thing about Grayson Is that he's always working. He is always looking for an angle and hes always asking questions. He can get more work out of other newspapermen than anybody I know; and I don't know any reporter who gives more to his job. I first met him in New York about 15 years ago.

He came there with a reputation from the coast. Since then America has been his field. He's a real rambler. He's welcome anywhere except in those circles where he ha3 recently told somebody the truth where it hurt either in print or vocally. He does either very well.

HIS friends and pals are legion. He went to Cuba a few years ago on a holiday and became a pal of the dictator. Now when Grayson goes back, the army meets him. There's an economic waste at the moment with Grayson at Waikiki. He should be in the war zone.

Grayson would wake those generals up in the middle of the night. Hed make a parachute landing In London. Hed have Churchill writing pieces for him and he'd tell Hitler exactly where to get off and probably get away with it. In fact, he and I tried just that during the World Series in Cincinnati. We were at a bar at 3 in the morning and life was pleasant.

I said that the trouble with Hitler was that he didn't know how to have tun. The idea appealed to Grayson and he immediately put in a call for Hitler collect. But Hitler never answered. Perhaps he'd heard of Gravson. MADISON MARKETS LIVESTOCK MARKET BY OSCAR MAYER CO.

Jan. 15 The following quotations are for good and choice hogs only: Hog Market 50 to 75 Higher Light lights, 140-160 7.508.60 Light weights, 160-180 ....8.258.70 Light weights, 180-200 ....8.50 8.75 Medium weights, 200-220 ..8.508.75 Medium weights, 220-250 ...8.35 8.75 Heavy weights, 250-290 ...8.258.60 Heavy weights, 290-350 ....7.75 8.50 Slaughter pigs, 100-140 6.00 8.00 Packing sows, 275-350 7.50 7.70 Packing sows, 350-425 7.00 7.50 Packing sows, 425-550 6.50 7.35 Cattle Market Steady to 25 Higher Butcher stock quotations follow; Common to fair cows 5.75 6.00 Fair to good cows 6.00 6.75 Good to choice cows 6.75 7.25 Good to prime cows 7.25 8.00 Common to fair heifers 6.007.00 Fair to good heifers 7.009 00 Good to choice heifers ....9.00 11.00 Canner Cutter quotations follow: Common to fair canners .,.4.00 4.25 Fair to good canners ......4.25 4.75 Common to fair canners 5.00 5.25 Fair to good cutters 5.25 5.75 Native Beef cattle quotations follow: Low grade steer 5.50 7.00 Common to fair yearlings ..7.00 8.50 Fair to good yearlings 8.5010.00 Good to choice yearlings 10 00 11.00 Fair to good steers 8 00 10 00 Choice to prime yearlings 11.00 12.50 Good to choice steers 10 0011.50 Choice to prime steers 11.00 12.75 Bull quotations follow! Common to fair bolognas ,.5.50 6.00 to good bolognas 6.00 6.50 Good to choice bolognas ...6.50 7.00 Fair to good bulls 6.00 7.00 Handy weight butcher bulls 7.00 8.00 Veal Market 50 Higher Selects 12.50 Good to choice 10.00 12.00 Medium 8.00 9.50 Culls and common 5.00 7.50 Lamb Market Strong Todays lamb quotations: Native lambs, good-choice 9.25 10.25 Native lambs, fair-good ...8.00 9.25 Native lambs, common to fair 6.50 8.00 Native lambs, cull, inferior to best 4 50 6.00 LIVE POULTRY Southern Wisconsin Produce C. Heavy hens, over 5 lbs 15 Light and leghorn hens 12 No. 2 hens 06 Cox ...07 Rock springs 18 Colored springs, over 4 lbs 17 Leghorn springs 10 White spring ducks over 5 lbs. 11 Colored spring ducks 10 Capons, over 7 lbs 20 DRESSED POULTRY Fancy young tom turkeys Over 14 lbs 18 Under 14 lbs, 18 Fancy young hen turkeys 20 Fancy capons over 6 lbs.

22 Fancy geese, over 12 lbs 13 Fancy geese, under 12 lbs 13 Fancy young ducks 14 No. 2 poultry, all kinds at value EGGS Southern Wisconsin Produce Co. Grade A large 16 Grade A medium 14 Grade 14 Undergraduates 12 KLINKE HATCHERY Closing Prices Wednesday Alaska Juneau 4 Aft Chcm and Dye ibuy. Allis Ch Air Reduction v'-s Allied Stores Allied Mins amer Can Amer Car and Edy -9; 4 Amer Met Amer Pone and Lt Amer Rad and St Am III Am Sm-t and Am Sti Edrs Amer Tel Am Tob Am Wat Wks Am Zinc and Anaconda Zb Armour 111 Atch and 21 Ttl Ref Av torp Baltimore and Ohio 9 Baldwin Loco 7 a Earnsdall 9- Ben Av Beth Steel "I Boe Airp Borden Llaw Knox Borg Warner I94 Brooklyn Man Trans Burroughs Briggs Mlg 4 Budd Mfg Byers A. M.

