Tips to become better in BOIII zombies – Steam Solo (2024)


hello & welcome to my guide! This guide will show you how to play Black ops III zombies (or in any other zombies) and some other tips to know about. If you find me playing in your lobby, im rank 15 or so. I mostly play on console and about to be on prestiege 4, I got cod BOIII on the PC for custom zombies ounce it comes out. If this guide helped you, please like and rate my guide. if this guide did’nt help you or the guide wasn’t clear please leave a comment saying how i can improve this.You do not need to read each section from top to bottom, you can skip around


I don’t need to make this section but I did it anyways, maybe you’ll learn something from this


when you start a game of zombies, pick a window and start, if you want to be that one prick that goes around and steal other player kills than go ahead. You should only be using your knife for the first few rounds you dont need to use your ammo. if you like buying a wall weapon, buy the RK5. The shieva is bad


Find the Box, get a wall gun, or even buy the bowie knife, it takes common sense to set-up at this point, just make sure the power is on, if you have enough points buy juggernog

getting everything else set-up

buy your perks, get PaP open and survive! nothing really to say here 🙁

Camping & Training

in high rounds, players like to camp like on the catwalk in The Giant or the Quick Revive room in Der Eisendrachen.
Training is when you find a good open area and start bobbing and weaving zombies. This is more Risky than camping but soon you’ll have to camp to make it into the high rounds. I like to train mostly, its much more fun.

Perks (what should i drink?)

Perks Are important (of course) but what perks should I get? There are loads of perks to grab. im going to go over only the Black Ops III perks. if you dont have any gobblegums to help you get more perks or your just saving them, you should read this


Quick Revive

In single player, when you down you will be revive slowly and be dueling Packed MR6’s. This should always be your first perk in any solo game but be in mind you can only use this perk 3 times, after it will fly away 🙁
In Co-Op, when reviving a downed player it will be reduced by 50%. This perk is good when your playing with players that get downed a lot.


I heavily advice you to get this perk Juggernog but it’s not necesary if you have stamina+ or Widow’s Wine…◄Checa►, said in the comments (unless your playing solo). instead of getting hit 3 times, you’ll be hit 6 times

Double Tap 2.0

YES!!! Always get this perk. Allows you to do double times the damage. The double fire rate seems like it works on some weapons like shotguns, snipers, or ray gun/wonder weapons.

Speed Cola/Slight of Hand

This perks makes you reload faster.

Widow’s Wine

In Shadow’s of evil this perk is in the rift area (atleast that what i think it’s go into the portal…better) You should get this perk. Widow’s wine gives you sticky grenades that explode if zombies damage you + you get free grenades back if you stun them with the grenades. increases damage to your knife and also stuns them. most of you are thinking “That’s all it does! this perk is cancer!!!” but when getting trapped in hordes of zombies? you wont regret it.
you can also get this in the Der Wunderfizz machine.

Mule Kick

Now you’ll regret getting this perks. Mule Kick allows you to get 3 weapons at ounce. sound great!..but wait I got down…now i dont have my 3rd gun any more. This perks would be great if you kept your gun when you get downed. I take this by accident in the Der Wunderfizz and when i get down i lose my 3rd gun. If you like this perk and think its good, keep using it! Otherwise for 4000 points its not worth it


This perk makes you sprint faster and increses your stamina.

Deadshot Daiquiri

this perk makes the crosshairs narrower by 35% and gives extra headshot damage, reduced weapon recoil, and removes the sway while aiming down the scope of a sniper rifle. on console, this perk change the aim assist from instead of the torso, to the head.
On PC, If you play Cod Black ops I maps with deadshot, it cost 1000 points. On BOII and BOIII it cost 1500 points on PC and console, im guessing 1500 points because you can plug in a gamepad into the PC.

Electric cherry

When reloading this will trigger a shock around you, this will kill or stun the zombies close to you[/u]. when you get down it will trigger a electric shock around you killing any zombies close to you.

Der Wunderfizz

This perk machine gives you a random perk for 1500 points. If you were thinking about getting Mule Kick out of this it’s still not worth it.

All of these perks are great (but Mule Kick). its you’re decision to pick what perks you want. if you want advice (for Co-Op) use Jugg, Double Tap, Slight of Hand, and Der Wunderfizz. why Der WunderFizz? why not, there are some good perks in there like cherry shock, deadshot, and widow’s wine. maybe you get a perks like double tap that you needed. But if your playing a map without Der Wunderfizz than go with what ever you choose.

