Smiling critters age regression oneshots - Chrysxnthemvm (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Request page! Chapter Text Chapter 2: Hold my hands and everything will be okay Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Tears in the dark Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: As you hold me, everything fades away Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: We can paint the world together Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: You're not at your best when you're stressed Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Sometimes accidents happen Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: We'll always be here for you Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Stomach aches and icky medicine Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10: Clouds covering the sun Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Fears and tears Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Big emotions in little time Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Soccer gone wrong Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: A prank taken too far Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Laughter is the best medicine Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Show me how to be brave Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 17: Mud puddle trouble Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Teardrops falling in the sky and in your eyes Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 19: Stress is not good for those with tender hearts Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Rain, rain go away so I can play outside today Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Sometimes fiction and reality are hard to differentiate in a little mind Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 22: I'll always protect you Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Miscommunication can cause someone to get hurt Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 24: Overwhelmed Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 25: Nothing to be ashamed of Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: A little Halloween night Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 27: We can't always get what we want, and that's okay Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28: Nothing wrong with taking precautions Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 29: The world is too loud, so let me silence it for you, just for a little bit Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30: Panic in the kitchen! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 31: A stringy situation Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Let me take you away from this place Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Trying to help but not knowing exactly how to Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34: The night cat in charge of bedtime Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: A little Christmas morning Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 36: We can make something new together Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 37: A peaceful day Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 38: Out and about with a little secret in plain sight Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: One sick baby bear Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 40: We might fall but we can always get back up Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41: Making mistakes is how we learn Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 42: No need to cry when we're here Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 43: We still love you all the same Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 44: There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 45: Don't blame yourself for something you can't control Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 46: Nothing can hurt you with us around Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 47: Are unicorns real? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 48: A bedtime story to easy one's frightened mind Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 49: A reasonable accident Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 50: An easily frightened little flower Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 51: On a quest to find Sailor Moon Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 52: Building a pillow fort Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 53: Valentine's Day catastrophe! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 54: Stress overload 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 55: Here in the garden 💙 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 56: Focus on the sound of my voice 🤍💛 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 57: A puzzling disaster 🤍💜 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 58: Doing more than you can handle ❤️💜🩷🧡💛💚💙🤍 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 59: The coolest guy in town will protect you 💚 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 60: You are not alone 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 61: A fashionable accident 💜 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 62: Power outage night routine 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 63: Don't forget to take breaks and eat 🤍 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 64: Being small doesn't make you any less cool 💛 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 65: Don't take your eyes off the quiet kitty 💜 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 66: To be more independent 💛 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 67: Trying to help break a habit 💜 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 68: Nap time zoomies 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 69: Movie night quarrel 🤍💚💛 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 70: Chronic illness regressed panic! 💜 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 71: Too many tickles 💚 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 72: Lost in a world you can't see 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 73: Arcade chaos 💚🤍❤️💛💜💙🩷 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 74: The mistake of arguing in front of a little 🤍 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 75: Sometimes you don't know your own strength 💛💚 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 76: Cuts, bruises and broken bones 🩷🤍💜❤️💚💛🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 77: When the world is too loud, I'll be here to silence it 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 78: Give me attention too! 💜 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 79: A boost of energy! 💚 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 80: Tornado warning jumpscare 💛 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 81: Healing takes time 💚💜🧡🤍💛 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 82: One stubborn sick pup 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 83: Adjusting to a new way of living 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 84: Tantrums, tantrums, and more tantrums 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 85: No use crying over spilled milk 🩷 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 86: It isn't always about winning 💛 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 87: Store scare! 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 88: A brave little hero 💛💜 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 89: A welcomed change 💜 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 90: An unexpected turn of events 💜 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 91: I know you're afraid of me, but please don't be 🤍 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 92: Pickypiggy's encounter with The Black Lovelace 🩷 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 93: Chronic Migraine Madness 💙 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 94: Protection for your stitches 🧡 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 95: The little chicken and the purple cat 💛 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 96: Eating is very important for one's body ❤️ Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 97: Itchy fur is no good 💜 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 98: No need to fight, let's take turns instead 💛🤍 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Request page!

Chapter Text

Hello! I've been wanting to do this for a while now but didn't have enough confidence, however now I do!

I will be taking requests on this page only, please let me know the prompt (or summary) of which characters you want (the little and the cg)

Age regression is a coping mechanism and not a k1nk, this is not tied to the actual lore of the game and the smiling critters are not children turned into toys

Chapter 2: Hold my hands and everything will be okay


While at the store Catnap currently regressed, gets overwhelmed by everything around him. Bobby notices this and helps him calm down


Thank you Rust72 for the request, I hope you like it 🙏

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Catnap and Bobby were currently at the store, it had been a long day and everything was starting to overwhelm the lavender scented cat. The lights seemed too bright, passing conversations made his ears hurt. He didn't want to cause a scene so to try and self-soothe he held onto his long tail.

The two made their way into another aisle, there were three creatures having a conversation, his ears started to ring. Bobby noticed how Catnap's breathing picked up next to her, despite him being taller than her by a few inches, she took his paws and lowered herself as if she were talking to a child. His ears were flat against his head, eyes glossy with tears. “Hey, Nappy, can you hear me? I'm right in front of you baby.” Her voice was smooth and melodic, his eyes met hers although he still didn't seem to be calming down yet. “It's alright, breathe with me honey.” She took a slow deep inhale then let it out, relief flooded through her when she watched him do the same.

They did that a few more times until the feline appeared calmer. “There we go, my little moon. I'm glad you're feeling better.” She cooed and booped him on the nose. “Do you want me to buy you something before we leave?” She asked, knowing that he was feeling non-verbal. He nodded and reached his paw out for her, which she didn't hesitate to take.


I will try and post another oneshot tomorrow

Chapter 3: Tears in the dark


Catnap is alone and regressed which is never a good match


Thank you Darkypurple37 for the request, I hope you liked it

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Everything was not alright, the lights were off and Catnap was alone. If this was some other day, he would be fine with being alone, however nothing had gone right today. Tears streamed down his cheeks, his eyes closed tightly as he held onto his favorite plush. Crafty and Dogday had made him a crescent moon plush a week ago which gave him comfort on bad days.

Catnap desperately wanted someone, anyone to be there for him but he didn't want to bother any of his caregivers. The lavender feline was regressed and alone which was never a good combination, dealing with big emotions in this state all by himself was never something he mastered. He curled in on himself, hoping the soft cushions on his bed would help him sleep.

Thankfully his exhausted body heard his hopes and eventually he allowed himself to be taken by the warmth of his bed. Catnap fell asleep and ignored the wet and damp sensation on his cheeks from his tears.


I wrote this while under the weather 😅👍

Chapter 4: As you hold me, everything fades away


It's been a long school day, Dogday accidentally slips into headspace and gets bullied for it. At least Catnap arrives in time to comfort the regressed canine.


I originally had a different title for this request however I forgot it after I got distracted but that's okay

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The day felt as if it was dragging on, Dogday just wanted to go home. School was exhausting him and his headspace was slipping rather quickly. He tried his best to suppress a stressed whimper as one of his legs bounced anxiously. He missed his comfortable bed and the soft feeling of his plushies, he just wanted to go home but it seemed that time was against him. Tears gathered in his eyes as he stared down at his desk, a whine seeping out of him. Dogday wanted his friends, he wanted one of his stuffies, he wanted a pacifier, he wanted his kitty.

“Oh? Is someone crying?” A voice catches his attention, he quickly notices that there are four creatures with their eyes on him. “Dogday's crying like a little baby.” They slowly get up and surround him, he tries to stand up but his legs fail him and he falls to the ground. “Look at that, he can't even stand up for himself.” They all laugh, he wants to scream and tell them to leave him alone but no words come to his mind that are able to describe how he feels. “He's so small and weak and pathetic.” Another spits out, Dogday pulls his knees close to himself, more whines leaving him. He hides his face as hot tears trickle down his cheeks. One creature kicks him on the side and he easily falls over, his tiny body shakes violently as he sobs.

Suddenly all is quiet, then a gentle voice calls to him but it sounds faint. He hesitantly looks up, the blurred figure of someone is in front of him, purple being the main color he can make out. “Hey sunshine, I can finally see your face.” It takes him a moment but he recognizes that whisper. It was his kitty! Dogday latches onto Catnap and heavily cries into his stomach. The other doesn't speak as he runs his paws gently through Dogday's fur. “Let it all out puppy.” He murmurs then lifts him. “Gwone..” Catnap hums sadly and softly rocks him while walking out of the school building. “I'm sorry I didn't arrive sooner, there was a crowd.” He wipes a stray tear from Dogday's eye and gives him a kiss on the forehead.

Catnap carries the canine out of the school and takes out a sippy cup from his backpack with his tail. He always kept littlespace gear in his backpack in case of emergencies. “You look like a wreck pup.” He jokes as Dogday takes the sippy cup, greedily gulping all the liquid down. “You smell like vanilla.” Catnap comments while playing slightly with one of the dog's floppy ears. The feline knew that if Dogday wasn't in headspace he would be horribly embarrassed by everything right now, of course Catnap would never tell him how adorable he was while regressed. Once Dogday was finished drinking from the sippy, Catnap put it back in his bag the same way he took it out. “We're almost home.” He said although he knew the canine wasn't listening based on how he rested his head on his shoulder. “Don't worry about anything sunshine, just let me take care of everything.”


Thank you for the request and I hope you like it

Chapter 5: We can paint the world together


Craftycorn has been stuck in art block for a week now and it's frustrating her. Bobby finds her crying and offers to help.


Thank you for the request BenX2005, I hope you enjoy

Chapter Text

Craftycorn was exasperated, she has been stuck in an art block for a week now and nothing was helping her. She already tried painting a landscape, her friends, and different shapes but nothing was satisfying her. She didn't understand why her creativity wasn't coming as easily as it usually does. She stood in front of a blank canvas, no ideas popping into her mind. She had all sorts of paints next to her but none were poured onto her pallet which was also abandoned. Crafty held onto her paintbrush tightly, hoping by some miracle that something would spark in her. She let out a huff as she put down her paintbrush and picked up one of her paints. She watched the color fill the empty hole on her pallet, if only getting out of this horrible art block was as simple as that.

She grabbed the paintbrush again and lightly dipped it in the color she had poured. All she could do was stare at the canvas, frustration bubbled in her chest and was rising to her throat. Nothing was helping her, wasn't this supposed to be her specialty? Crafty throws her paintbrush down, not caring if it breaks since she has more at home. She falls onto the soft ground below her and stomps her hoofs, everything spilling out of her. She cried into her knees, she felt extremely upset with herself because she couldn't do one thing right.

There's a warmth touching her arm, which causes her to look up. Her mama bear found her, a gentle yet worried expression on her face. “Hello there my colorful little flower.” Crafty shakes her head, and gestures towards the blank canvas. “Not cwful..” She mutters and sniffs. “Why do you say that?” Bobby questions after gazing at the other's set up. “Can't thfnk!” Crafty shouts while stomping on the ground, more tears stream down her cheeks. “Oh, baby, art block? I'm sorry.” Bobby says softly and wraps her arms around her. The unicorn nods and buries her face in Bobby's red fur. “How about I help you? We could paint together. Does that sound fun?” Crafty thinks about it for a moment then nods. “Alright, let's do that sweetheart.” Bobby wipes the tears away and helps Crafty stand. They would paint the world together.

Chapter 6: You're not at your best when you're stressed


Bubba accidentally regresses while doing a presentation, at least he has KickinChicken to comfort him.


Thank you for the request, hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bubba was always a straight A student, top of his class and very smart. He would tutor his friends sometimes and seemed to do well with stress, however that wasn't entirely true. The elephant despised doing presentations, he never liked being stared at while he was forced to talk in front of a crowd. This was exactly why he dreaded his first period, he sat there hoping he would be last to go or maybe the bell would ring and save him. Both of his wishes were sadly ignored as he heard his name called, it was his turn already. Bubba stood up with shaking legs, he cleared his throat to try and ease his anxiety.

All eyes were on him, the class was silent, he wanted to run and hide. He scanned the crowd and noticed his friend, KickinChicken giving him a thumbs up. Bubba opened his mouth and nothing came out, no sound escaped him. He froze, the teacher was looking at him expectedly, waiting for him to start. He didn't want to be there anymore, his poor racing heart couldn't take it, he forgot how to breathe properly. He tried again and opened his mouth, hoping to say something but all that came out was a strangled whine. Everyone burst into laughter watching their model classmate break under pressure. That was his last straw, Bubba ran out of the classroom before anyone would notice the tears in his eyes.

Bubba ran not too far from the classroom and Kickin already knew where the other would be. He offered to bring him back and the teacher let him go. Kickin followed the scent of lemongrass and soon heard soft crying. He expected the elephant to be regressed knowing how he had horrible anxiety and stage fright, those two didn't mix right with only 5 hours of sleep. Sometimes Bubba pushed himself too much and didn't realize it. “Hey Bub.” He greeted softly and sat next to him slowly so he wouldn't scare him especially since he's already in a fragile state. Bubba peeked at Kickin and glared at him through glossy eyes. “I understand how scary that was.” He starts, observing the other's body language.