Co 40 a C-- Cal and Hec Can Dry Ale Can Pac Cater Tr Celanese Celotex Cerro De Pas 344 Cer Td Pd 4 Chrysler ,7 Coca Cola ....704 Col and El 4' 1 Com Cr 3-: Com Sol 4 Cons Edison -t Cons Oil Col. Palm Peet 12 Commercial Credit 3" Cmwlth Edison Congoleum 17 2 font. Baking A font Can 39 Font Oil Del 23 Corn Prod 43 Crown Zellerbach 14 Crane Co 19 Curtis Pub Co Cutler Hammer 19 Curt Wright 9 Deere and Co 21 4 Douglas Aire 7714 Du Pont 10 Fastman Kodak 7 13 38 48 27 9 Eler Boat El and Lt Ex-Cello-O Corp -G- Gen Motors Gil Saf 3 Goodrich 14 Goodyear Great West Sugar Gt Nor Ir Ore cst Gt Nor Ry nf Greyhound Corp 19 21 13 -27 12 II Hecker 7 Homestake Mining 51 1 Hiram Walker 29 Hudson Motor 4 111 Cent 7 Inter Iron 10' Inter Har 5 Int. Hydro Eler 2 Interstate Dept St 7' Int Nirk Can 26 Int an dP pf 65 Inti Tel 2 Johns Manville --K- Kennerott Cop 62 35 Stock Slide Continues in Dull Trading MARKETS AT A GLANCE NEW YORK, Jan. 15 UP) STOCKS Easy; leaders dip In light trade.

BONDS Narrow; some specialties move up. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Quiet; quotations hold steady. COTTON Firm; trade, mill and Bombay buying. SUGAR Higher, refine price up 5 points METALS Steady; spot tin price moves up. WOOL TOPS Improved; short covering, trade support CHICAGO WHEAT Firm- some short covering.

CORN Higher; reduced country sales. HOGS Active, 50-75 higher; top $9. CATTLE) Fairly active; fed steers 25 higher. DOW-JONES STOCK AVERAGES By Hulburd, Warren and Chandler 65 Stocks 44.Z1 31 30 Ind 131.5193 20 Rails 29.0625 15 Utilities 20.14 10 DOW JONES BOND AVERAGES By Hulburd, Warren and handler 40 Bonds 91.85 off .16 10 1st Rails 96 84 off .22 10 2nd Rails 52.73 off .37 10 Utilities 110.20 .08 10 Industrials 107.83 up .05 DOW-JONES COMMODITY INDEX By Hulburd, Warren and Chandler 11 Commodities 57.41 up 15 Commodities used In compiling the index are: Cocoa, coffee, corn, cotton, hides, oats, rubber, rye, silk, sugar and wheat NEAV YORK, Jan. 15 (TP) Most stocks were marked down fractions to around 2 points today in extension of a sluggish decline from the recent new year upswing.

The market seemed to give ground mainly from lack of buying support rather than important selling. Transactions, approximating 400,000 shares, were the smallest in three months. Selective demand for individual issues again was evident in scattered gains and new 1940-41 peaks, chiefly among preferred stocks. The rising trend of basic commodity prices since large-scale defense expenditures began to dominate industrial conditions was spotlighted anew by a steep upturn in hogs. Commodities on the whole were uneven but an undertone of strength was noticeable in various markets benefitting from expansion of urban buying power.

Up fractions to more than a point most of the day were U. S. Industrial Alcohol, American Sugar Refining preferred, Consolidated Cigar and Associated Dry Goods second preferred. Bank Stocks By Thomson and McKinnon Bid Ask Bankers Trust 56 56', First National, Chicago 275 278 font Illinois, Chicago 90 90 Chase National 34 34 Guaranty Trust 297299 National City 628 28 Wisconsin Bankshares 5- 5 LATE BOND QUOTATIONS By Holley, Dayton and Gernon Amer Pow and Lt 6s 2016 105 Amer Tel and Tel 3s 2016 109 Armour and Co 4s 1955 Ida-; Assoc Gas and El 5s 1950 15 Assoc Tel 5s 1955 69 Atch Top and 4s 1995 109.14 Baldwin Loco 6s 1950 122 Balt and Ohio 5s 1995 4134 Bell Tel (Canada) B. 5s 1957 110 Chi and By 3s 1987 18 Cities Serv Co 5s 1950 86 ot'nt Gas and El 5s 1958 93 Fast Gas and Fuel 4s 1956 89 Great Nor Ry 4s 1946 99 Mont Power 3s 1966 106' Central 4s 2013 62 Nor Pac 6s 2047 6S Sou Pac 4s 1981 44Ui Stand Gas and El 6s 1957 78 United Drug 5s 1953 89 West Union 5s 1960 80t4 Wis Pow and Lt 4s 1966 107 Young Sh and 4s 1948 103 INVESTMENT COMPANIES By Harley Haydon and Co.