Previous zombie Perks (what are some other perks?)

Im not going to go in depth with each perk

Perks (WAW-BOII)

Double Tap

Increases Rate of fire

PHD Flopper

Resist to Explosive and fall damage. creates and explosion When Dolphin Diving off an edge or a flight of stairs


When you die you leave a tomb, ounce you respawn you can grab your tomb and get all perks and weapons

Who’s Who

When downed you become a ghost (but the zombies can kill you) you must chase back to your body and revive yourself

Vulture Aid Elixer

Drops money bags and bullets to pick up. When you kill a zombie with green smoke coming out of him you can stand in it and zombie will not come after you until the effect is gone

If only they were in BOIII 🙁

Weapons + Double PAP effects (what weapons are good?)

I dont know why I pick this topic to talk about but i did

Some weapons are good on certain maps, and some are good in general.
Im going to list weapons for certain maps (This list are based on my opinion, wonder weapons not included)

Shadow’s of Evil


The Giant


Der Eisendrachen

Ray gun (yes i said no wonder weapons but the ray gun is really good on the Panzer)

Zetsubou No Shima

Ray gun (again…good on plant zombie)
Argus(yes the Argus, i use it a lot because it is just a wall weapon)

Gorod Krovi

L4 Siege


Of course there are lots of good weapons for all maps like the Locus, or the Man o War, or the Sheiva

Double PAP Effects

When you double pack a punch a weapon you get a effect. there are 5 effects

Dead Wire

Dead Wire electricfy a zombie that chains across other zombies like the wunderwaffle. This gives you points and more xp to rank up than the other effects. This effect is the best. The cool down is 7-8 seconds.

Blast Furnace

Blast Furnace lights a group of zombies on fire, creating crazy amounts of points. This effect is also the best. The cool down is near 15-20 seconds.

Thunder Wall

Thunder Wall blow the zombies back like the thunder gun. This makes a good amount of points in a big group. This effect is good. The cool down is 7-8 seconds.


Fireworks spawns fireworks and a gun, the gun shoot with aimbot and insta-kill all zombies. This effect does not give you points. Its good for hordes but doesent give you points. The cool down is near 15-20 seconds.


Turned will Turn a zombie into a friendly zombie and kills any other zombies and also blocks the zombies, then dies after awhile. This does not give you any points but it’s good on high rounds. The cool down is near 15-20 seconds.

Power-Ups (what do they do and what should i pick up?)

Some power-ups are not worth getting, this section will be about power-ups



Nukes destroy all zombies on the map and gives you 400 points at the end. you should not always get this power-up, the reason why is that it waste a lot of points, killing hordes of zombies gives you more than 400 points. But when you’re about to die, grab it


Insta-kill…well kill zombies instantly. Knifing you give you 130 points so go around knifing zombies, but if it starts to get out of hand, use your gun. you should get this power-up


Double-points Doubles the amount of points you get. instead of 130 points from a knife kill you get 260 points. their is no flaw of getting this power-up


carpenter gives you 200 points and repair all barriers on the map. If there is a horde of zombies and this power-up is in the middle, dont run and get it. and if your trying to get to high rounds on The Giant, this will slow you down. Also dont waste a gobblegum slot on contracter gum. its sad to see people use this

Death Machine

spawns a minigun for 30 seconds. This power-up shreds through zombies. Sense you run slower with the death machine, it’s easier to get down. In low rounds you don’t get a lot points sense it kills them instantly You can discard the power-up by switching to your normal weapons

Fire Sale!

Fire sale spawns a box on all box locations and makes the box and gobblegum coat 490 points for 30 seconds. you can use the box 3 or 4 times. if your not set-up yet you should get it.

Tram Fuse

You can use the Tram Fuse in the console at spawn to call the tram up to get a power-up.


You can use the seeds by planting them in these weird origins circles around the map.

Spider symbol

If you have widow’s wine you can grab this power-up if you stunned the zombies with sticky grenades. When obtain they give you a sticky grenade.

Dragon code, Tank Factory code, and Supply code

The Dragon code is obtain after Turning on power and talking to S.O.P.H.I.A. Place this inside the Power building.
The Tank Factory code is placed in the room above double tap.
The Supply code is placed in the library far right of the map.