Being cuddly with Bubba was always a 50/50 depending on how he was feeling. Kickin hesitantly opened his arms and Bubba instantly leaned into his warm embrace. “I'm proud of you for even getting up there little dude.” Bubba hummed lightly, sucking on his trunk as if it were a pacifier to soothe his nerves. “Bub you shouldn't do that-” Kickin was going to stop him when he remembered all his little gear was at his house, of course he forgot to bring something the one time he needed it. He mentally scolded himself for rushing that morning. “Lafh..” A tiny voice brought his attention back to the still upset elephant in his arms. “Me?” The other nodded and sniffled, his glare no longer as strong. “No, never, I would never laugh at you. No one deserves to be laughed at for struggling.” Kickin answered and slightly tightened his hold on Bubba. “Pwomis?” Kickin smiled and gently patted Bubba's head, “I promise little buddy.” The avian felt his heart squeeze when he heard a giggle escape his friend.


Speaking of stress, writing these have really been helping me cope with stress

Chapter 7: Sometimes accidents happen


Kickin and Hoppy are having fun at the park when Kickin tries to copy a move that Hoppy does but fails horribly and regresses when he gets injured, at least Hoppy is there to help him


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kickin and Hoppy were together at the park, they had their skateboards but no safety pads or helmets. Hoppy jumped in the air, spun around and perfectly landed on her skateboard without hurting herself. “Ha! Beat that!” She shouted, giving him a playful smirk. “That's nothing.” Kickin scoffed and set himself into motion to try and do something similar. He truly didn't think it through, Hoppy has more leg strength and she'd been working on it for weeks now, he was just giving the move a shot without any practice. Hoppy's eyes widened as she watched Kickin fly into the air, but he didn't really fly since he's unable to despite still trying. She heard him scream as he hit the ground hard and rolled for a few minutes.

Hoppy laughed at his failed stunt, expecting him to get up like it was nothing as usual. She quickly stopped laughing when a wail filled the air, she instantly knew what that meant. “Oh no.” She muttered and ran towards the sound. Kickin was sitting and holding his right knee, sniffling harshly. She was going to ask what was wrong but it was obvious thanks to his bruises and scraped, bleeding knee. Hoppy knelt down next to Kickin who was trying his hardest not to draw attention to their situation. “Oh, I didn't think you hit the ground that roughly, I'm sorry kicks..” She effortlessly picked him up and held him closely. He tried to struggle out of her grasp, whining in distress. “I know you can walk baby, but I need to treat your wounds and the worst one is on your knee. I don't want it causing you more pain if you try walking on it.”

She sighed as she looked at the pout on his face, she was grateful that he understood but she knew he wasn't happy about it. “Look, just because I'm carrying you doesn't mean you're any less cool. I'm impressed that you even tried to copy what I did.” Kickin crossed his arms and let out a huff while leaning into her, which told her that he wasn't actually angry. “We're here, now let's treat your injury.”


Writing these make my day 😌

Chapter 8: We'll always be here for you


Hoppy regresses while watching a horror movie with her friends during a sleepover and they all care for her


Thank you Fic_Idea for the request!

Chapter Text

The smiling critters were having a sleepover, it was already pretty late and everyone was gathered around the tv either sitting on the floor or the couch. The movie that was chosen this time was a horror movie and Hoppy strongly disliked it. Everyone knew her as a daredevil, someone who didn't mind taking a risk and loved playing sports, she always seemed so fearless. Of course, that was not true, she did have a fear and that was anything horror related. She knew it was fiction but when she got carried away with the story and the action, her brain forgets that simple fact. She wrapped herself up tightly in her blanket and tried to block out what was happening on screen, it wasn't really working.

Her long ears were flat against the back of her head, her body tense as she shut her eyes tightly. Every time she heard a scream, she flinched. “Hey, hey it's alright Hops.” The green rabbit slowly opens her eyes when she's engulfed in a loving embrace. Everyone was looking at her with concerned expressions. Dogday wipes her eyes. When did she start crying? “I'm sorry, was that too much for you to handle? We didn't mean to upset you.” She's picked up by Catnap who sets her on top of him once the sun and moon themed critters switch places on the couch. She immediately hears his heartbeat, “Picky is the milk warm enough?” Bubba asks as he grabs the bottle from her. “It's the perfect temperature, I know just how she likes it.”

Hoppy drinks from the bottle, Catnap purrs loudly as he gets comfortable on the couch with her. “Our poor little carrot was so scared.” Crafty mumbles, adjusting the blanket. “Don't worry Hops, I'll always protect you from anything so there's no need to worry.” Kickin smiles brightly and takes the bottle once it's empty, handing it back to Picky so she can wash it. “Sleep now, little one. We'll be here in the morning.” Catnap whispers and closes his eyes. Hoppy nods, allowing her eyes to shut as well. Bobby gave her a small kiss on the forehead and wished her a goodnight. Everything felt right and she was safe with those who love her.

Chapter 9: Stomach aches and icky medicine


Picky is sick and her stomach hurts but Bubba comes up with a solution


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Picky groaned as she laid on the couch clutching her stomach. “Tummy hurt!” She cried out and curled in on herself, her bottom lip trembling. “You ate something that wasn't cooked and your stomach is not happy.” Picky whined, she felt nauseous all over again although there was nothing left in her body thanks to her vomiting it all out earlier. Bubba rubbed her back gently, helping her sit up. “There's medicine that will help reduce the pain.” Picky shook her head quickly, as much as she couldn't stand the pain she refused to take any medication. “That's the only thing that will help, I don't trust giving you anything else to try and keep down.” Picky looked down in shame, remembering how she spit up the water he gave her 30 minutes ago.

“I'm just relieved to know that you have a small stomach bug and not food poisoning.” Picky stared daggers at him, tears welling in her eyes as she stuck out her bottom lip. Bubba held in a laugh, he couldn't deny that her upset expression was adorable. “I'll go and get the medicine Piggy.” Bubba walked away and into the kitchen. “No! No bad liquid! Bubby, no!” She begged as she rushed off the couch to follow the elephant.

She watched him pour the right amount into the medicine cup feeling utter betrayal. Picky burst into tears when she saw him hold it out to her. “Tase bad! No!” She hiccups, stomping her hooves on the ground. Bubba sighs knowing that she would react this way. “I know your name is Pickypiggy but I didn't expect you to actually be picky.” He says to himself then gets eye-level with her.

“If you're able to keep this down, I'll let you have your favorite food.” He offers and cups her face. Picky sniffles, “Rwlly?” Bubba nods with a smile, watching her eyes light up. “Kay!” She takes the little cup from him and drinks all the medicine down, sticking her tongue out at the bitter taste. “See that wasn't so hard. I'm very proud of you.” Bubba says while washing the medicine cup in the sink. Picky smiles and walks back into the living room, her stomach was still slightly aching but thankfully the medicine would do its job soon.

“So what did you want to watch?” Bubba asks as he sits on the couch next to her. “Cook show!” She squeals happily, hugging Bubba who returns the affection. “Cooking shows it is.” He says while grabbing the remote, his smile widening as her giggles fill his ears.

Chapter 10: Clouds covering the sun


Dogday is sick and very grumpy but he has Catnap to help take care of him


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Catnap walked into Dogday's room, sighing when he heard whimpering. The lavender feline expected this, yesterday it had rained and Catnap let the vanilla scented canine play outside. “Hey baby, how are you feeling?” He asked softly, hearing a groan answer his question. “Not well, I take it.” Catnap sits on the end of Dogday's bed and puts his hand to the other's head. He instantly feels heat and pulls away, he could tell Dogday was sweating thanks to his staggered breathing. “Did the water help at all, puppy?” He asks, glancing at the sippy cup on the nightstand. Dogday only whines in response, tears filling his eyes. “I'll go get some medicine for you.” Catnap stands up, remembering how Bubba told him medicine helps when someone is sick.

“No! Don't lweve!” Dogday cries out which sends him into a coughing fit. Catnap's eyes widened, the feline forgot how clingy the other gets sometimes. “I'm sorry pup but I have to leave just for a moment, I'll be back again as quick as possible.” Tears slip down Dogday's cheeks, hiccups following. Catnap sighs and grabs the sippy cup halfway filled with water, bringing it close to Dogday's lips. The canine shakes his head, “No! No, wha!” The purple cat frowns, as Dogday sobs into his clothes. “Woah, breathe baby boy.” He whispers, gently petting the horribly sick and upset dog. Catnap knew this wasn't going to be easy, whenever Dogday got sick he was difficult and stubborn, however it got worse when he was in a regressed state.

Catnap wiped the tears which were still wetting Dogday's cheeks and helped him drink from the sippy cup, he was worried about the other having another coughing fit. Once he set the sippy back on the nightstand, Catnap helped Dogday lay back down. “You need to sleep pup.” He said after noticing his fever was ever still present. “No eep, not tire..” Dogday said with a strong pout, “Yes eep, you are very tired honey.” Catnap lightly laughed and sat back on the bed. “You can take some medicine once you wake up, it'll help reduce your fever.” Dogday whined but closed his eyes. “Swory?” Catnap smiled and grabbed Dogday's favorite book with his tail. “Alright sunshine, I'll read to you but only one story tonight.” Catnap usually didn't like to talk very much or too loud, however he always made an exception for Dogday. He'll just rest his vocal cords once the canine is asleep.


I'll write the other one hopefully tonight or tomorrow

Chapter 11: Fears and tears


Dogday awakes from a nightmare in tears and seeks out Bobby for comfort while regressed


Here is your other request B0nesandst0nes ✨️

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Dogday was running away from something that was after him, he didn't want to look behind him but he knew deep down that it was getting closer. No sound left him, a silent scream when he opened his mouth. He didn't seem to be getting anywhere no matter how fast he ran, his legs ached. He just wanted to be safe and with his friends, not in this dark hallway with a never-ending path. He could practically feel its breath down his neck, then suddenly he tripped. Sharp claws pinned him down, the faceless creature hovering above his face. There was a part of him that recognized the way the monster looked, it was too dark to fully tell so he didn't think much about it. The claws sunk deeper into his fur, causing a blood curdling scream to erupt from him.

Dogday's eyes snapped open, his heart pounding harshly in his ears, hot tears streaming down his face. He glanced around his dark room, he didn't want to be alone in fear of that thing coming after him. He tumbled out of his bed, his whole body trembling. He wobbled out of his room, sniffling and made his way to the living room where Bobby, also known as `Mama Bear`, was sleeping. Bobby had offered to stay the night with Dogday since everyone else was either busy or out of town. Dogday almost tripped on the fuzzy blanket he was clutching tightly in his paws.

It was quite dim in the living room, shadows in the corners tricking Dogday's rattled state. “Mama!” The canine shouted, trying his best to hug her, tears flowing out again. Bobby rubbed her eyes and immediately noticed how shaken up Dogday was. “What's wrong sweetheart?” She asks and picks him up, putting him on her lap. “Bad dweam..” The canine mumbles, holding the blanket to his chest. Bobby gently bounces Dogday on her leg, hoping it'll soothe him. “A nightmare? It's okay baby, it's not real. There's nothing here that could hurt you.” The canine hums lightly and wipes his eyes, leaning against her chest to hear her heartbeat.

“If anything tried to hurt you, they'd have to go through me first. I'm a lot stronger than I look.” She declared proudly, holding him closer. Dogday brought his thumb to his mouth, Bobby knew what he was about to do and grabbed his paw to stop him. “No no puppy. We don't suck our thumbs, where’s your binky?” Dogday whined, remembering how it was left in his room. “Bedwoom..” He said while pointing towards the direction of his bedroom. “Well, we can get it together.” Bobby stood up and adjusted her hold on the canine. The way his shoulders tensed didn't go unnoticed by the bear as she walked towards his room.

Thankfully his sun themed pacifier was sitting on his nightstand ready to be used. She grabbed it and put it in his mouth for him to suck on. He hummed and laid his head back on her chest, Bobby carried him to the couch and got comfortable with him on top. Dogday laid on top of her blanket with his fuzzy blanket covering him. Exhaustion hit him once he heard her heartbeat again. They both closed their eyes, a sigh leaving Bobby's lips.


Two fics in one day, I love every request I get thank you ♡

Chapter 12: Big emotions in little time


Bobby misses an episode from her favorite show and is absolutely not happy about this, at least she has Dogday to help calm her down


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Dogday and Bobby had been shopping all afternoon, when they got home Bobby was excited to finally see the new episode for her favorite show. Dogday grabbed the remote and turned it on for her, watching her sit in front of the tv with a big smile on her face. He headed towards the kitchen to put away the groceries as the credits came on indicating the episode had already ended, her expression dropped. If only she had stayed home she wouldn't have missed the episode, if only Dogday didn't take her shopping with him, if only they had come home sooner.

Dogday flinched at the sound of an ear piercing scream followed by a heart-wrenching cry. He ran out of the kitchen hoping Bobby wasn't injured. What he didn't expect to see was the rose scented bear hitting the ground and wailing. He gazed at the tv screen for a moment and realized the credits were fading, he turned off the tv and took a deep breath. Now he understood why she was throwing a tantrum. “Sweetie, hey it's alright.” He tried to hold her paws but she let out a high pitched scream, big globs of tears rolling down her cheeks. He got down to her eye level, and looked at her scrunched up expression, he felt bad that she had missed an episode.

Dogday helped her stand despite her trying to kick him. “Lovebug can you look at me?” He asked calmly, not letting go of her paws. Bobby looked at him and took in a shuddering breath. “Can you tell me why you're unhappy?” Dogday already knew the reason but he wanted to hear her say it. Bobby pointed at the tv screen and stomped her foot. “What about the tv, baby bear?” He could hear another scream building in her throat. She stomped again, harder this time, tears completely blurring her vision. “Look at me, baby girl. Take a deep breath and tell me why you're upset.” Bobby copied the inhale that the canine did and let go of his paws, instead she held her arms open for a hug.