Bid Ask Boston Fund 14.1615.23 Bullock Fund, Ltd 12.7713.99 Canadian Invest Fund 2.65 3.45 Century Shares Trust 25.5727.49 Chemical Fund 9.3710.14 Dividend Shares 1.12 1.23 Fidelity Fund 16.5417.80 Fundamental Inv 15.7817.29 Incorporated Investors ....14.2315.30 Maryland Fund 3.50 4.45 Mass Inv. Trust 18.31 19.69 Quarterly Ineome Shares 5.90 6.85 Selected Amer Shares 8.20 8.94 Spencer Trask Fund 13.7414.57 State Street 61.7564.50 Supervised Shares 8.78 8.9.3 Trusteed Industry Shares .74 .83 UNITED STATES BONDS Thomson and McKinnon Prices in dollars and thirty-seconds Bid Ask Treasury 3s of 1941-43 Treasury 3 of 1941 Treasury 3s of 1943-47 Treasury 3s of 1943-45 Treasury of 1944-46 Of 1944-54 .101.23101.25 .102.19 102.21 .107.23 107.25 ..108.1 108.3 .109.2 109.4 ..113.8 113.10 ..109.11109.13 ..108.21108.23 ..111.15111.17 ..112.5 112.7 ..121.2 121.5 .106.12106.14 ..110.2 110.4 ..109.18109.20 .105.23 105.25 ,.113.20113.22 .107.11107.13 Treasury 4s Treasury 2s of 1945-47 Treasury 2s of 1945 Treasury 3s of 1946-48 Treasury 3s of 1946-49 Treasury 4s of 1947-52 Treasury 2s of 1947 Treasury 2s of 1948-51 Treasury 2s of 1948 Treasury 2s of 1948-50 Treasury 3s of 1949-52 Treasury 2s of 1949-53 Treasury 2s of 1950-52 ..107.13107.15 Treasury 2 of 1951-54 ..109,12109,14 Treasury 3s of 1951-55 Treasury 2s of 1951-53 Treasury 2s of 1955-60 ..109.29 109.31 Treasury 214 of 1956-59 .109.9 109.11 Treasury 2 of 1958-63 Treasury 2, of 1960-65 MINNEAPOLIS FLOUR MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 15 ((P) Flour, carload lots, per barrel In 88 pound cotton sacks; family patents, unchanged, 5.75-95; standard patents, unchanged 4.55-75. Shipments 18.425. Pure bran 22 00-50.

Standard middlings 21.25-75. CHICAGO LARD CHICAGO, Jan. 15 (Pi Lard tierces 5.35; loose 5.87; bellies 11.75. days lighter weights showing most advance: bulk good and choice 160-240 lbs 8 75-90; top 9.000; bulk 240-300 lbs 8.50-75; good sows 400 lbs down 7.50-75; 400-500 lbs 7.00-7.60. Salable cattle calves 800; fed steers and yearlings 25 higher; fairly active trade; especially on medium to good grades; all grades and representative weights wanted, however, on both local and outside accounts; most steers selling at 10.00-14.00, with prime long yearlings bid 15.50; sizeable sprinkling good to choice steers 13.50-14.75; best weighty steers 15.15; prime weighty steers being absent; heifers showed fair advance; top 9.75-11.25 with prime offerings high as 13.C0; cows strong to 25, mostly 10-15 higher; choice weighty cows selling up to 9.00; fat cows 6.75-7.75; cutters to 6.25 paid freely: canners 4.50-5.25; bulls steady practical top weighty sausage offerings 800; steers 50 higher, however, strictly good and choice offerings 1300-1400 mostly 13.50.

Salable SHEEP total late Tuesday early fat lamb trade steady; top 10 higher at 10.75 to city butchers; Close slow, weak to 15 lower; bulk good to choice up to 103 lbs fed western lambs 10 35-65: two loads medium to good 94 lbs 9.75; early sales fat lambs 10-15 higher; all early action on packer accounts: early top 10.75 on load good to choice 89 lbs fed western; several loads held higher; few lots Just good grades 10.50-65; good to choice native lambs 10.50-65; yearlings steady; load good fed Texas yearlings 9.00; no early action on slaughter ewes. MATCHES FRIDAY NIGHT Trairie du Sac at Verona. Sauk City at Cross Mains. Lodi at Mt. Iloreb.