The only bad power-up i would say is carpenter

Gobblegums (what should a equip?)

Gobblegums are new to zombies, im not going to list every single one because there are too many but i’ll list some of the good ones you should use


Alchemical Antithesis

effect: every 10 points will give you 1 bullet
This is a classic gobblegum and you must reach rank 35 to get but its OP!!!! always have this one in your deck


activations:4 rounds
effect:getting down will keep all perks (wont keep Quick revive in solo)
This is a mega gobblegum


activations:x1 when you buy a perk
effect:having 4 or more perks will let you use another perk machine
this is a mega gobblegum

In plain sight

effect:become invisible to zombies for 10 seconds
this is a classic starting gobblegum


Activations:x1 automatic use
effect:gives all perks on the map
this is a ultra rare-mega gobblegum

Wall Power

Activations:x1 when you buy wall gun
effect:Pack a punch a wall gun
this is a rar-mega gobblegum

Shopping free (for PS4 until Aug 11)

activations:1 minute
effect:everything is free!
this is a ultra rare-mega gobblegums

These are some of the gobblegums i use but i use a lot more than these 6 gobblegums (Shopping free is not out yet for PC and XBOX One)

Save up gobblegum decks

you can make gobblegums decks to save up gobblegums, like using classic gobblegums because they are unlimited.

Tips and facts to become better (What else should I know?)

Here are just some tips and other things to know about. I recently added this in. If you have any other tips for me leave a comment and i’ll added it in when i can.


Bowie Knife
The Bowie knife replaces your knife and cost 3000 points, it’s a one hit kill until round 10. Instead of going to the box or buying a wall gun, try saving up and getting the bowie knife. you’ll most likely going to buy the bowie knife near round 5 or 6. in Der Eisendrache or The Giant (also Der Riese) the bowie knife has been place in the best area. one near the power, and one below the catwalk (or near power). By the way, try Sword Flay gobblegum with the bowie knife.

Liquid Divinium
Not all tips needs to be gameplay wise. When you get liquid divinium, you can save up or use them. In the “Dr. Monty’s Factory” menu you can choose to use 1, 2 or 3 vials at ounce. 3 is good because you get have a 100% chance to get 3 gobblegums. 1 is most likely the most gobblegums you are going get Because you have a chance to get a power boost or double gobblegums. 1 vial can equal to 2 gobblegums or more. If you have only two liquid diviniums then use the 1 vial twice.
You might of seen the youtubers go over this topic

Some guns are really goods. Some guns are terrible…
Some SMG’s are good for getting lots of points. getting the VMP or the Vesper (try using the VMP with no Double tap and non-Packed above round 18) can rack up lots of points. The Razorback, Kuda, Bootlegger and the HG-40 are powerful weapons doing lots of damage. The Pharo and Weevil are most likely the worst SMG’s (just call the Weevil the P90). No one can forget the true legend of them all. The PPSH.
Assault Rifles
Assault Rifles are usually powerful. The KN-94, ICR-1, HVK-30, and Man o War are the most powerful weapon, good for high rounds. The M8A7 and MX Garand are super good with headshot kills and with deadshot. The FFAR is pretty decent. I only got them ounce so far. The Shieva is always bad and will always be bad.
In Black Ops III shotguns are amazing. The Haymaker, and 205 brecci are the most powerful. It’s effective against the Panzer and the Plant zombie. The KRM is bad when it is non-packed. When Pack a punched it become a machine gun, destroying anything in its path. The Argus is actually not that bad.
Sniper rifles
There are only three different snipers in zombies, I hope in DLC 4 they are going to add some more snipers (putting a ELO sight defeats the entire purpose of a sniper but we use the ELO anyways). The Drakon is the best, with double tap it becomes one of the most powerful weapons in the game. The SVG-100 and Locus are also good.
I personally hate LMG’s. They are slow to reload, bulky, and when you shoot you go even slower. I like to train the zombies, using an LMG is a bit tricky while training sense they have lots of ammo but if you are good at training than try it sometime. These weapons are mostly for camping. If you ever use a LMG go for the BRM and Dingo.
Pistols and specials
The Marshel 16’s are really good. using speed cola and double tap makes you unstoppable. The RK5 is good in the beginning, for 500 points and being its a starting wall weapon, the RK5 its not so bad. Don’t buy the L-Car unless if your doing the pistol kills daily mission. The Rocket launcher is terrible, when you Pap The rocket launcher it carries 2 rounds instead of one. But the reserve ammo still stays at 20.(if you ever get the rocket launcher or L4 Siege use Stock Option gobblegum). The L4 Siege is surprisingly good! It’s fun to just run around and fire explosives. The NX Shadow claws are not normal weapon, I would call them “medic weapons”. When Pack a punched if a player is down you can revive them by shooting them.