Dogday smiled sadly and hugged the bear close, hearing her sob into his shoulder. “Miss sho..” She hiccupped as Dogday pulled away from the hug to wipe at her eyes, her cheeks were soaked. “You missed your show? I'm sorry sweetheart, I know you were excited to see it.” He said and watched the way her form shook. Dogday picked her up, her breaths were shallow but she seemed to be calming down. “I’ll let you watch it on the website tomorrow okay?” Bobby nodded and sniffled, her eyelids heavy. “I think it's time for a nap.” Dogday took out a heart themed pacifier from his pocket that he knew would come in handy later. She accepted it when it was placed in her mouth and drowsily sucked on it. The canine sat on the couch as Bobby drifted off into dreamland in his warm, comforting embrace.


I love writing while sick, it distracts me from how much pain I'm in

Chapter 13: Soccer gone wrong


Kickin and Hoppy are playing soccer when Hoppy accidentally twists her ankle, thankfully she has Kickin, Bubba, and Crafty to help her


Thank you for the request!

Chapter Text

Hoppy and Kickin were playing soccer on the field, so far Hoppy was winning. Bubba and Crafty were sitting out on a nearby bench, they have water bottles next to them thanks to how hot it is outside. “I don't understand how these two have so much energy.” Crafty laughed as she drank from her water bottle. “Or how they aren't passed out from the heat.” Bubba added, watching Hoppy run after the soccer ball. “They get too competitive sometimes.” Bubba nodded, taking a sip from his water bottle.

Hoppy kicked the soccer ball back to Kickin, her ankle twisted in the wrong direction and she fell onto the grass. Hoppy screamed from the pain which instantly got the attention of the other three. They all ran over to her, and noticed how she was clutching onto her leg while sobbing her little heart out. “What happened?” Kickin asked, confused and very concerned. “Kickin, go get a teacher now.” Bubba said sternly as Crafty tried to comfort a horribly distressed Hoppy. Kickin didn't ask any further and ran off to do what Bubba had told him to. “What happened to her?” Crafty asked softly, there was worry shining in her eyes.

“She twisted her ankle it seems.” Bubba observed, and lifted the green rabbit with ease. Hoppy cried against Bubba, and Crafty saw Kickin running back with a teacher. Crafty rubbed circles in Hoppy's back, hoping that would soothe her. “What did I miss?” Kickin asked, his troubled expression deepening. “She sprained her ankle when trying to kick the ball.” Bubba informed both Kickin and the teacher. Crafty watched the teacher step away to call the ER. “Hurts..” Hoppy sobbed in between hiccups. “We know, sweet girl, help will arrive soon.” Crafty mumbles, still trying to calm her down.

All of them followed the teacher, Bubba still holding Hoppy tightly. Hoppy sucked on her thumb, upset whines only escaping her now. “She's no longer crying so that's a good sign.” Kickin sighed, “Yes but she's still in so much pain.” Crafty answered, wishing she had a pacifier on her at the moment. “Did any of you bring little gear?” Bubba asked them, they both nodded. “It's in our backpacks.” Kickin responded. “They're in the classroom.” Crafty uttered in defeat. “You two can get them once we can see her again after the doctor looks at her ankle.” Bubba said, glancing down at Hoppy who had her eyes closed. Her thumb was still in her mouth, he knew she was still in pain and he could also tell she was tired from crying.

Chapter 14: A prank taken too far


Kickin had been pranking Dogday all afternoon but his last one sets Dogday off which scares him into regressing


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Dogday was tired of Kickin's pranks, he'd been walking into each one unexpectedly and would hear the other laugh not too far from where he stood. At first it was funny, but it quickly got annoying. The co*cker spaniel was now paranoid and he could feel his anger rising. Dogday had to talk to him about it now or else he would never learn. He took in a deep breath, hoping his temper wouldn't get the better of him. The canine opened the door, “Kickin, can we talk?” He started but was shut up immediately by a bucket filled with water falling on him, completely soaking him. If this was a different situation he wouldn't mind getting splashed but Kickin had already been testing his patience all afternoon.

His ears perked up at the sound of laughter, that was it. Dogday growled deep in his chest, his eyes glaring directly at Kickin. The canine grabbed the bucket and threw it in the other's direction, barely missing him. Kickin watched as Dogday started walking towards him, anger seething off of him, his prank didn't seem funny anymore. Tears welled in his eyes as the growling intensified, fear taking hold of him. He tightly closed his eyes, as his tears fell down his cheeks. Dogday wouldn't hurt him right?

All of a sudden, everything went silent. Kickin slowly opened his eyes, his whole body was trembling. Dogday was looking at him with a soft expression, his paw on his head lightly ruffling his feather crown. “I'm sorry little dude, did I scare you? I didn't mean to kicks..” Kickin sniffled, still weary of the other. “How about we stop with the pranks buddy, you've had your fun.” Kickin frowned but nodded anyway, Dogday gently wiped his tears away. “M’ sorry..” Kickin muffled behind his wing which was hovering in front of his beak. “I forgive you baby.” Dogday grabbed Kickin's wing, ignoring the fact that he was still sopping wet from the bucket that dropped on him earlier.

Kickin walked with Dogday, guilt fading slowly. “I'll be right back, I need to dry off.” The canine told the other, a smile still on his face. Kickin sat on the couch as Dogday walked away. He was relieved that the canine wasn't angry with him anymore.


So many requests, thank you all so much! I'll try my best to get them all out as soon as possible 🫶

Chapter 15: Laughter is the best medicine


Catnap is alone in his room crying when Dogdag arrives to save the day by making him laugh


Thank you so much for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

All lights were off except for one nightlight, Catnap sobbed into the fluffy orange pillow that he held tightly. The pillow smelled like vanilla and was a gift from none other than Dogday. The feline was hoping that hugging the pillow close would stop his ever flowing tears and calm him, it obviously couldn't compare to the real canine. Said canine lightly knocked on the door, his only response from the purple cat was a very unhappy whine. Dogday instantly let himself in, grateful that the door wasn't locked. “Hey kitty. What's wrong?” His voice was gentle, welcoming. Catnap didn't answer, instead he made a grabby motion with his paws while taking in a sharp deep breath.

Dogday got comfortable on the bed with the lavender feline and wrapped his arms around him. The canine opened a drawer from the nightstand and grabbed the moon themed pacifier, softly offering it to Catnap who accepted it without hesitation. “There's no need to tell me what's wrong now, I know you aren't in the talking mood.” Dogday let his paws run down the other's spine, feeling how soft Catnap's fur was. He gazed down at the purple cat, who had globs of tears dripping down his cheeks. A sigh left his lips as he wiped them away, Catnap sucking on the pacifier sorrow present in his eyes.

“Did I ever tell you about the time when Picky let Kickin bake and how the result was a complete disaster?” This caught the other's attention. “I guess not, well buckle up because you're in for a wild story.” He adjusted their position so Catnap could sleep easier since he knew he would get exhausted from all that crying. “This happened two weeks ago, Picky allowed Kickin in the kitchen to bake a few muffins and he was ready for the challenge. His first mistake was confusing salt for sugar and he dumped so much in, poor Picky was panicking when she saw what he had done. Her scream was priceless, however it did give us all a little scare.”

Dogday's eyes widen when he heard the sound of faint giggles. “I'm not even halfway into the story and you're already giggling?” Catnap tried to cover his face in Dogday's fur, but he didn't really succeed thanks to the pacifier in his mouth. “I am greatly offended, little moon.” He laughed at his own dramatics, Catnap's giggles slightly increasing in volume. Dogday felt proud of himself for being able to enlight giggles out of the other.


This is why Picky never let Kickin bake ever again

Chapter 16: Show me how to be brave


Dogday has to get a shot before he leaves the doctors but he's afraid of needles, luckily Kickin is there to comfort him and show him how to be brave


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

Chapter Text

Dogday watched the way his legs swung back and forth, he didn't understand what the scary doctor and kicky were talking about but he didn't care. He just wanted to go home already and never see this place again. “So he'll need one shot? Yeah, we can do that right now.” Dogday tuned in immediately at that sentence. The doctor left as Kickin nodded, their conversation was over. “Sorry pup, but you're going to have to get one shot in your arm today and then we'll be done.” Dogday tilted his head, he couldn't recall what that was exactly. “The doctor will be back, they just had to go get the needle.” That word registered in his little brain, he curled up and shook his head.

“No! No needlwe! Too scwary..” Kickin walked up to him, he knew Dogday wasn't a fan of needles but getting the shot would be an easy and quick process. “It'll be over before you know it sunshine, besides I'm here with you.” Dogday's frown deepened, his eyes filling with tears. “It hurt..” Kickin sighed and held the other's paws. “I understand that you despise needles with every fiber of your being puppy, but I also know that you are a brave boy.” Dogday pouted, “No needlwe, pwease?” Kickin could tell the other was on the verge of crying so he tried a different approach.

“How about this? You can squeeze my wing whenever the needle goes in and you can keep your eyes on me.” Dogday ponders for a moment then nods slowly. “Once we're done, I'll buy you peanut butter cookies as a treat for being such a brave boy.” Kickin watched Dogday gasp, his eyes glowing at that offer. “Peanut bwtter!” His tail wagged excitedly behind him, Kickin couldn't help but laugh at how adorable Dogday was.

The doctor arrived and Dogday could feel his heart drop. Kickin held onto one of Dogday's paws as he held his other arm out for the shot. The canine kept his eyes on Kickin and squeezed his wing when he felt the slight sting on his arm. He tried his best to suppress a whimper, he was a brave boy after all, he could do this! Kickin gave him a proud smile and a nod.

“Good job, it's all over now.” Dogday glanced at his arm and noticed the bandaid on it. “Peanut bwtter time!” He shouted in delight as he hopped off the examination table. Kickin nodded and laughed, taking Dogday's paw again. “Of course baby, you were very brave when facing something scary.”

Chapter 17: Mud puddle trouble


Kickin accidentally kicks the soccer ball into a mud puddle, and him and Hoppy get covered in mud. Bubba and Picky have to try and convince them to come inside for a bath


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

Chapter Text

Bubba and Picky were currently watching Kickin and Hoppy play soccer, Bubba warned them to be careful and not to fall in the mud puddles that were leftover thanks to the rain they had that morning. So far, they had been doing a good job of that. “They have so much energy, it's already been an hour.” Picky laughed, she enjoyed seeing Kickin and Hoppy happy. Bubba nodded, “I think we should tell them to come back in soon.” Picky hummed in agreement, knowing their littles would definitely be hungry.

Kickin ran towards the soccer ball and accidentally kicked it the wrong way, he watched in horror as the ball rolled into a muddy puddle. They stood there for a moment not knowing what to do, then they faced each other. They didn't even have to talk to know what the other was thinking, and they instantly ran in the mud. Hoppy grabbed the ball, “I got it!” She cheered and stuck her tongue out at Kickin. Bubba and Picky's eyes went wide at seeing how much mud Kickin and Hoppy were covered in now. “They are definitely coming back in, they need a bath.” Bubba said and sighed, knowing this was a possibility but was hoping it would never happen. Picky stood up and made her way towards the other two.

“I'm glad you two are having fun, but I think it's time to go back inside and have a bath.” Hoppy's expression went sour, she didn't want to stop playing now. “But..ball..” Kickin whined with a pout, pointing at the soccer ball. “You two can play in the bath, it'll be a bubble bath.” Bubba said while walking and standing next to Picky. “Wanna stay outside.” Hoppy crossed her arms after Picky took the ball. “Baby you have tomorrow to play outside, both of you do.” Picky tried to convince them but they were still stubborn as ever. “More time pwease?” Kickin begged, but Picky and Bubba shook their heads.

“We'll let you two play out here first thing in the morning and I'll wash your soccer ball tonight.” Picky promised, that did seem to get them thinking. “Bubbles?” Bubba nodded, “Yes, bubbles.” That immediately put smiles on their faces as they cheered. Kickin and Hoppy ran towards the house, Bubba laughed and shook his head. “Those two are such a handful even when they're regressed.” Picky held the door open for the elephant as she said, “Yes, but we love them dearly.”

Bubba turned the water on and made sure it was the right temperature for them, then Picky helped them get in the tub. Hoppy watched Bubba pour the bubbles in, giggles erupting from her as they floated around her and Kickin. “Don't splash too much baby.” Picky said while tipping over a cup filled with water onto Kickin's head. “We should have more playdates like this for them in the future.” They both smiled fondly at the two splashing in the tub, “Agreed.”

Chapter 18: Teardrops falling in the sky and in your eyes


Crafty can't sleep due to a heavy storm, Catnap checks on her and helps her sleep


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Thunder roars as heavy rain poured outside, Craftycorn was wrapped up in her blanket unable to sleep for about 2 hours now. It was already past her bedtime but the storm kept her awake. She is currently staying the night at Catnap's home, he had invited her knowing how she didn't do well sleeping alone during harsh weather. He expected her to be asleep by now but knew better, his suspicions were correct when he heard a muffled sob coming from behind the door. He was deeply grateful that she wasn't good at keeping her cries silent.

He gently knocked on the door, hearing a startled squeak on the other side. He opened the door, thankful that he could still see in the dark. He walked up to her shaking form and got down to her eye level, big shiny pupils stared back at him. “It's just me, baby girl, don't worry.” Catnap said, as guilt stung his heart for not checking on her sooner. She seemed to have been crying for longer than he originally thought. She held her hooves out for him, he picked her up and held her close. “My poor frightened flower.” He uttered under his breath, walking out of the dark room with her. Crafty sniffled and lifted her face from Catnap's chest, seeing the change of scenery.