Sun Mairie at Middleton. MT. IIOREB. Wis. Mt.

Horeb, having added another game to its flim lead in Tri County traveling bowling league standings last week, hopes to do more of the same thing here Friday night, when it meets the sixth place Lodi quintet Mt. Horeb won two games from Sun Prairie last Friday night while Cross Plains upset the second place Prairie du Sac team by taking two games. Sauk City swept all three games with Verona while Middleton won two from Lodi. The team scores were Mt. Horeb 2.500 (817-831-852), Sun Prairie 2,511 (813-830-868); Cross Plains 2.565 (778-869-918), Prairie du Sac 2.550 (894-817-839); Sauk City 2,800 Verona 2,627 (834-857-936); Middleton 2,548 (857-854-837), Lodi 2,557 (839-904-814).

Carl Laughnan of Sauk City had the lone honor count to lead the individuals with a 625. Milwaukee Pc (Is Nip St. NorberPs 45 to 36 MILWAUKEE A spirited drive late in the game gave the Milwaukee Teachers basketball team a 45 to 36 victory over St. Norbert College of De Pere last night. St.

Norbert played on even terms with the Teachers through most of the game. Milwaukee held a 19-18 edge at the half and a 32-31 margin with only six or seven minutes of the game remaining before its closing rally produced results. Ken Buehler, George Jablonskl and Ray Krzoska scored 13 points apiece for the Teachers. Milwaukee Women's Five Shoots 2,982 MILWAUKEE MP The Kornitz Oil Women's Bowling team of the Plankinton Classic league collaborated on a smashing 2,982 series last night, one of the highest feminine team scores in the nation this season. Bowlers said that the previous high had been a 2,935 series posted by the Logan Square Buicks of Chicago.

The Milwaukee squad put together its total on games of 919, 1,086 and 977. Three Champs Defend Rapids Mitt Crowns WISCONSIN RATIDS (P) 1 Three of the 1940 champions will defend their titles in the seventh annual Central Wisconsin Golden Gloves boxing tournament which opens here tonight. Les Weber, Stratford welterweight, Oliver Moore, Hurley lightweight, and Dante Valenti, Hurley heavyweight, are the champions who will attempt to repeat. Don Ellis, of Wisconsin Rapids, who won the middleweight crown last year, will compete in the light-heavyweight division. Led by Moore and Valenti, a strong Hurley squad will defend the team championship won last year.

Double-W Club Wins Over Verona 42 to 38 VERONA, Wis. (Special) The Double-W Club, only unbeaten amateur team of Madison, scored a 42-38 win over Verona's city team here Monday night. The score was 24-23 at halftime in favor of the winners who were paced by John Verberkmoes on a 14-point total. Russ Bergenske scored 21 points for Verona. The Double-W Club is seeking games with amateur teams within a radius of 50 miles of Madison.

Dclmer Deermg, 2505 Sherman is the manager. Athletics Si(tn Pair of Promising Pitchers PHILADELPHIA (TP) The Athletics had signed contracts today from two of their most promising hurlers Manager Connie Mack said both Porter Vaughan, former University of Richmond, southpaw, and Rankin Johnson, had returned their 1941 agreements signed. Vaughan, for whom great things were predicted a year ago, won only two games and lost eight. Johnson, a big righthander, was with the Midland team in the East Texas league. WANTS LONGER DRILLS NEW HAVEN Emerson Nelson, new Yale university football coach, plans longer spring training seasons, hopes to have players return earlier in the fall.

Penn Mitt Head Sees No Need of Fed. Boxing Czar PHILADELPHIA (P) Chairman Leon Rains of the Pennsylvania athletic commission took issue today with a demand for a federal czar of boxing, asserting that the need rather is for experienced commissioners in the several states. Boxing is never in trouble of any nature where and when it is in the hands of men who know the sport and those who participate in it," said the one-time promoter who now guides the regulation of the sport in one of the nations most ardent fight" states. His statement came after President Joseph Triner of the National Boxing association suggested a federal supervisor for the game. To say that we need a federal commissioner or czar is merely to admit that we have not the right commissioners on job jn our various he dtJared.

1VEW YORK CURB QUOTATIONS By The Associated Prets Closing Prices Wednesday Am Gas and El 28 Avi and Trans 4 Carnation 37 Cities Service 5 El Bond and Sh 4 Ford Can A 10 Gulf Oil 33 CHICAGO STOCK QUOTATIONS By Hulburd, Warren and Chandler CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, Jan. (A Cash wheat: No. 1 northern spring 92. Corn. No.

4 mixed 65; No. 3 yellow No. 4 59-62; No. 5, 57-60; sample grade 56-58: No. 3 whita 68-69; No.

4. 65' No. 5, 62. Oats, No. 1 white 39; No.