When to use monkeys
If you have monkeys use them when a player is down or you are in deep trouble with hordes of zombies.

When to use The DG-4 (or gravity spikes)
when a player is down place the DG-4 on them then revive him. If a Panzer is coming place the DG-4 in front of him and he’ll get stuck in the storm of death.

Deathray vs. Panzer
When the Panzer comes in the area of the deathray, buy the deathray and he will float in the air. Last thing to do is to spray him down!

Reviving with your gun out
When your reviving a player you can press the key bind to switch weapons (I have my bind to switch weapons on 1, sense I have a numpad on my mouse) and you will pull out your gun. As long as you keep reviving him you can shoot and kill zombies.

Reviving with your Bow
Doing the same thing but with your bow out, you can shoot the ground when zombies get close to you.

The KT-4
The KT-4 is fun to use. A good way to use it is to shoot a pool of goo on to your down teammate and revive him. You can shoot spores to sprint faster. Shooting plants while they are growing will make them more powerful when they are fully mature. Breaks spider webs including the webs to get into the spider boss arena. The plant zombie gets destroyed by this weapon.

On the House gobblegum
You should use On the House gobblegum when you have 4 perks

crawling while down
Lots of people think that crawling while down will decrease the time before death. Well that is wrong. People tested this problem and crawling while down won’t decrease the time before death.

Reviving with the Servent
The Servent (Black Hole weapon) is really powerful. You shoot out a black hole that sucks up all the zombies. You can also shoot a black hole above your teammate and revive him.

Lockdown Tips
This is recommended for at least 3 players or more
In Gorod Krovi after you fly the dragon they drop you down in a bunker like house. After you release the crystal all hell breaks loose! There are 3 different barricades you must defend. One on top floor and two at the bottom floor. The first wave starts at the top floor. With 3 players it is easy to defend. After that you must do the two more waves at the other barricades. You thank it’s over after the three waves…Lets just say that was warm-up. All 3 barricades opens and hordes come rushing. The best way I think you should defend is have 1 player in each barricade. If one barricade is in trouble one player will help them. If you have 4 players then the 4th player can just help around.

equipment and more tips for lockdown

  • Obtain good weapon ex. GTX Mk3, Ray gun, PPsh, Drakon etc.
  • Obtain at least 3 perks Ex. Jugg, D.T 2.0, Slight of Hand, Quick Revive with players etc.
  • Obtain a good gobblegum ex. Fear in headlights, Aftertaste, Fatal Contraption, KillingTime etc.
  • Alchemical Antithesis is useless (Zombies don’t give points)
  • MG42 Is extremely good but you can’t defend the right so well. Advise to have another player
  • License Contractor Could be good

Wow melee weapons. Yes actual melee weapons that replace your guns. Well how to I get this so called “melee weapon”, well simple. To get this Wrench you must complete the first 5 rounds in 5 minutes. Do not buy the first door, bigger area means longer time to get to each zombie. Buy the RK5, super affective for this. After you completed the task. A notification will pop up. Buy the door to Jugg and head down the stairs until you get in front of the hole. To the left you see a wrench sticking out of the wall!
Tips to become better in BOIII zombies – Steam Solo (1)-Here is proof that I’m Not lying.

Thanks to Itz_Cobra he showed me how to get it. Thank you! Now players can bash all the zombies they wan’t. And maybe even the players that stoled their kills in the beginning rounds.

Tips to become Better (comments)

I had to make a new section because I ran out of room to make my own tips. I didn’t even know that was a thing.

Tips from comments

Contracter is useful!
The carpenter gobblegum is useful for getting to the first dragon in Der eisendrache without killing any zombies

Solo with Mule Kick
Harambe Shot First:
Mule Kick can be useful when playing solo, as you only get 3 revives, at the end of the 3 revives you can take mule kick in that slot where quick revive would be, and after your 3 downs if you die the game is over, so using Mule Kick after 3 downs makes sense, not to mention this will allow you to take 3 weapons and not have to worry about losing a 3rd after the game ends.

sword flay to get Bowie knife
Also, if you get the Sword Flay Gobble Gum between the rounds 2-7 you can Insta-Knife the zombies, which gives you alot of points without buying the Bowie Knife.