The feline walked into the living room and sat on the couch with Crafty in his lap, her blanket still around her comfortably. She sniffled and wiped at her eyes with her hooves, the scent of lavender filled her nose due to Catnap being so close. A crash of thunder filled the quiet air, causing her to jump. “I'm sorry the storm isn't allowing you to sleep, honey.” Catnap said with a sigh and adjusted their position so they both were more comfortable, a loud purr vibrating through him.

Crafty’s once teary eyes now drooped from exhaustion, she whined feeling like something was missing. Catnap was confused at first until he noticed the abandoned pacifier on the coffee table, he had forgotten to give it to her earlier. He grabbed it with his long tail and set it in her mouth. Crafty closed her eyes, the sound of the Catnap's purring lulling her to sleep slowly. The feline followed her shortly into a deep sleep, not really minding the sound of the rain from outside.

Chapter 19: Stress is not good for those with tender hearts


Picky is extremely stressed during a test at school and when she doesn't return from the bathroom, Hoppy seeks her out


Thank you KittenChan for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Picky didn't study for her test. That was her first mistake, her second mistake was not asking Bubba to tutor her. She was stressing out when she walked into the school building, dreading her first period. She was prideful of her skills in the kitchen, not when it came to testing. Her brows furrowed deeply as she stared down at the paper test in front of her. If only she was able to avoid this. Taking a deep breath in, she grabbed her pencil and believed in herself. She could do this and pass like it was nothing!

She couldn't do this, she was only on question 15 out of 25 and would furiously rub her eyes when tears welled up. Her brain felt as if it was a pile of mush and none of the answer choices looked right. Picky raised her hoof and asked to use the bathroom, not realizing that she was being watched by Hoppy.

Hoppy would occasionally glance at Picky here and there, she could tell that the other was far from alright and when said pig didn't return from the bathroom after 10 minutes she asked to go check on her since she already finished her test. She sighed in relief when the teacher let her leave.

After Hoppy left the classroom she immediately heard the sound of crying, following the sound led her right to Pickypiggy. Picky was curled up against the wall not too far from the classroom and across from the bathroom. She was rocking herself lightly, her hoof in her mouth. “Hey sweetheart-” Picky instantly lifted her head, her eyes wide. “It's okay little one, Hoppy is here.” Hoppy sat next to Picky and pulled her into a hug, resulting in the regressed pig sobbing into Hoppy's chest.

Hoppy slightly rocked Picky as she softly shushed her, the green rabbit noticed that the other was trying to say something but couldn't in between hiccups. “I'm right here baby, it's alright, breathe.” Hoppy desperately wanted to take Picky home where all her little gear was but knew she couldn't until the end of the day. “Stwess..too hwrd..” Picky mumbled while Hoppy helped wipe her tears. “I could tell you were stressed honey, I'm sorry about that.” Hoppy didn't want the teacher to come and get them since they were taking too long so she had to think of something fast.

“Once you finish with your test, I'll try my best to take you home early and we can do whatever your heart desires. I already have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in my lunchbox that you can snack on in the car.” She could tell her offer worked when Picky’s expression changed. “Pb n’ j?” She asked, and Hoppy nodded. Picky cheered while Hoppy stood up and helped her up afterward. Hoppy smiled, remembering the other's favorite food came in handy.


I am very sleep deprived so if there are any mistakes I apologize 😭

Chapter 20: Rain, rain go away so I can play outside today


Kickin is excited to play outside, however it's raining and Bubba won't allow him out. This quickly escalates into a tantrum, luckily Bubba knows how to calm Kickin down.


Thank you BenX2005 for the request 😌

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been raining all morning continuing into the afternoon. Bubba enjoyed days like these, usually he would read but today was not one of those days. Footsteps caught his attention and in came Kickin, he had a large smile and seemed to be bursting with energy. He rushed to the front door, but stopped when he realized he didn't understand how to unlock it. Bubba walked over to him, “Where do you plan on going?” He asked and Kickin pointed at the front door. “Outside!” Bubba quickly looked at the window and saw that it was still raining. “You want to play outside?” Kickin nodded excitedly, hoping the elephant would unlock the door for him. However that was far from what the other did, instead he said “No, I'm sorry but it's raining out there and I won't let you risk getting sick.”

“Outside!” Kickin demanded while stomping his foot. “Wanna play ou'side!” His voice raised in pitch as he got louder near the end of his sentence. Is he about to-? Bubba shook his head and grabbed one of Kickin's wings, leading him away from the front door. He would've gladly let the other play if it wasn't pouring but oh well.

Suddenly there was a weight and then Kickin's wing slipped from Bubba's grasp. The elephant turned around in surprise and looked down to see the other on the floor. Before he could even get a word out, Kickin started screaming, large tears flowing down his cheeks as he flailed around. Bubba's earlier assumption was correct. He knew very well that Kickin could be stubborn and sometimes lose his temper but he didn't expect a tantrum this early on. Letting out a sigh, he sat down and patiently watched the other. Kickin screamed louder when he saw that his caretaker was just sitting across from him, he didn't think it was fair how he wasn't allowed to play just because of the rain.

Bubba glanced at the clock, then back at Kickin who had finally stopped screaming due to his throat feeling dry. He was only crying now, his shoulders shaking violently. The poor boy really made a mess of himself, his feather crown was disheveled and his feathers in general were ruffled. “I understand you're angry with me, you can be angry. However, thanks to the nasty weather I'd rather not let you go out and play because you could either get sick or injured.” Bubba prepared himself for the latter to start screaming again but it never happened. “There are ways for you to have fun indoors, you can watch tv, do an activity or play with your toys.” Kickin sniffled harshly and stared at the floor, really thinking about his options.

“Play witf toy..” Bubba nodded, knowing that after dinner he'll have to give Kickin a bath and send him to bed early. Bubba stood up and lifted the other, gently setting him on his feet. He wiped the other's tears away with his hooves, “What kind of juice do you want baby?” Kickin hummed then said, “Apple pwease.” Bubba walked into the kitchen, he'll definitely have to call Picky and ask her what helps with a sore throat.


20 chapters already? Oh my! Thank you for so many requests I'll try to get more done soon

Chapter 21: Sometimes fiction and reality are hard to differentiate in a little mind


Dogday finds Crafty crying after watching a sad movie and comforts her


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Craftycorn was staying over at Dogday's house, she was sitting comfortably on the couch ready to watch a movie that Bobby had suggested for her. She trusted the other's judgment and kept her focus on the screen. The beginning was wholesome, she genuinely enjoyed the personalities of the different characters. She let a content sigh escape her lips as she wrapped a fluffy rainbow blanket around herself.

Dogday on the other hand just finished calling Catnap while making him and Crafty some dinner. The canine was pretty satisfied with how the food turned out, he carried both plates to the dining table along with the silverware. Something was missing, but he couldn't figure out what it was. Finally he realized how he forgot the drinks, he happily made his way to the kitchen.

Crafty always loved to feel wrapped up in one of her blankets as a sort of comfort or safe zone, especially when she was upset. The movie had just ended and tears were still wetting her cheeks. Part of her understood why she was upset but another part of her didn't, maybe it was how sad the story quickly became or maybe it was because she could relate to the pain the characters felt. Whatever the reason was, she didn't even hear Dogday until he was right next to her.

“What's wrong sweetheart?” The way he said it, caused her heart to ache all over again. The blanket fell to the floor and she threw herself onto him in a hug, a sob ripping from her throat. Dogday was beyond concerned but also at a loss, he didn't understand where this was coming from. “Dotf lweve me..” She hiccuped, her hold seemingly more desperate. Dogday picked the blanket up from the floor and wrapped it around the little unicorn, then he picked her up. “No go ‘way..” Dogday brushed Crafty's bangs out of her eyes, “Where is this coming from little one?”

She didn't answer, instead she rested the side of her head to hear his heartbeat as she stuck one hoof in her mouth to suck on. “I made dinner for us, you want to eat together in the dining room or living room?” Crafty sniffled, her cries calming down. “liv’in room..” She answered behind her hoof, eyes still watery. Dogday nodded and set her on the couch turning to leave which was a big mistake, she let out a terrified scream which also scared the canine. “I'll be right back, little flower, and I won't be long.” That answer wasn't enough for the unicorn who was on the verge of releasing another waterfall from her eyes. Dogday sighed and picked her up again, “Alright we can take the trip together.” He adjusted his grip on her and started making his way towards the dining room table. “What did you watch earlier?” He questioned aloud not expecting a reply, “A mov’e..” Crafty answered. “Was it the one Bobby told you to watch?” The unicorn nodded, Dogday couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment. “What was Bobby thinking?”

Chapter 22: I'll always protect you


Catnap is having a horrible day and to top it all off he's about to get mugged, thankfully Dogday comes to protect him


Thank you for the request! Also tw for those who don't like violence, there isn't anything too graphic but I'll still put the warning just in case

Chapter Text

Catnap was having a horrible day, he slept late which ended up causing him to wake up late and rush to work. He didn't get to eat anything and he had to work late to make up for him already showing up past the time he was supposed to be there. The lavender feline wanted to cry, at least he was almost home. When walking onto another sidewalk, he was bumped into by another creature. He was going to apologize when he was shoved against the wall, “Give your wallet cat.” They threatened, sharp claws next to Catnap's neck. Catnap shook his head, he was horrified, his whole body shaking.

“Being difficult huh?” Catnap's eyes widened, as he watched the claws get dangerously close to the fur on his neck. He just wanted to be home, in bed with something delicious to eat, he wanted Dogday who was waiting for him. Catnap couldn't hold back a wail, calling out for the canine who takes care of him. The mugger is about to punch Catnap when suddenly he gets slammed to the ground. The feline hiccups and can slightly make out the figure who stopped his assault. Catnap wipes at his eyes and is pulled into a protective embrace. “I’m here kitty, it's alright, you're safe.” The scent of vanilla fills his nostrils, Dogday was here.

“Doggy..” He mumbles, burying his face into the other's stomach. Dogday glares at the knocked out body of the mugger, then checks the crying feline to make sure he wasn't injured. “Up pwease..” Dogday nodded and lifted Catnap, holding him close. “Let's go home, I already have food prepared for you and then I can read you a bedtime story.”

Chapter 23: Miscommunication can cause someone to get hurt


Kickin can't find his soccer ball which frustrates him, Hoppy offers hers but for some reason he doesn't want to, this escalates an argument breaking out between them, luckily Bubba helps them resolve everything


Thank you KittenChan for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickin searched everywhere and yet he couldn't find his soccer ball anywhere, frustration was building in his chest. “Still no luck?” Hoppy asked when she saw him storm into the living room. “I don't remember where I put it and I've checked everywhere!” Hoppy raised an eyebrow at him, “You can just use mine.” She pointed at her soccer ball which was resting against the wall. “I'm not going to use your soccer ball Hoppy.” Kickin argued with a glare. “Why not? What's wrong with it? It's in perfect condition.” She questioned, aggravation lacing her tone. “Yes, but it's yours.” Hoppy stood up, “What does that mean?” She snapped and felt her anger burn brighter as she watched Kickin shrug.

Bubba was currently cleaning the kitchen when the sound of a high pitched scream coming from the living room alerted him. He quickly made his way into the living room and was greeted by the sight of two children arguing. Kickin had his arms crossed, and Hoppy was crying. They both looked hurt, not physically but mentally. “What happened?” Bubba asked them, hoping for one to answer. “Kicks said there's somethfng wong witf my socc ball..” Hoppy cried and pointed in the other's direction. “Cause it's yours!” Kickin shouted, tears trickling down his cheeks.

“I think I see the problem now.” Bubba got down to their level and took in a deep breath. “Kickin, Hoppy was being nice by sharing but you don't want to use hers because you're worried about either losing hers just like you lost your soccer ball or, you didn't want to play with hers because then you'd be playing alone.” Kickin nodded and looked at Hoppy who gasped. “Of course I'd pway witf you!” She said and hugged him. “M’ sorry for getting angwy witf you..” Kickin hugged back and hid his face in her shoulder. “All is forgiven! I'm also sorry for gettin' mad.” Bubba smiled at the adorable scene in front of him.

Chapter 24: Overwhelmed


Dogday, Catnap, and Craftycorn are all dining at a restaurant, however Crafty feels extremely overwhelmed by everything and can't handle it. On the bright side, she has Dogday and Catnap to help her.


Thank you SW33TEMERY for the request!

Chapter Text

Dogday, Catnap and Crafty were out for dinner at a restaurant, usually Crafty wouldn't come along but she wanted to try and put herself out there more. It was a nice thought, but after being there for about 40 minutes she regretted tagging along. There were tables full around them, she felt out of place among everyone else. Conversations mixed together, everyone was too loud and it's not like she could ask them to stop. She watched the waiter place down their food, Dogday's tail starts wagging excitedly behind him and Catnap nodded in appreciation.

Crafty glanced down at her plate, disappointment hit her as she realized they got her order wrong. Of course it was only her food they got wrong, the other two got exactly what they wanted. She didn't feel so hungry anymore, tears welling in her eyes as the other two dug in happily. It just wasn't fair, she shouldn't have come, she wanted her coloring book to distract herself but it was at home. She tried to blink away the large tears that were blurring her vision but it was too late. She put her head down, hoping she wouldn't draw attention to how upset she was.