2. 39; sample grade white 35; No. 1 white heavy 40; No. 1 white extra heavy 40; No. 1 red heavy 39; No.

1 red extra heavy 39; No 1 mixed heavy 38; No 2, 39; No. 3, 38. Barley, malting 56-65 nom: seed 42-52 nom; No. 1 barley 61-65; No. 1 malting 63; No.

2, 60 Boybeans, No 2 yellow 1 03; No. 3 1.01 No. 4. 1.01. Field seed per hundredweight nominal Timothy 4.00; Alsike 9.50-12.00; fanry red top 7 50-8 00; red clover 8.00-10.00; sweet clover 3.50-4 00.

MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 15 iP) Wheat receipts today 63 cars compared with 93 a year ago. Trading basis unchanged. Quotations higher.

Cash No. 1 heavy northern 90-91Jn. Corn No. 3 yellow 5C-58. Trading basis unchanged.

Quotations higher. Oats No. 3 white 34-35. Rve No. 2.

50-54. Flax No. 1, 1.76-1 81. MILWAUKEE GRAIN MILWAIKEE, Jan. 14 Z) Wheat No.

2 hard 92-93; corn No. 2 yellow 65-65; No. 2 white 70-70: oats No. 2 white 39-39; rye No. 2, 55-57; malting barley 55-63; feed 42-52.

Produce PLYMOUTH CHEESE PLYMOUTH, AA Jan. 11 (A) Cheese quotations for the next week: Wisconsin Cheese Exchange Daisies 16, Brick 15. Horns 16, Cheddars 15 j. Farmers' Call Board Daisies 16. Horns 16.

Cheddars 15. MILWAUKEE PRODUCE MILWAULKLE, Jan. 151?) Butter extras 30; standards 30. Cheese American full cream (current make) 17-18; brick 17-17; llmburger 19-19. F.ggs grade A large 18; A medium 16, ungraded current receipts 16.

Poultry live hens 5 lbs up 17; under 5 lbs 18; leghorns 3 lbs up 15; under 3 lbs 13: springers 18; white rock 19; barred rock 19; Anconas 11; roosters 11; white spring ducks 4 lbs up 16; young ducks 13. old ducks 13; geese 12; turkeys, young toms 14; joung hens 18; old toms 12; No. 2 turkeys 10. Cabbage bu 35-40: ton 8.00-10.00; red bu 65-75; ton 18.00-20.00; new Texas crate 2 25-35. Potatoes Wisconsin cobblers unclassified 1 00-20: Minnesota-N.

Dakota cob-blres 1 15-25; triumphs 1.25-30; washed triumphs 1 50-60, Idaho russets No. 1, 1.65-75; Nebraska triumphs No. 1, washed 2 00-15. Onions domestic yellow No. 1, 50 lb sacks 40.50; Spanish seed 3 inch up 1.35-50.

CHICAGO POULTRY CHICAGO. Jan. 15 (Al Poultry, live, 1 car In, 12 trucks, steady to firm; bens, over 5 lbs 17: 5 lbs and under 18. leghorn hens 13; broilers. 2 lbs and down, colored 17.

Plymouth Rock 18. white rock 18. springs, 4 lbs up, colored 17, Plymouth Rock 18, white rock 19. under 4 lbs. colored 17, Plymouth Rock 18, white rock 19.

stags 14. roosters 10. leghorn roosters 10: ducks, 4 lbs up, colored, 16; white 17; small colored 13; small white 13; geese. 12 lbs down 14, oter 12 lbs 13; turkeys toms, old 12, young over 18 lbs 14. 18 lbs down 15.

hens 18 capons. 7 lbs up 22, under 7 lbs 19, slips 18. NFAV YORK POULTRY NEAV YORK, Jan. 15 Dressed poultry generally steady. Live poultry, by freight, irregular.

Chickens, Rocks, fancy 21-22; colored 16,. Fowls, colored, bulk 29-21; leghorns 131 2-14. Old roosters 13. Tuikeys. hens 24.

youngtoms 18-19. 17. By express irregular: chickens, crosses 22; colored. Virginias 18. Tenne-sees 15; reds 20.

Broilers, Rocks 21-25; crosses 20-22; reds and leehorns 20. Fowls, colored. Virginias 20-21. Tennessee 19-20; Leghorns 16-17, some 37-18. Pullets, Rocks 27-28, medium 26: small 23-24: cresses 26-27.

medium 24-25, small reds 23-24. Old roosters 13. Turkeys, hens 5. young toms 21. Ducks, southerns 15.

NFAV YORK DAIRY NE YORK, Jan. 15 IP) Butter firmer. Creemery: hleher than 92 score and premium marks 31-32; 92 Fcore (rsh 88-91 score 30-21; 84-P7 score 27-29. Cheee 435.C92. stite, whole mi'k flats, held.