The PPsh, G.K. specialist weapon, and 5th perk
i bhop to school:
The PPSH sucks on round 40 or so when it comes to damage, though the amount of ammo it has with the movement speed of an SMG makes it an amazing weapon to use the alternate ammo types like blast furnace while training at a really good speed.

Element 115 Punch (specialist weapon) is still a one hit kill on round 47 (that’s the highest I’ve been, I’m not sure what the cap is)

You can recieve a 5th perk + a 5th perk slot (if you lose the 5th perk) by completing the tier 3 challenge on Gorod Krovi and Zetsubou No Shima. This stacks in COOP.

Dead Ops Arcade 2 (Why Dead ops? Why not?)

Why Dead Ops Arcade 2? Why not? A lot of people dislike Dead Ops, I can see why. You view the map from a bird’s eye view, gets ridiculous at times, very very difficult in high rounds (or in higher levels), and it’s a 1 hit kill. Dead ops Arcade 2 is looked down upon but it’s actually really fun! I encourage you to go play, or maybe this section of the guide will encourage you to go play…

I’ve never beaten D.O.A 2 but a know a good bit about…

Use a Gamepad
I recommend using a gamepad.

Nukes and Power boosters

You should only use these when you are in a tight situation. Nukes will kill all of the zombies on the map and make you invulnerable for a short amount of time. Power Boost shoot you across the map and make you invulnerable for a short amount of time. Good if you don’t have any nukes or you can be that one guy that boost over to any really good power-ups.

Weapon power-ups

In D.O.A weapon power-ups can drop for you to pick up. You keep these for a short amount of time, then you will return with your starting weapon (BRM).

Rocket Launcher
The Rocket Launcher shoots you guessed it…rockets! It does a good bit of damage. When PAPed it shoots red rockets that sometimes penetrates through zombies and does more damage. When Double PAPed it shoot clusters of heatseeking purple rockets. This obliterate zombies!

Death Machine
The Death Machine rips zombies and does a lot bof damage. When PAPed the Death Machine does more damage and ofcourse Double PAP does incredible damage.

Grenade Launcher
The Grenade Launcher is just a down-grade of the Rocket Launcher but still good. The range is bad but damage wise is alright. It can also burn the zombies which slows them down. PAPing it just increase the fire rate and damage.

The Shotgun can destroy groups of zombies. When PAPed it increases the fire rate and damage and also increase the spread of it.

Flame Thrower
You’ll think the flamethrower would be good…not really…It’s actually more distracting than helpful. The flamethrower burn the zombies overtime and slows them down. PAPing it just increases the damage.

A mighty ray gun! The unPAP version is not that good. When PAPed it increases the fire rate and bounce of walls. When double PAPed it bounce of walls and also electrocutes zombies and chains like the Wunderwaffle.

Pack a punching your weapon (PAP)
Skulls can drop from zombies or from a certain power-up that rain skulls. When picking up these skulls they PAP your current weapon. You can also double PAP the weapon


As you reach to higher round new and harder enemies and zombies are introduced (be in mind i don’t know any of the names of these maps.)

Your generic zombie friend. In higher rounds they sprint. introduced on the first map

Barrel Zombies
Introduced on the dock map, Barrel zombies come and steal any drops that spawn. They can also place them down for you to destroy them.

Intoduced only in the Barn map, they come in a trail and kill you if you are in the way. You can kill them with explosives. If you see any golden bulls kill them. They can drop tons of loot!

Crow Zombies
Introduced in the Temple, the crow zombie will fly around until its a good time to drop and turn into a zombie. Crow Zombies usually turn back to crow form when damaged.

Introduced in the Temple run challenge only skeletons spawn. They are pretty easy to kill but can sometimes be a pain because they can catch up to you.

Blood Zombies
Introduced in the Blood River, The Blood zombies spawn from the ground (or in the pool of blood). They’re easy to kill

Meat Balls
Also introduced in the Blood River, Meat Balls Spawn from the sky. They can ctach up to you, when killed they split to mini meat balls then split to even smaller meat balls.

When shooting the heads off from the Margra a swarm of Parasites fly around the map. They don’t do damage they shoot a yellow goo that slows you down.