“Crafty is everything alright?” Dogday asked softly, his paw resting on her shoulder, he noticed something was up immediately. She lifted her head slightly, her bottom lip trembled as tears escaped her eyes. That instantly answered Dogday's question, both of them knew what to do. Catnap stood up and helped Crafty stand, then walked out so he could calm her down in private. Once he brought her somewhere they could talk alone, Crafty couldn't hold back her sobbing. “Was it too much in there sweetie?” Catnap whispered and she nodded. “I'm so sorry baby, we understand how you don't do well in public spaces.” The feline hugged Crafty, who cried into his chest area.

“I'm swrry for rwuinin’ everytfing..” She mumbled, “You didn't ruin anything baby.” Catnap reassured her, rubbing circles into her back. “Bu-” Catnap stopped her before she could continue, “No, no honey, you did nothing wrong.” Catnap wiped her tears, his expression was gentle. “Let's head back inside then we'll leave after we pay.” Crafty sniffled while nodding, guilt still present in her chest.

Dogday's expression lightened at seeing them return but he was still very worried. “I already paid for everything, is she okay?” Dogday stood up, “I think we should go home and make her whatever food she wants.” Catnap said as they started walking out. “Of course, you remembered to bring something for her in the car right?” Crafty held Dogday's paw and had her other hoof in her mouth. “I kept a pacifier in a bag in the backseat for her.” Dogday already decided to stay with her in the back of the car as Catnap would drive.

Chapter 25: Nothing to be ashamed of


Catnap finally decided to do something about Kickin's constant accidents, at first it's a struggle to get him to agree but thankfully it doesn't take too long to convince him


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Catnap and Kickin were walking inside after Catnap had let Kickin play outside all morning. In the corner of Catnap's eye he noticed how Kickin kept fidgeting uncomfortably. The feline turned around once they were inside and faced the ylang-ylang scented critter. “What's wrong?” He asked and got down to his eye level. Kickin's expression became sour, and he glanced down causing the other to follow his gaze. “An accident? Kicks this is the 5th time this week..” Kickin whined, he didn't want to be reminded. “M’ swry..” Catnap took his wing and led him to the bathroom. “There's no need to apologize, I understand that it happens when you're having fun but we need to do something about it so your clothes don't constantly need washing.” Kickin whined again, he was hoping the other wouldn't suggest what he was thinking.

Kickin felt better after being bathed and put into different clothing, however Catnap wasn't going to drop the idea of a solution. Kickin was full of energy an hour after lunch and wanted to go out into their yard so he could play again. He clutched his soccer ball tightly to his chest and looked up at Catnap with big shiny eyes. “You want to go outside again?” The lavender feline asked, which had the other nodding quickly in excitement. “Kicky, you’re clean if you go out then it would've been for nothing.” Kickin pouted, he desperately wanted to play again. Catnap sighed, “Fine, but you have to wear protection before you go out.”

Kickin tilted his head in confusion until Catnap pulled out a diaper. “Nuuu!” He shook his head, “Dun need it! M’ not a baby!” Catnap set the diaper on the couch, “I never said you were, but it'll help whenever you have another accident.” Kickin dropped his soccer ball and crossed his arms, he was definitely not happy with this idea. “There's nothing wrong with wearing one if it'll help, besides I'll be the only one seeing you like this since I'll be changing you.” Kickin stomped his foot, “Nu!” He was a big boy, he didn't want it. “It won't be so bad, you'll even forget you're wearing it when you're playing and having fun.” Kickin glanced at it resting on the couch, remembering how many times Catnap has had to do the laundry just within a week.

“Mkay..” He uttered in defeat, Catnap smiled and grabbed the diaper. “Change in here or the bathroom?” He asked, “Bafhoom.” Kickin said and took Catnap's paw. “Might as well check before I send you out anyway.” Kickin grumbled but didn't protest or complain further.


I love checking the request page and seeing more to write about ty all sm ♡

Chapter 26: A little Halloween night


Bobby and Kickin take Crafty and Catnap out to do some tricker treating


Thank you Fic_Idea for the request!

Chapter Text

“Aww!!” Bobby squealed at the sight of Crafty and Catnap dressed in their Halloween costumes. “So adorable!” Kickin laughed at how embarrassed the two littles became. “Don't make them change their minds Bobby.” Kickin joked and grabbed two buckets for Crafty and Catnap to hold. “They wouldn't change their minds, especially not with free candy on the line.” She answered back with a laugh and grabbed her purse. Kickin unlocked the door for them and opened it.

“If you two ever get tired of walking just let us know.” They both nodded, smiles adoring their faces as they held hands. Kickin and Bobby walked close to them, since it was dark out. “Let's try that house first!” Kickin pointed to the one on their left. They all walked over to the house, “Prwty.” Crafty muttered in awe at the decorations, Catnap agreed with a nod. “Lucky us that we got the easy littles huh?” Kickin laughed as Bobby nudged his arm, “Don't be rude Kickin, but I guess you're right.” Bobby rolled her eyes at his idiocy.

Crafty and Catnap walked back towards the other two, holding their buckets filled with a few candies. “Alright! Good job sweethearts, now let's go get more. We have until 12am, remember this is one of the only times you're staying up past bedtime.” Crafty and Catnap pouted. “No need to look so gloomy, we still have so much time! Now let's go and find another house.” They all set off towards the right, joyful smiles on all their faces.

Chapter 27: We can't always get what we want, and that's okay


While Crafty and Dogday are passing through a toy shop, Dogday sees a toy he desperately wants however Crafty doesn't have enough on her at the moment. This results in Dogday throwing a fit once she says no, thankfully she knows how to calm him down.


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

Chapter Text

Craftycorn and Dogday were at the mall for about 2 hours now, honestly she expected to finish earlier but there was just so much she needed to buy. She let out a sigh of relief, knowing they would be leaving hopefully soon. They walked into a toy shop, when suddenly Dogday stopped moving. Crafty, who was thankfully holding his paw also stopped. She followed his gaze and noticed the way he looked at one toy in particular. Dogday's tail wagged wildly as he pointed, “I wan it!” He gripped onto her clothing tightly, Crafty gave him a smile then checked the price. Her eyes went wide, she definitely didn't have enough on her at the moment.

Crafty took Dogday's paw again and led him away, “I can't get that for you sunshine, I'm sorry but it's too expensive.” Dogday frowned and looked back at where he saw the toy he desperately wanted. Why couldn't she buy one toy for him? She was able to buy everything else without issues. The canine stopped walking again and stomped his foot harshly on the ground, “I wan it!” He shouted, voice rising in pitch. Crafty took a deep breath hoping he wasn't about to do what she thought. “I already said no, I don't have much left on me sweetie.” She tried her best to explain again but it was all in vain as Dogday started screaming, tears falling down in agony.

His body thrashed as he got louder, a few passers-by gave them strange looks but didn't interfere. Crafty quickly prepared herself then picked up the obvious upset canine and walked out the store with him. He screamed into her shoulder and hit her, although she didn't really feel anything thanks to what little strength he had. She turned a corner where they would be most likely alone. Dogday was no longer screaming but he was still sobbing, frustration clear on his face. “You made a wreck of yourself, puppy, I can tell you're still upset with me.” Dogday stomped his foot, however Crafty knew the canine was getting exhausted from quite the scene he made in the toy store. She got down to his level and took his paws gently, her expression kind and understanding.

“I'm unable to buy that toy for you, but to help you cheer up, I can buy you something sweet.” Dogday sniffled, wiping at his eyes. “What would you like?” Crafty watched Dogday pull away then embrace her. “M’ swry for hittin’...” Crafty smiled and hugged him back, she felt extremely proud of him for apologizing to her. “It's alright sunshine, just don't do it again. I do understand you were feeling big emotions that you didn't know how else to express.” Her soft, welcoming voice made him feel loved and calm. “Would you like an ice cream cone?” He hummed in agreement and offered his paw for her to take as they walked together. “Vanilla for my little vanilla puppy?” She laughed light-heartedly, which caused a smile to creep its way onto Dogday's face.

Chapter 28: Nothing wrong with taking precautions


Catnap had another accident so Bobby decides it's time to do something about it, the feline doesn't want to wear diapers at first but Bobby is able to change his mind


Thank you Sesesesesesese1p875 for the request!

Chapter Text

Bobby grabbed a book from the shelf in Catnap's bedroom and set it to the side, the feline yawned as he walked into the room. His eyelids were droopy and heavy, he was more than ready for bed. He raised his arms so she could pick him up, Bobby happily obliged and lifted him. That's when she noticed the dampness on his lower area, she immediately put him back on his feet, which earned an unhappy whine from Catnap. “Nappy, did you have another accident?” Catnap frowned the best he could, it was hardly effective since he was exhausted. Bobby took his paw in hers and walked out of the room with him. “I figured this would happen again, so I bought something yesterday night while you were sleeping.”

Catnap did not like the sound of that as they entered the bathroom. Bobby left for a moment and quickly returned, in her paws was a diaper. Catnap shook his head, frown deepening. “I know you aren't happy about this baby, but you need to wear one.” Catnap rubbed his tired eyes which were welling up with tears. “It'll protect your clothes whenever you have another accident, and I'll be the one changing you.” Catnap whined, the feeling of his wet undergarments becoming uncomfortable. “Do you want me to change you now, naps?” Catnap nodded despite not agreeing, but he was too tired to fully show how much he despised her idea. Bobby smiled, knowing this would be easy, tomorrow he would definitely feel grateful for the protection.

Chapter 29: The world is too loud, so let me silence it for you, just for a little bit


Kickin and Bubba are outside watching the fireworks, Bubba can't handle the loud noises luckily Kickin is there to help


Thank you KittenChan for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickinchicken was ecstatic because it was the fourth of July and the moon was out, he couldn't wait to see the fireworks his neighbors would set off. “Front row seats basically from our own backyard!” He exclaimed, Bubba chuckled at his enthusiasm. The elephant wished he could share that same energy when it came to fireworks, yes they were beautiful and it was exciting to see in person. The problem Bubba had with fireworks was the noise it made, thanks to how big his ears were it made him more sensitive to loud sounds.

Bubba laid the picnic blanket out for them to sit on, Kickin immediately plopped down. Bubba flinched when he first heard a crackle nearby, he looked up and saw fireworks burst into the dark sky. Kickin's smile never falters as he watches another explode into a colorful flower. It didn't take long for more than two, to fill the sky Bubba felt his body start to shake. He despised each crackle, and pop that rattled his very soul. He tried to press his ears to his head to muffle the sound, it sadly didn't do much. Kickin turned towards the elephant about to tell him something when he instantly stopped, Bubba was whimpering as tears fell down his cheeks.

Kickin noticed how Bubba seemed to be in pain. The fireworks were causing his ears to ache. Kickin wrapped Bubba in a hug, his wings purposely going over his ears. Bubba slowly took his hooves off his ears, the pain subsiding. Kickin smiled down at the little elephant in his arms, his feathers came in handy. Now they both could enjoy the fireworks.

Chapter 30: Panic in the kitchen!


Dogday's stomach feels as if it's killing him due to hunger, the bad news is there is no applesauce left in the pantry and that's the only thing he wants. The pain becomes overwhelming and he has a meltdown, Bobby and Catnap help calm him down and think of a solution.


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

Chapter Text

Dogday was on the verge of tears, his stomach was in the worst pain ever. He felt like the universe was punishing him for not eating when his stomach first gave him a sign. The entire middle shelf in the pantry was empty, no applesauce anywhere. “I'm sorry pup, we ran out yesterday and I haven't had any time to go and buy more.” Bobby said from behind him. “Appy!” He cried, big sad eyes staring back at the bear. He wasn't in the mood for anything else and his safe food was gone. His stomach grumbled again, a sharp pain coursing through his body. Dogday falls onto the floor, an ear piercing cry ripping from his throat.

Catnap immediately runs into the kitchen, he was temporarily staying to help Bobby take care of Dogday. “What happened?” He asked once he was standing next to Bobby who looked like someone had rejected her. “I haven't had time today to buy more applesauce and that's the only thing he wants to eat. Poor baby is in pain.” She explained while Catnap watched Dogday hold his stomach and curl up, rocking back and forth. Dogday's cries were so intense it deeply concerned the purple feline. Catnap and Bobby sat next to the canine, “Breathe sweet boy, it's okay.” Bobby reassured while Catnap slowly brought Dogday into his lap so he could hold him.

“Tummy..” Dogday hiccuped and Catnap lightly wiped away the other's tears. “I'm sorry we're out of applesauce sunshine..” Bobby said while gently rubbing Dogday's paws to stop him from digging them into his sides. “I have an idea.” Bobby suddenly stood up, Catnap hummed lowly, hoping that would help Dogday. “I'm sorry I didn't remind you to eat sooner, it slipped my mind.” Catnap said after pressing a kiss to the other's forehead. “I know you won't eat anything else but how about this-” Catnap was about to propose an idea when Bobby rushed in with a smile. “Good news puppy! Picky is on her way with some applesauce, she said that she had some left and offered to bring it.” Catnap smiled at Dogday, watching his expression lighten and picked up the canine since he didn't want to move.

“That must be her!” Bobby shouted after there was a knock on the door. Catnap placed Dogday in the highchair then booped his nose. “I'm glad Bobby was quick to think of a solution.” Catnap laughed as he watched the other two walk into the kitchen. The day was saved.