J939. 25-25: 1940, 21-22; current makes 17-18. CHICAGO BUTTFR. FOOT CHICAGO, Jan. 15 iA3) Butter, receipts 721.990, fiteadv: creamery.

93 score. 30-31: 92, 30: 91. 29: 90. 29; 89. 29; 88, 28; 90 centralized car- lots 30 jr-nrs receipts 8.831, firmer; fresh graded extra firsts 18: firsts, 17) cti-rent receipts 16 dirties 15.

checks 15, refrigerator extras 18. refrigerator Etand-rds 16. government traded extras, white, loose 28, carton 29. I .1,1 311 IN ii Member Chicago Stock Exchange Dealers in STOCKS BONDS Wisconsin Securities Complete Statistical and Trading Departments 1 i' Table Tennis Shuffleboard Tourneys Scl STARTING dates for both table tennis and shuffleboard tournaments under the sponsorship of the municipal recreation division are announced Tuesday by Director Howard G. Danford.

The table tennis championships will be held from Jan. 23-31 at Longfellow, Lapharn, Marquette, and Washington community centers. On Feb. 7, the city finals between all community center champions will be staged at Lapharn. There will be five events, mens singles and doubles, ladies singles and doubles, and mixed doubles.

All competition will be on a straight elimination basis, two out of three games of 21 points. The finals will be extended to three out of five games. The shuffleboard tournament, held for the first time, will open on Feb. 3 and will continue through Feb. 14 at four community centers, Longfellow, Lapharn, Marquette and Washington.

The finals between all center titlists will be held at Marquette on Feb. 17. Five events will be run off, men's singles and doubles, ladies singles and doubles, and mixed doubles. The tournament will be operated on a straight elimination basis, two out of three games of 50 points. Final games will be three out of five.

Entries for the table tennis tournament must be filed before 10 p. m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21, while the shuffleboard entry deadline is Friday, Jan. 31, 10 p.

m. Central Intercollegiate Shi Meet at La Crosse LA CROSSE, Wis. (P) The first Central United States Intercollegiate Ski Union's downhill and slalom championships will be held here, February 2, Ruefc-en Silvola, University of Wisconsin ski coach and president of the Union, announced Tuesday. Two other major winter sports events are slated for La Crosse this season. They are the outdoor speed skating meet, January 25 and 26, and the United dates Ski Association womens combined downhill slalom championships, February 16.

Thurnblad Kenosha Cue Star, Is Victor CHICAGO (IP) Art Thurnblad, of Kenosha, made a victorious debut yesterday in the three-cushion billiards tournament for the world title. Thurnblad had a strenuous struggle with Joe Moriarty, of Chicago, before he won in 78 innings, 50 to 46. The men were tied at 8-all at the end of 18 Innings. The ex-champion then fell behind but later rallied to squeeze by with a triumph in hia initial start of the month-long event. PREP BASKETBALL PREP BASKETBALL Results Tuesday Night DANE COUNTY JUNIOR McFarland 42, Sun Prairie Sacred Heart 29.

Cross Plains 29. Cottage Grove 6. DUAL COUNTY Rio 34, Randolph 26. Cambria 27, Reeseviile 26. Fox Lake 30.

Povnette 26. Fardeeville 30, Fall River 26 (Mon.) JUNEAU COl N'TY New Lisbon 35, Elroy 21. Wonewoc 23, Camp Douglas 20. N'ecedah 22, Hillsboro 20. LITTLE TEN Berlin 35.

Hartford 30. MADISON SUBURBAN Oregon 36, Marshall 30. NON CONFERENCE FDGEAVOOD 31, Waupun 20. Blanchardville 30, Argyle 11. Rmon 35, Omro 11.

Johnson Creek 40, Whitewater College High 20. Sun Prairie 31, Madison West 27. Prairie du Sac 26, Middleton 19. Lancaster 30, Tennyson 2. Clinton 24, Orfordville 13.

Brodhead 14, Albany 13. EXHIBITION Mt. Horeb Dunlap-Millers 58, Harlem Stars 32. Bearded Aces Madison Suburban 37. Mrs.

Comiskev Is Authorized to Buy Sox Stock CHICAGO (TP) Mrs. Com-iskey was authorized by Probate Judge John F. O'Connell Tuesday to purchase 1.000 shares of stock in the Chicago White Sox baseball team at not less tln $125 a share. The order was entered on motion of the First National Bank of Chicago, executor of the estate of Mrs. Comis-key's husband, J.

Louis Comiskey, owner of the club. The bank informed the court it must sell the stock to defray expenses of administering the estate, including taxes. The court also authorized the bank to sell $44,000 in Comiskeys real estate holdings and securities to the baseball club, keeping those portions of the estate intact under the corporate name of the club. Attorneys said the Comiskey family eventually would retain control of the club through the shares of the estate acquired by Mrs. Comiskey and her three children, Dorothy, 21; Grade Lou, 19, and Charles, 15, and through the purchase authorized Tuesday.