Robot Zombies
Introduced in The China map, These zombies are harder to kill and drop landmine that explode after some time.

Introduced in the Arena map (After the China Map), zombies will come and drop eggs and will spawn spiders. These spider dont do any damage but if you get shot from them they slow you down completely. You can pervent them from spawning by shooting the eggs before they hatch.

Purple Parasites
Introduced in also the Arena map. They act the same as the normal parasites. I don’t know what they do because I never got shot by one of them.



The Margra
The Margra is the first boss you will encounter in the Cave map. If you get to close to him he will slam the ground. You you shoot one of his heads and swarm of parasites will fly around and attack you. The more heads you shoot of the faster he gets.

The Stone Guardian
To kill the Stone Guardian you have to shoot these eggs flying around him. You’ll have to do this for about 3 times as the eggs get smaller and smaller it will give you more room to shoot him. One of the eggs is actually not a egg, its a Meat Ball. If you shoot the Meat Ball it will spawn a Meat Ball. Try to avoid shooting that.

After every round money will spawn. Pick all of it up! Collecting enough money and points can give you great rewards like a life, some nukes and power boosts, and random power-ups.

Some Power-ups
I’m going to go over some power-ups

The Electricity balls

When this power-up is picked up 4 electricity balls will fly around you. Any zombie that touches one get zapped and chains like the wunderwaffle. this power-up can stack which means picking up more than one Electricity ball power-up can give you more than 4 balls.

The Tank

When picked up you get inside a tank and drive around killing everything in sight. The tank shoot rockets like a minigun.

The Helicopter

When picked up you fly in a helicopter shooting rockets and turrets.


Two barrels will spin around you killing any zombies.

The Saw

The saw spins around you like the Barrel.


When picked up you become the R.A.P.S.! You drive around and smash anything in front of you!

The Chicken

When picked up a chicken will spawn and aid you in your fight. You can have up to 5 chickens.

Facts and Tips

Some tips and facts with D.O.A 2

The first person exploit
The first person power-up is not good at certain times but you can exploit it. When picking up the first person power-up you become invulnerable for a short amount of time. Before you it goes away you can switch back to skyview and get more invulnerable time.

Picking up a player
When your teammate is down you can pick them up (or reduce the time to get up) by standing on them. It decreases the time for him to get up. Going to the next round will pick him up also.

Spinning around with boxing gloves
When you get the boxing golves you can spin in circle with your toggle stick (or your mouse) and hit any zombies that try to attack you.

The spiders in the arena map was later brought into the map Zetsubou No Shima

some assets form D.O.A like vehicles are being used in the mod-tools (or that what it looks like)

One of the D.O.A maps is from Metro the multiplayer map

The Bulls and the Beach map (first map) was used from Dead Ops Arcade 1

He is not the Cosmic Silverback
The Cosmic Silverback is actually Harambe.

Tips to become better in BOIII zombies – Steam Solo (2)


You found some new ways to play zombies. Now you can rekt all the zombies (including you teammates) make sure your teammates feel pain when they took all of your kills in the beginning rounds. If you have learned anything new please like and rate it for other players to see this guide. If you want me to add more to this guide, leave a comment saying what you want.

Author-Black Parade/LeafyisHere Killer Keemstar
Editor-RegionalAtBest/Pyrocynical Stomedy

Random stupid stuff

When I got BOIII on PC I thought there were going to be lots of players on it, but not that many people play PC. More players are probably going get it on PC ounce Custom Zombies comes out. Im more excited for custom zombies than DLC 3 & 4 coming out.
i havent seen this on PC yet but on console, when you join a Co-Op lobby with 4 players, at least 2 of them are AFK! And they dont ready up or we launch the game and the player who didint ready up is AFK. If you are reading this and leaves your PC or console while searching for a match, Why?! why do u leave it on? Were you going to get drink then died right there, in your kitchen.
I love it when you called first for the storm bow and then someone else takes it from you. I’m not salty what are you talking about :steamsalty:
I told you it was random stupid stuff…

Tips to become better in BOIII zombies – Steam Solo (3)Gotta love glitches 🙂

Tips to become better in BOIII zombies – Steam Solo (4)This is not zombies

If you Play Shell Shock Live you should go check out my guide of how to complete the final mission: Final Boss

Tips to become better in BOIII zombies – Steam Solo (2024)
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Article information

Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Views: 6562

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.