Chapter 31: A stringy situation


Catnap plays with a spool of yarn but accidentally gets tangled in it, at least he has Dogday to help him and comfort him


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Catnap had found a spool of yarn, it was quite soft and he just couldn't resist playing with it. So far he was having a lot of fun, except there was one thing he forgot. The feline became quickly tangled within the yarn and couldn't find any way to completely get it off him, everytime he tried it just got worse. At this point becoming free within the yarn prison seemed like only a dream. Large tears formed in Catnap's eyes, wetting his cheeks as he squirmed.

Dogday was relaxing on the couch, when the desperate cries of Catnap reached his ears. He stood up and made his way to the other room, upon opening the door he saw the tight situation the purple cat was caught in. “Doggy! Hep!” Dogday rushed over and skimmed over Catnap so he could find the best yarn string to grab to untangle the feline. It took a bit of trial and error but eventually the canine was able to free the other. Dogday pulled Catnap into his arms, he rocked him slightly while shushing him.

Catnap, who was shaken from that whole situation, finally started to calm down and let out a yawn. Dogday wiped Catnap's tears away, noticing the other was starting to get sleepy. “That was terrifying, but not to worry, you're safe now kitty.” Catnap purred against Dogday, his paw going up to his mouth. “That's our cue to find your binky.” Dogday laughed, picking up the drifting feline.


I struggled with a title and I feel so dumb 😭

Chapter 32: Let me take you away from this place


The critters are having a party and it becomes too much for Dogday, luckily he has Catnap who knows exactly what to do


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The critters were currently throwing a party as an end of the year celebration, there was loud music, dancing and alcohol. Dogday despised it all, he was having fun for half an hour but now he was becoming overstimulated. It was too much all at once, the booming music was starting to cause his ears to ring and the smell of alcohol was way too strong for his sensitive nose. He put his head down, a whimper seeping out, he wanted to leave but didn't want to go alone. He desperately tried to blink away the tears quickly building in his eyes, however it was useless.

“Is my puppy upset and alone?” A soft, low voice reaches his ears. Dogday looked up and was met with none other than Catnap, who's gentle touch was more than welcome. “Let's leave this place, I can tell you aren't feeling well baby.” Dogday nodded with a sniffle. Catnap took the other's paw as they walked out into the fresh air. It was a full moon in the dark sea above, which shone on them like a spot light. “Go on sunshine, go play.” Dogday's tail wagged behind him, the empty yard inviting him. Catnap laughed lightly as he watched Dogday run and get his sudden burst of energy out.

Catnap sighed in content and sat on one of the steps, he rested his chin in his palm. This was definitely the best decision, a never faltering smile on the other's features as he tumbled onto the grass and picked himself back up. This was more enjoyable for the both of them, however all that energy the canine had started to fade. Catnap stood up and walked over to the other who was sitting in the grass rubbing their eyes. “Tired little one?” Dogday nodded, holding his arms up. Catnap picked up the canine and looked back at the house which was full of colorful lights. “I think it's past your bedtime puppy, let's go home and put you to bed.” Dogday nodded with a yawn, resting his head against Catnap's chest.


Had a bad day but writing this cheered me up a bit

Chapter 33: Trying to help but not knowing exactly how to


Kickin is currently trying to help calm Bobby down but he doesn't exactly know the best way to, so he decides to call one of the other critters for help


Thank you MrSneedy for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickin was panicking, he was hanging out with Bobby at the park when suddenly she tripped on a rock and fell, scraping her knee in the process. He didn't know how to comfort her properly so she would stop crying. It seemed like he'd already tried everything, from trying to distract her, to trying to make her laugh, he even picked her up. None of his attempts worked and now he had a sobbing little on his lap. Kickin lightly bounced Bobby on one knee, hoping by some miracle she would calm down. He fumbled for his phone in his pocket to try and call someone, anyone to help him.

Bobby gripped onto his shirt, it becoming soaked as she cried into it. The pain from a scraped knee shouldn't have made her this upset. Kickin couldn't figure out how little she was at the moment, then again he wasn't the greatest when it came to taking care of kids. He felt relieved once he finally was able to hit the call button, the phone rang twice before Craftycorn answered. He figured she was the best option since it was the weekend and she wouldn't be busy with any art projects.

“Hey, Crafty, I sort of have a situation going on if you don't mind coming down to the local park and taking an upset little from me.” Bobby stopped crying but was now only sniffling, she looked exhausted and ready for a nap. “Oh no, what happened?” Crafty asked from the other end, “I'll explain once you get here.” Kickin glanced at the small bear in his arms, “I'm on my way.” Crafty confirmed then hung up.

Chapter 34: The night cat in charge of bedtime


Catnap is in charge of putting all the critters to bed, sounds like an easy task! Right?


Thank you for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Catnap didn't expect that taking care of all his friends while they're regressed would be a handful. He was carrying Picky who just finished a bottle of warm milk, Crafty was coloring and starting to get sleepy, Dogday was clutching onto Catnap's pant leg, Bubba was already half-way asleep, Bobby was sitting on the floor yawning, and Hoppy and Kickin were still playing tag in the living room. This wouldn't be an easy task for him to get all of them to bed.

Catnap picked up Hoppy who was running by, she squealed as his tail wrapped around her torso. “You two have all day to play tomorrow, but now it's bedtime.” Catnap said and started making his way to the bedroom where Picky and Bobby would sleep. Picky was already asleep so putting her to bed was easy. Hoppy tried her best to wiggle free from Catnap's tail as he focused on putting Bobby to bed. “Fwee me!” She called to Dogday who was rubbing his droopy eyes, sucking on his pacifier. Dogday was about to reach his hands up, when Hoppy was raised higher, “Hoppy, you're next.” The green rabbit frowned as Catnap made his way to the room she shared with Crafty.

Once they entered the bedroom, Catnap turned to the small canine who was still following them. “Could you get Crafty for me please sweetheart?” Dogday nodded then walked out. “M’ no tired..” Hoppy whined as she was set in her bed. “Are you sure? You sound tired baby.” Catnap laughed, knowing her pouty expression confirmed it. Catnap turned his attention towards Dogday who brought Craftycorn inside the room. “There's my colorful little flower.” Catnap immediately helped Craftycorn into bed, she yawned before closing her eyes. Hoppy tried to get out of bed but was instantly stopped by Catnap's tail, keeping her still. “Trying to run away? You have nowhere to be right now hops.” Hoppy crossed her arms, “I do! Don't mak me lwte!” Catnap shook his head, and laid her back down on her bed.

“You'll have so much time to play tomorrow.” Hoppy huffed and finally got comfortable in her bed. Catnap gave Hoppy a forehead kiss then walked out with Dogday. When they walked back into the living room, Kickin was trying to get Bubba off the couch and was pulling lightly on the other's big ears. Catnap ran and swooped up Kickin, “Don't do that kicks, it'll hurt bubs.” Kickin rolled his eyes, poor Bubba rubbed his teary eyes. If it wasn't for the pacifier and how exhausted the elephant was, he'd be screaming and crying. “M’ swrry..” Kickin apologized, Catnap smiled and picked up Bubba as well. The feline watched both littles reach for each other. Dogday watched Catnap put Kickin and Bubba to bed. “Stuffie!” Kickin cried, looking for one of his stuffies that fell off the bed.

Catnap found it underneath the bed and handed it to the other, despite trying to be the `cool kid` even when regressed, Kickin still had a soft side. A whine coming from behind the lavender feline caught his attention. Dogday had his arms raised, and Catnap didn't hesitate to pick him up. However on their way to the room, Dogday's pacifier fell out of his mouth. The canine whimpered, feeling the loss of the comfort item and squirmed in Catnap's arms. “What's wrong puppy?” Catnap glanced down and his question was answered. Thankfully the pacifier wasn't too far away and the feline was easily able to wash it off, dry it and put it back in the other's mouth.

“You get the privilege to sleep with me, sunshine.” Dogday hummed while closing his eyes. “We can't have the sun without the moon, and I know it'll help keep the nightmares at bay.” Catnap got comfortable in bed with Dogday, cuddling the tiny canine close. “Sleep well pup.” Catnap gave him a forehead kiss, then closed his eyes. Honestly he didn't mind doing something like this again.


Is this my longest oneshot? 😦

Chapter 35: A little Christmas morning


Dogday wakes up Catnap once the sun rises to open presents on Christmas morning


Thank you KittenChan for the request!

Chapter Text

Dogday popped up from his bed, springing towards Catnap's bed. “Kitty! Up! Present time!” He shouted excitedly while shaking the sleeping feline. Catnap groaned lightly, rubbing his eyes. Dogday watched the other sit up slowly, his tail somehow wagging faster. “Follow me kitty!” Dogday took Catnap's paw and led him to the living room carefully. Sitting under the tree were about 12 presents, 1 for each. Dogday let go of Catnap's paw and ran towards the decorative tree, a smile adoring both their features while the canine grabbed his gift. Catnap did the same and grabbed the first one he saw.

Dogday's present was wrapped in a shimmering gold wrapping paper, Catnap's present was wrapped in a shining silver wrapping paper. Catnap giggled at the sound of Dogday's tail thumping against the carpet. “Open together kitty!” Dogday saw Catnap nod as claws came out. They both tore the beautiful wrapping paper off, the feline having an easier time. Dogday stood up and cheered, he ran over to his best friend and accidentally tackled him. They both hit the soft ground giggling. “Let's open more!” Dogday shouted, Catnap purred and slightly nuzzled his head against the other's.

Dogday rolled off of Catnap and walked over to the tree, Catnap followed but he crawled instead, he was still tired and was feeling quite lazy. “Silly kitty.” Dogday giggled as he lightly shook his present. Catnap stuck his tongue out playfully, then readied himself to rip open the next gift in front of him.

Chapter 36: We can make something new together


Craftycorn finally finished her gift for Kickinchicken, however it ends up breaking when giving it to him. Kickin comforts her as she cries and suggests for them to make something new together


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Craftycorn had spent almost all afternoon working on a gift for Kickin, after gluing on the last piece she stood up and grabbed her gift feeling satisfied with how it turned out. She ran out of her room and into the living room, making sure not to ruin it. “Kicky! Kicky!” Kickin turned his attention towards Crafty who was holding out her gift towards him happily. “Did you make this for me?” Kickin asked as Crafty nodded. “Thank you sweetie.” Kickin smiled widely then took the gift from the other's arms. The gift suddenly snapped in half due to being made from cardboard, everything that was glued on also snapping.

Both of them stared at it in silence with widened eyes, tears filling Crafty’s eyes. “I'm…I'm so sorry, I didn't-” Kickin started to explain and apologize when he was cut off by a hiccup erupting into sobs. He put the broken gift aside to focus on the unicorn who was now broken-hearted. “It's alright, I'm not upset that it broke, I'll still keep it somewhere safe despite it being in half.” His words of reassurance did nothing to calm Crafty who was still crying. “Work hard!” Crafty sobbed in between shallow breaths. “I know baby girl, you were very focused on finishing it.” This caused Crafty to cry harder, Kickin welcomed her into a hug.

“Breathe sweetheart, you might accidentally have a coughing fit.” Kickin took a few deep breaths, helping her steady her breathing. “There we go, I have an idea. Why don't we make something together?” Crafty wiped at her eyes, “I'll fix your gift as well and put it somewhere safe.” Crafty sniffled, “Make togthfr..” Kickin hummed, “I'll get some art supplies.”

Chapter 37: A peaceful day


Just some short fluff of Catnap taking care of Bubba


Thank you Leaf storm for the request!

Chapter Text

Catnap was currently taking care of Bubba, and so far everything was going rather smoothly. Bubba was stacking blocks then knocking them down and rebuilding the same tower, adding more each time to see how long it would last standing up. The feline put the bookmark in his book, he was halfway through and loved the story. Catnap stood up and stretched since he'd been sitting on the couch for a while, he turned to Bubba who whined behind him. “Are you getting hungry now bubs?” Catnap picked up the elephant and brought him into the kitchen.

After setting Bubba down in the highchair, Catnap went to the pantry so he could pick a flavor for the other to try. “You're not usually stubborn when it comes to what you eat, so I think I'll just grab the first one that I see.” Catnap did just that then walked over to Bubba after grabbing a spoon. “I don't think you've tried this one before.” Catnap smiled as Bubba happily accepted the spoon into his mouth.

“You seem to like this one, I'll keep that in mind for another time.” Once it was empty he set everything aside, “I'll deal with that in a moment.” Catnap lifted Bubba, “You need a nap bubs.” The feline walked out of the kitchen and made his way to Bubba's room. “Rest well little one.” He uttered under his breath after laying him down and tucking him in.

Chapter 38: Out and about with a little secret in plain sight


Bubba is out with Craftycorn and will do anything to make sure no one finds out that Crafty is a little, he doesn't want her to be judged


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bubba was with Craftycorn at the mall, his mind was well alert and sticking to a plan he made mentally beforehand. Thanks to Bubba being strongly left brained, he was able to think of every possibility of what could go wrong but he would do anything to avoid this nice outing going south. There was another side to this, Crafty was strongly right brained and due to that she was very creative. She was currently regressed which meant that her creativity was extra strong since she had a child-like mind state. He admired her imagination and enjoyed seeing her happy, however he couldn't let anyone around them know she was `different` he knew deep down that they wouldn't understand and judge her.

He wouldn't allow that, Bubba didn't want to see Crafty cry today. She had such a sensitive heart and he wouldn't allow it to ache. They walked into a store, Bubba wasn't really paying attention but was stopped when Crafty tugged on his shirt. “Cwlr book!” Crafty gestured towards a coloring book, “You already have a good amount at home, little flower.” Crafty pouted, “Pwease?” She begged, voice leaning towards a whine. “You don't need another one, I'm sorry.” There was a slight shift in the other's expression, if Bubba hadn't been so great at noticing small details he would have missed it.