STRIKES TO SPARE Ball should be aimed inside 10 pin to avoid going off into the gutter (Seventh of 20 Instructive articles on bowling.) BY FREDDIE FISCIIER BOWLING for single pin spares Is largely a matter of control. The kegler should move his position slightly to the left for spares on the right side of the alley, and vice versa. For spares in the middle such as the 2 and 5 pins the approach should be the same as for the strike roll. In rolling for the 7 pin often missed because it looks so easy the bowler must remember it is in the rear row, and the ball has more of a chance to hook before it strikes the pin. The 10 pin is the most common leave for bowlers who aim for 1-3 pocket.

Also, it is one of the hardest to topple. No one should try to roll the ball down the right side at the 10 pin; the ball should be sent across the alley and hit the pin full or on the left side. The hook ball bowler will find it most satisfactory to aim for the left side of the pin, as otherwise his ball Is likely to go off into the gutter. NEXT: Splits. Marquette Sole Winner In Muny Volleyball Loop Only one match was played in municipal recreation men's volleyoall Tuesday night at Lapharn school, the Marquette team taking three games from Lapharn by scores of 15-5, 15-6, and 15-9.

The Pahl Tires forfeited all three games to the Garvers Supply when they failed to show up. I'n Pac 82 United Airline 15 United Aire 42 United Corp 1 United Drug 4 United Fruit 70 United Gas Imp 10 United Carbon 49 Rubber 23 U. S. Pipe and 30 Steel 8 Steel pfd 129 Vanadium Steel 32 mm mm Warner Bros 3 West In Tel 22 Westvaco 36 Wilson and Co 4 Worthington Pump 22 West Air Br 22 West El and Mfg 12 Woolworth 33 Yellow Tmk and Co 16 Youngst Sh and 39 Hecla Min 5 Niag Hudson Pow 3 Pitts PI Gl 91 St Oil Ohio 3S By Hulburd, Warren and Chandler Am Cyanamid 36 Alum Co of America 151 Lib McN Lib 13 Quaker Oats 101 Sunstrand 34 Swift 22 Walgreen 22 Retail Prices Advance For Fourth Month CHICAGO, Jan. 15 (P) In the sharpest advance since September, 1939, hog prices today soared 50 to 75 cents a hundredweight, the top reaching $9, highest in more than a year.

Bidding for hogs offered in limited quantities was unusually active as the dealers paid sharply higher prices to accumulate supplies. The $9 top made early in the day was within 40 cents of the peak reached in the market immediately after outbreak of the war in Europe. Livestock men attributed the advance to greatly increased demand for meat from consuming interest, including buying in industrial areas stimulated by the defense program and arby purchases. The open market hog run of head plus only 4,000 billed direct was sharply below receipts a week ago and reflected a tightening of supplies due to a letup in country marketing. ADDITIONAL STOCKS By Holley, Dayton sad Gernon Bid Asked Burgess Battery 311 14 Chicago Molded Products 1 5 Duncan Elec Mfg IP.

Giddings and Mrh Tool 15 16 Gisholt Machine Co 17 Hilton Davis 2Uii23 Indianapolis and com 19 20, Kansas Pipe Line and Gas 3 4 Newport News Shipbuilding 2.V 26 Northwest Airlines lli 13 Oscar Mayer 31 31 Ray-O-Vac 21 24 Trane Company 111. 12 Truck Lines Hh 16 Wis Pow and Light 6 ipfd 111', 114 Wis Power and Lgt 7 pfd 115 119 Woodward Governor 15 17 CISHOLT MACHINE CO. Prospectus on Request MADISON Private Wires to Chicago 2:15 Prices Wednesday Bendlx Avlat 347 Cent 111 Pub Serv pf 94 Comwlth Edis 28 Grrat Lakes Dredg 16 Heileman Brew 7 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Jan. 15 (A3) Forflgn exchange late rates (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents) official Canadian control board rates for U. S.

dollars: buying 10 per cent premium, selling 11 per cent premium, equivalent to discounts on Canadian dollars in New York of buying 9 91 per cent, selling 9 09 per cent. Vanadlan dollar in New York open market 14 per cent discount or 85 87 8. cents. Great Britain, official, bankers foreign exchange committee rates, buving $4 02. selling open market, cables 4 04; Germany 40.07; benevolent lfc.45; Italy 5.06; Sweden 23.85.