“How about a new pack of markers? I know you recently ran out.” Crafty nodded, her mood instantly lighting up. Bubba sighed as relief flooded through him, that crisis was averted. He took her hoof in his so she wouldn't get lost, and walked through the aisles with her. “Pick whichever pack you want, I'll buy it then we'll leave.” Crafty hummed and skimmed through the shelves. Once she found a good one, she gave it to Bubba then they walked together so he could buy it for her. This is exactly why he was grateful for being able to think ahead, he was able to keep her regressed state from being noticed by anyone else. After he bought the markers for her, he watched her hold them close with a large smile. Going out today was totally worth it.


Feeling unwell but writing is helping me 🥲👍

Chapter 39: One sick baby bear


Bobby is sick and extremely cuddly, Kickin is there to take care of her and won't leave her side until she's asleep


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickin let out a sigh after feeling no progress yet on Bobby's temperature. She'd been sick all morning and he could tell she didn't want to stay this way any longer. “Wish I didn't have to say this, but I should've given you medicine earlier like Bubba suggested over the phone.” Bobby whined and adjusted herself so she was more comfortable while laying her head on his lap. “I know sweetheart, it isn't fun being sick.” Bobby sniffled, her nose had started running again recently due to her watery eyes.

“I think a nap might help, besides you look exhausted.” Bobby shook her head and wrapped her arms around the other, then put her face into his side. “That's gross lovebug, don't get that all on my clean shirt.” Kickin laughed and hugged the rose scented bear. “Icky..” Bobby mumbled, Kickin couldn't hold back a chuckle at how stuffed up she sounded. “Yeah, you need a nap baby bear.” Bobby pouted, but didn't disagree. Her mind was fuzzy and her eyes could hardly stay open.

Kickin gently took her arms off of him and started to stand, Bobby immediately latched her arms around his torso again so he couldn't leave. “I wasn't going to leave, I was just going to pick up the stuffie that fell.” Bobby didn't completely believe him despite him placing the stuffie back on her bed. “Stay..” She mumbled, a hard pout greeting him. Kickin couldn't say no to that face, especially when he knew she was ill. “I'll stay until you fall asleep.” Bobby smiled and cuddled up against the other, Kickinchicken didn't believe she would fall asleep in that sort of position but he was proven wrong once he saw her eyes closed and her chest slowly moving up and down. “Kids can really sleep easily, being sick probably helped her drift quicker.” He said with a fond smile.

Chapter 40: We might fall but we can always get back up


Crafty trips and scrapes her knee while playing outside, thankfully Hoppy is there to help her


Thank you Idk for the request!

Chapter Text

Hoppy was watching Craftycorn playing outside, she usually didn't like to but today she was in a different mood and Hoppy wasn't going to deny such an opportunity for her. The green rabbit smiled at the small unicorn coloring with chalk, humming a tune to herself. One of Hoppy's eyebrows raised when the other stood up, she looked satisfied with her hopscotch.

Once the realization hit Hoppy of what the unicorn was about to play she couldn't help but laugh, Crafty took a deep breath then started her little game. The fun didn't last long due to her tripping on a rock that she didn't notice before and she hit the ground, scraping her knee. Her bottom lip trembled as tears welled in her eyes rather quickly. Hoppy stood up and walked over to her, “You hit the ground pretty rough baby, let's go inside and I'll help you.”

Hoppy helped Crafty up, honestly the unicorn was doing a great job at not sobbing her poor heart out. “You're doing a wonderful job little one, I know it hurts.” Hoppy gently set the other down on the couch and left to get the supplies for her small injury. “It'll be over before you know it! I've had my fair share of falls, but I always get back up and try again.”

Chapter 41: Making mistakes is how we learn


Picky and Kickin are trying to bake a cake for Bobby's birthday, sadly things don't go well and Kickin ends up throwing a tantrum. Picky helps him calm down and proposes a new idea.


Thank you KittenChan for the request!

Chapter Text

It is Bobby's birthday and Picky thought it would be a great idea to bake a cake for her. Of course she wouldn't bake it alone, she had Kickin at her side to help her. The progress so far was messy but still salvageable. “Make sure to set the timer so we know when it's done in the oven.” Kickinchicken nodded as Picky left to wash her hooves. He didn't understand exactly how to do such a task, maybe Picky would just know when it was done since she was an expert at baking. That sounded right in his head and he walked out of the kitchen to play with his toys.

Picky cleaned the mess in the kitchen as the cake baked in the oven, she thought it smelled funny but maybe it wasn't done yet since the timer hadn't gone off. “Kicks, you turned the timer on like how I showed you last time correct?” She asked and peeked her head out of the kitchen. Kickin didn't want to lie so he shook his head, shame clear on his face. Picky immediately panicked and turned off the oven, then opened it to check on the cake. The smell was awful once it seeped into the air, she grabbed the oven mits and took the burnt cake out. This was far from edible now.

Kickin watched with guilt at her reaction, he felt ashamed for not asking. It was all his fault for the cake being ruined and now Bobby wouldn't have a birthday cake to celebrate with. Tears gathered in his eyes, he tried to wipe them away but it was too late. Picky let out a sigh, “Kickin look I-” She was cut off by a sharp sob and a hard stomp. Her eyes went wide, she tried to reach for him but he slapped her hoof away and ran towards the couch. She watched him flop onto the soft surface and scream into the cushions, his wings hitting against the small pillows. Picky’s expression softened and she walked over to him, she knew he would be upset but she didn't expect this reaction.

“Kicky, I'm not angry with you.” Kickin lifted his face and turned towards her, tears dripped down his cheeks, his feather crown covering his eyes. “It's alright to be upset, mistakes happen.” He kept frowning, he sniffled and shook his head. “Not okay!” His voice cracked, he felt another scream rising in his throat. “Baby boy, we make mistakes and learn from them. When I first learned how to make a cake, I made a lot of mistakes and cried that I didn't get it right instantly.” She fixed his feather crown, her heart ached when she got a good look at his red and puffy eyes. “The day isn't even close to being over, how about we go and buy her some cupcakes instead?” Kickin huffed, but nodded.

“Next time we bake a cake, I'll teach you a few tricks.” She smiled at how that cheered him up. “I'll go get your paci, and I'll allow you to bring one toy to play with in the car.” Kickin jumped off the couch, a wide smile on his face.

Chapter 42: No need to cry when we're here


Kickinchicken had the worst day at school, luckily he has Dogday and Hoppy to comfort him


Thank you Candy_Yume for the request

Chapter Text

Kickinchicken was having the worst day at school, he stared at the ground as tears fell from his eyes. His classmates started picking on him once class was dismissed, he just wanted to go home. They called him names and punched his arms, he wanted to hit back, yell, something but he just stood there and cried. He was pushed to the ground and laughed at, Kickin couldn't resist putting his wing in his mouth to suck. He needed something to self-soothe through all this torture. “He's such a coward.” One said, “Look at him crying, he's such a loser.” Another joked. He was kicked one more time until they all left him on the ground.

Kickin didn't get up, he just laid there and sobbed. He craved to be held and rocked, to have his favorite stuffie in his arms. Thankfully his pain was heard as Dogday and Hoppy ran over to him. Dogday looked over the bruises as Hoppy held him close. He squirmed a bit in her grasp as he fussed, tears still trickling down his cheeks. “Oh, Dogday, he's so little..” Hoppy said softly, this was both a good thing and a bad thing. “They pushed him that far-” Dogday took a few deep breaths to calm himself.

“We need to get him home.” Hoppy nodded and slightly rocked Kickin, hoping it would comfort him. “You can stay with him in the back, I'm glad I put in the car seat.” Kickin was now only sniffling as Hoppy put him in the car seat. “Are you comfortable baby?” Hoppy cooed, she smiled when she heard the other giggle. “We'll be home soon little one, it won't take that long.” Dogday said as he started the car. They would make it up to Kickin and make sure to keep a smile on his face after such a rotten school day.

Chapter 43: We still love you all the same


Catnap absolutely despises being in a diaper now thanks to Playtime. Co but thankfully he has his friends to tell him they don't think any different of him


Thank you AtoZfics for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Catnap was furious, his tail flicking showing his disagreement in front of a few Paytime. Co employees. He wore a moon and star themed diaper and he wanted it off. Sure the company leaned more towards children who still wore such protection but that didn't mean that he should have to wear one. He didn't speak, nor did his expression show such anger but his body language was enough.

It definitely got worse for him when he was forced to show himself to his friends. He couldn't look them in the eye, so he decided to stare at the ground. “You look adorable nappy!” Bobby gushed, “It's definitely something.” Bubba commented. “You look great naps!” Dogday said as Picky nudged Kickin who was laughing. “It doesn't matter if you're wearing a diaper, we still love you the same.” Picky said, giving Hoppy a dirty look. Catnap rolled his eyes, hopefully he would get used to wearing it soon.

All his friends surrounded him in a hug, he couldn't help but let out a purr. Maybe wearing this wouldn't be so bad. After all, his friends still loved him all the same.


I thought this idea was interesting, and don't worry the smiling critters aren't children turned into toys

Chapter 44: There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark


Dogday was having a horrible week and to top it all off he got fired from his job, he's surprised by a gift on his bed when he gets home


Thank you ??? for the request!

Chapter Text

To put it simply, Dogday was overwhelmed and exhausted at work. His performance recently had been lacking and he struggled to keep tears from seeping from his eyes. His headspace was foggy, he took in a shaky breath as his thumb hovered in front of his mouth. Everyone would occasionally glance over at him, judgemental stares and whispers. He wanted to go home and sob in his bed surrounded by his stuffies.

Dogday jumped when his name was called, he slowly made his way into the office where his boss sat. He gripped onto his pants, whole body trembling. “You're fired.” A strangled gasp left him, that was his last straw. The dam broke in his eyes and everything came rushing out. He was practically kicked out once he started sobbing. This week was the worst, and to top it all off he was fired.

He struggled to get home, but luckily arrived safely. The canine fell to his knees and cried, he could hardly breathe but he didn't care. His whole world basically was ending, he threw off his shoes and stumbled into his room. His eyes went wide, a present greeted him. On his bed was a new stuffie and sun themed pacifier. He flopped onto his bed and hugged the stuffie, he didn't know who visited earlier in the day but he'd have to thank them later.

Once the pacifier was in his mouth and he gave it a suck, a wave of comfort washed over him. It was difficult to keep his eyes open, he cuddled the stuffie and drifted off quite quickly. Everything would be alright after all.

Chapter 45: Don't blame yourself for something you can't control


Dogday awakes from a nightmare and realizes he had an accident, Catnap is there to help reassure him and clean everything up


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Blood, that's all you could see for miles in this never-ending hallway. Bodies lay about, the entire ground was entirely covered in their blood. It was like a scene from a horror movie. You ran, this couldn't be real. Did you do this? You kept walking, there was pounding and screaming from a door nearby but when you tried to open it, it was locked. The sound of footsteps catch your attention, they seemed to be getting closer. Your eyes go wide when the body of someone you could faintly recognize hits the ground.

Dogday jolts up, his heart beating loud in his chest, he can't suppress a whimper as tears cascade down his cheeks. He realizes his undergarments are damp and embarrassment causes him to try and muffle his cries. Catnap groans and turns over, his eyes slowly open. “Wha?” Dogday hides his face in his knees, he didn't know where his pacifier was so he stuck his thumb in his mouth instead. “Puppy? What's wrong?” Catnap brings him into an embrace, that's when the feline feels the dampness and quickly figures out that it came from Dogday.

Catnap pulled the blanket down and adjusted the other in his hold so he could carry him. Dogday continues to whine, he's no longer crying but he's still very unhappy. Catnap sets the canine on his feet in the bathroom, the feline turns the water on and puts his paw under to keep track of how warm it should be. Once Catnap is satisfied, he turns to Dogday who was wiping his eyes. He helps him out of his clothes and holds onto his paw when the canine steps into the tub. Dogday sits down, usually he'd love bath time, especially once Catnap added bubbles however that didn't seem to be the case this time.

“What's on your mind sunshine?” The feline asks while pouring just enough body wash onto a washcloth. “Wet pants..” Catnap grabbed Dogday's arm and started to gently scrub, “That's alright, accidents happen. By the way you were crying, I can tell you had a nightmare again.” Dogday nodded as he watched the washcloth clean his legs. “You aren't able to control what you dream and your body reacts to such high emotion subconsciously.” Dogday sniffled as Catnap washed his tail. “M’ swrry..” Catnap gave Dogday a kiss on the forehead then wet his ears by pouring water from a small cup.

“There's no need to apologize.” Dogday nodded and kept his gaze on the water. Bathtime ended and Catnap helped the canine step out of the tub, he grabbed his sun themed towel and playfully fluffed his fur knowing the dog would rather shake the water off. He smiled when he heard giggles coming from the other. “You're so fluffed up pup.” Catnap laughed as they walked out after he wrapped the towel around Dogday.

Catnap flicked the light on with his tail when they walked back into the bedroom with the now dried sheets. “You stay right here, I'll change the bed.” Dogday nodded, trying his best to ignore the guilt rising again. Catnap stripped the bed and quickly put clean ones on the mattress. “I'll wash these later.” He mumbled while tossing them out into the hall. Dogday sucked on his thumb without realizing as he watched the feline. It was still pretty late and tiredness was hitting him rather quickly.