UTILITY PREFERRED STOCKS By Harley Haydon and Co. BidAsk Cent 111 Pub Serv 6 pfd 93 96 Coml Tel 6 pfd 107110 cons Pow Mich 4 pfd 104107 Cons Pow Mich 5 pfd ...,.,.106109 Lake Sup Dist Pow 7 pfd 108 111 N. State Pow Minn 5 pfd ..,..111 114 North Stat Pow Del 6 pfd 74 77 North Stat Pow Del 7 pfd 84 87 Wis. Elec. Power 4 pfd 102 105 W'ls.

Gas and Elec 4 pfd 103106 Wis. Hydro Elec 6 pfd 33 36 Wis- Mich. Pow 4 pfd ...103106 Wis. Pow and Lt 6 pfd 113 Wis. Pow and LtL 7 pfd ......115118 Wis.

Pub Serv 6 pfd 106109 Wis. Pub Serv 6' Pfd 104107 Wis. Pub Serv 7 pfd 109112 CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Jan. 15(P) (U. S.

Dept. Agr.) Potatoes, arrivals 136; on track 383; total U. S. shipments 655; supplies for old stock rather heavy, demand very slow, market dull; Idaho Russet Burbanks U. S.

No. 1, 1.40-55; Colorado Red McClures U. S. No. 1.

1.35; Nebraska Bliss Triumphs U. 8. No. 1. 1.35-55; Minnesota and North Dakota cobblers 80 per cent or more U.

8. No. 1. Bliss Triumphs 75 per cent or more U. 8.

No. 1, Wisconsin Kapahdlns U. 8. No. 1.

1.15-20; on new stock supplies moderate, demand very slow, market dull; Florida Bliss Triumphs U. 8. No. 1, bushel crate 1.55-65. NEW YORK EGGS NEW YORK, Jan.

15 (PI Eggs firm. Mixed colors: fancy to extra fancy 20 -21: extras 20: graded firsts 19-: current receipts 19-19; seconds 18-: mediums 18; dirties No. 1, 18; average checks 16-17. Refrigerator, standards 19; firsts 17; seconds 16-; mediums 15-; dirties 15 NEW YORK METALS By Thomson and McKinnon (Wed. cash quotations cents per lb.) Copper 12 Tin 50 inc 7.25 Lead 5.35 Kansas still yields numerous fossil of sea creatures, which 'proves that the state once was under.

water. DAIRY S. E. Clement Atwood Ave. Butter 37 Livestoch MILWAUKEE LIVESTOCK MILWAUKEE, Jan.

15 (IP) HOGS 50-60 higher; fair to good lights 100-200 lbs 8 50-85; fair to good butchers 210-250 lbs 8 50-85; fair to good butchers 260-325 lbs 8 00-60; heavy butchers 350 lbs up 7.50-8.00; good lights and pigs 100-150 lbs bulk of packing sows 7.15-50; rough and heavy sows 6.50 thin and unfinished sows 4.00-6.50 stags 5 boars 2.50-3.50. CATTLE 700; 10-15 higher; steers and yearlings choice to prime 12.00-13.00; good to choice 10.75-11.75; common to good 10.00-50; dry fed yearling melfers 9.50-11.50; dairy bred heifers 5.55-7.50; good to choice cows 6.75-7.50; fair to good 6 cutters 5.25-7.25; canners 4.00-75; choice weighty bologna bulls 7.00-50: bulls, common to good 5.00-7.50. CALVES prospects higher; fancy selected vealers 11 bulk of vealers 125-140 lbs 10.75-11.50; good to choice lights 100-120 lbs 9.50-10.50; throw outs 5.00-7.00. SHEEP 200; strong; good to choice spring lambs 9.25-10.25; fair to medium 8.00-8.50; cull spring lambs 6.00-7.50; yearlings 5 ewes cull to good 2.00-4.50; a few extra choice spring lambs 10.50. SOUTH ST.

PALL LIVESTOCK SOUTH ST. PAUL, Jan. 15 (Pi (Fed State Mkt Svc) CATTLE salable market opening active on all slaughter classes with steers steady to strong and she stock strong; bulls steady to strong; Stockers and feeders scarce, firm. Dairy cows steady with weighty shippers up to $90; medium to good slaughter steers 9 medium grade heifers generally 8 60-9 00; common and medium cows 8.25-7.00; canners and cutters 4.50-6.00; medium sausage bulls 6.75-7.25; good bulls 7.50-8.00; few medium stock steers 7.25-8.25. CALVES 2.000; vealers strong to 50 higher; good and choice 1100-12 00 HOGS, salable 10.000; nothing done; most hogs held 50-75 higher or 8 60 and up on good and choice light and medium weight butchers.

SHEKP salable 3.000; no early action; generally asking stronger; Tuesday good to choice fed lambs 10.63 to mostly 10 25. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, Jan. 15 UP) (U. S. Dept.

Agr.) Salable HOGS total active 50-75 higher than Thurs-.

The Capital Times from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.