“I found your pacifier, it fell underneath the bed sunshine. I'll wash it.” Catnap walked out of the bedroom, Dogday opened the closet. Thankfully the lavender feline returned and put the pacifier on the nightstand so he could help the canine get changed. Dogday picked out an adorable matching cloud themed top and bottom. Catnap grabbed the towel and threw it out into the hall, he felt too lazy to actually hang it up properly.

Dogday put the pacifier in his mouth as Catnap turned the light off. The feline joined the other in the bed and snuggled him close, a purr filing the silence. “Won wet behd agin..” Dogday murmured behind his pacifier. Catnap sighed, “I already told you that it's nothing to be ashamed or upset about. I'm not angry that you had a nightmare and couldn't control your bladder. Accidents happen, puppy.” Dogday hummed and closed his eyes. Catnap closed his eyes as well and pulled the blanket up so it covered them almost entirely.


On a trip rn but still updating and answering requests ✨️

Chapter 46: Nothing can hurt you with us around


Crafty and Kickin are scared of a storm but thankfully they have the other critters to comfort them


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Thunder crackles in the dark abyss, flashes of light following soon after. All the critters were having a sleepover together and were getting ready to sleep. Two critters were terrified and they couldn't keep it hidden any longer. Crafty was wrapped in her blanket, whole body trembling. Kickin tried to curl into a ball on the couch, he tried so hard not to cry. Their friends noticed how frightened they were of the storm. “It's alright, nothing will hurt you.” Bobby picked up Crafty and set her on her lap. “It may sound scary, but you're safe inside.” Dogday put Kickin on his lap and the scared little immediately latched on.

Catnap nodded towards Picky who headed for the kitchen. The house lightly shook as thunder clashed. Crafty hid her face in Bobby's chest and cried. “He's trying to put on a brave face, it's alright kicks.” Bubba said and sat next to Dogday. Picky returned and handed a bottle full of warm milk to Hoppy and Bubba. Catnap and Dogday exchanged soft glances while Bubba and Hoppy helped the littles drink from their bottles. When another round of thunder and lightning hit, tears seeped from Kickin's eyes.

“We'll always protect you two, nothing will stop us, not the storm outside, not your imagination, nothing.” Picky said while laying down next to everyone else. “We love you.” Catnap said as Dogday and Hoppy wiped Crafty and Kickin's tears. Picky stood up and took the empty bottles to the kitchen so she could wash them tomorrow. Bobby kept Crafty close and Bubba took Kickin from Dogday's lap, he wrapped him up in a blanket.

The storm continuing outside didn't seem like that much of a threat when they were held so comfortably around the other critters. They both slowly closed their eyes, a smile on their faces. Picky returned and saw everyone getting comfortable, keeping the littles in the middle so they knew they were safe. She joined the others in their pile of warm bodies, blankets and pillows.


I'm heading to sleep, I will tackle more requests tomorrow!

Chapter 47: Are unicorns real?


Kickin and Crafty get into quite the argument about unicorns, Bubba can't seem to calm them down so he has to have Bobby help him


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

Chapter Text

Bubba was currently reading, Bobby had to quickly run to the store so he was alone for the moment to look after Craftycorn and Kickinchicken. Crafty was coloring in her coloring book as Kickin walked over to her. He sat next to her with a confused expression, “Wat are you?” Crafty glanced up at him, “Uni!” She answered shyly but had a smile on her face. Kickin didn't believe her, he looked her up and down, his gaze lingering on her horn. “Uni? Tose are no eel.” Crafty frowned and put down her color pencil then stood up. “Uni are eel!” She sounded extremely offended, her small hoof hitting the ground.

Kickin steadily stood up then grabbed Crafty’s horn and started tugging on it. Crafty screamed, tears welling in her eyes. Bubba's eyes went wide as he put a bookmark in his book and set it down. Crafty shoved Kickin with all her might and he easily fell onto his bottom, he instantly started crying. “Mean! Tat hurt!” She screamed at him through her tears. “Woah, what's going on you two?” Bubba asked, they both stared at him through glossy eyes. “Push meh!” Kickin sobbed while pointing at Crafty.

“Kicks say uni are no eel..” Crafty answered in between hiccups. Bubba sat next to them and slowly took in a deep breath. “Kickin, unicorns are real. Crafty is standing right in front of you.” Kickin shook his head, “Fhake!” He stubbornly shouted. “Am eel!” Crafty's voice went up an octave as it increased in volume while she screamed, it almost hurt Bubba's ears. Kickin crossed his arms, the elephant was confused on why the other was so stubborn to believe that unicorns aren't real. Where did he even learn such a false thing?

“Alright you two, this isn't something to really argue about. How about I get you two something to drink instead?” Bubba stood up but before he could turn around, Crafty’s voice stopped him. “Tell him m’ eel!” She cried and stomped her hoof, both of them looked like a mess due to the tears and disheveled hair. They really were worked up about this and what really worried the elephant was how close Craftycorn was to having a meltdown which is what he definitely wanted to avoid.

Bubba was unsure if he would be able to calm them down. His attempts so far were in vain and he didn't know what else to do. The front door opened and in came Bobby holding a few groceries. Bubba didn't want to leave the littles alone together, especially not with how this situation is turning out. He felt grateful that Bobby was quick with putting up groceries and didn't buy too much.

Bobby rushed over once she heard a shriek from the living room. Her eyes went wide when she saw two horribly frustrated children and one panicked caretaker. “Oh my, what happened while I was gone? Why are they sobbing?” She gently lifted Kickin and held him close to her body. Bubba decided to do the same with Crafty, he glanced down at her shaking form. The two littles glared at each other through reddened eyes. “Kickinchicken and Craftycorn got into quite the argument over if unicorns are real.” Bubba informed the bear.

Bobby laughed a little then looked down at Kickin. “Kicky, what makes you think that? Craftycorn has always been a unicorn and yet you never questioned such a fact before. Why now?” Kickin pouted while in deep thought. “Is it because she's really great with arts and crafts which makes you believe she can't be real?” Crafty gasped as Kickin hid his face the best he could. Bobby and Bubba set them on their feet softly. “Wanna cwlr wif you.” Kickin mumbled after wiping his eyes. Crafty nodded, she didn't trust her voice yet thanks to her throat feeling raw. Kickin wrapped the unicorn into a hug, and apologized. “M’ swrry too..” Crafty whispered and wiped her tired eyes which were now puffy.

Bobby and Bubba smiled at the two, “Thank you for the help Bobby.” The red bear hummed as she nodded. “I'll keep an eye on them, and you can go get them something to drink. I know their throats must hurt.” Bubba started making his way to the kitchen. “At least nap time will be easy for them.” He laughed and grabbed their sippy cups.

Chapter 48: A bedtime story to easy one's frightened mind


Kickin can't sleep due to a thunder storm, luckily Bubba comes to the rescue with a bedtime story


Thank you GuestnameIdk for the request!

Chapter Text

Bubba was looking out the window, it had started storming an hour ago and it seemed to only get worse. He expected a thunder storm since he checked the weather beforehand, this is why he put Kickinchicken to bed early despite him being fussy about it. The elephant knew the other would never sleep at his bedtime if he didn't put him in bed before the heavy rain started.

Sadly Bubba's plan didn't go well, Kickin was sobbing under his blanket, favorite stuffie tightly held in his wings. He sucked on his pacifier but nothing gave him comfort. He didn't know what time it was but he could tell it was way past the time he was supposed to be asleep thanks to how exhausted he felt. Thunder rumbled loudly in the sky, followed by a clash of lightning. His pacifier fell from his beak as a wail broke through his throat in terror.

His door creaked open as he peeked through his blanket, he was shaking like a leaf. “Kicks? I thought you were asleep.” Bubba walked into the room, a night light being his only source of illumination. The elephant sat next to the other and slowly revealed his face, Kickin stared at Bubba with big teary eyes. “I guess I wasn't able to completely beat the storm after all.” Bubba wiped the tears from Kickin's eyes, “It's alright baby, I'm here now.”

“Swrm..” Kickin said in a quivering voice. “I know, you don't like stormy nights because it scares you.” Kickin nodded while sniffling. “How about a story, kicky?” Bubba stood up and walked over to the bookshelf. “It might help you sleep.” Bubba skimmed for a good book, “How about this one?” Kickin shook his head, “No book? Alright, I have a better idea.” Bubba returned to the other's side and sighed. “I may not be as creative as Craftycorn but I have a good story for you. It's about two mischievous children who wouldn't stop pulling pranks on the town.”

As Bubba told the story, Kickin slowly started to drift off. The elephant noticed the pacifier and put it back in the other's beak. Kickin closed his eyes and turned over, still clutching his stuffie but now not as tense. Bubba smiled, he felt proud of himself for being able to help the other sleep without needing a book to go off of for a story.

Chapter 49: A reasonable accident


When Bobby lifts Kickin up so he can have lunch, she realizes he's had an accident. Kickin cries because of this but Bobby helps him calm down as she changes him


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kickin had been playing with his toys all morning, Bobby walked over to him with a sweet smile. “Hey baby, are you ready for lunch?” Kickin nodded, not realizing how much time had passed. When he stood up, he felt a sloshing in his lower area but he didn't really think much of it. Bobby lifted Kickin and immediately felt the heaviness of his diaper. “Oh kicks, why didn't you let me know about this earlier?” Kickin was confused by her tone shift, she started walking towards the bathroom.

Once they entered the bathroom, he finally understood why his lower area was so messy. Bobby grabbed another diaper as tears welled in Kickin's eyes. “I was wondering when I would need to check your-” Kickin burst into tears once Bobby had everything she needed. “Sweetheart it's alright, this is why you're wearing this.” Kickin shook his head, “Accy..” Bobby got down to his level, “Kicky, it's okay that you had an accident. Once I change you, you'll feel so much better.” Kickin hiccuped while he tried to wipe his eyes, Bobby started to take his protection off, a small gasp leaving her which made him cry harder.

“That wasn't a bad reaction honey, I'm just surprised because it was a lot more than I was expecting.” Kickin took in a shuddering breath, staring at the ceiling while Bobby changed him. Once he was cleaned and in a new diaper, she gave him a big hug, relief flooding through her that he had stopped crying. “There we go baby, all better.” Kickin hummed and nodded in agreement. Bobby smiled at him and wiped away the fresh tears that he shed while she helped him. “I'll take care of this, and you can go play now.”

Kickinchicken ran out of the bathroom, feeling better and in a lighter mood. Bobby let out a sigh as she dealt with the disgusting training pants.


This one took me a while to think of a title 😭

Chapter 50: An easily frightened little flower


Kickin scares Crafty, forgetting how she dislikes it and immediately regrets it once she starts crying. He apologizes and comforts her, feeling guilty for making her upset


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Craftycorn was coloring on the floor, she lightly kicked her hooves as she hummed to herself. She was pretty happy with how her drawing was turning out, crayons were her favorite tool to use when it came to coloring.

Kickinchicken who was looking after her, slowly made his way towards her silently. He peered over her shoulder, then shook her yelling, “What are you doing?” Crafty screamed and dropped the crayon she was using. “Ha! Look at how easy it was to scare you.” He felt proud of himself until he saw her tearing up. “Wait Crafty I didn't mea-” It was too late, as tears slipped down her cheeks while she broke into sobs, he really messed up. He forgot she highly disliked being jumpscared, and in headspace she would react strongly to it.

“I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to make you cry.” He helped her trembling legs stand and embraced her. “It's okay, nothing is going to happen to you.” She cried into his shoulder and held onto him tightly. “Scwary..” She hiccupped, “I know, I'm very sorry for forgetting such a simple fact, little flower.” His heart ached with guilt.

Kickin glanced at what she was previously working on. “What were you coloring baby?” Crafty sniffled and followed his gaze. “Friwnds.” Kickin wiped her eyes, a soft smile appearing on his face. “Not done, dun look.” Kickin lightly laughed and nodded, “I won't look anymore, I don't want to spoil your surprise.” Crafty sat back on the floor, feeling much calmer. “I'll go get you something to drink, I understand once you're focused on something you won't really do anything else until your done. I learned my lesson last time.” Crafty nodded and picked up the crayon she dropped earlier.

Chapter 51: On a quest to find Sailor Moon


Craftycorn and Bobby are watching Sailor Moon when Crafty asks if she can get a few coloring books, which Bobby obviously says yes and the two head out to buy some


Thank you Candy_Yume for the request!

Chapter Text

“月にかわって、おしおきよ !” Craftycorn watched the tv screen with big, shiny eyes. She loved Sailor Moon and really wanted to be like her. Bobby cuddled the unicorn closer but kept her focus on the screen. When Crafty had asked to watch Sailor Moon, Bobby didn't hesitate to say yes. Honestly the anime had grown on her and the little unicorn loved it. “Mama bear..” Bobby looked at Crafty and hummed to let her know she was listening. “May I get a Sailor Moon coloring book?” She asked quietly, embarrassed, causing her cheeks to heat up.

“Of course sweetie, we can go out and buy you a few right now.” Craftycorn got off the couch, a large smile on her face as Bobby grabbed her hoof and walked over to the front door with her after grabbing her purse. Thankfully the drive to the mall didn't take too long, and Bobby was grateful the unicorn had a slightly bigger headspace age today. It'll be easier for her not to get laughed at, then again if that ever happened Bobby wouldn't mind stopping it in her own way.

They walked through different aisles until they found piles of coloring books. Craftycorn instantly searched for the Sailor Moon ones, and Bobby went down to where the stickers were. The red bear decided to pick a few Sailor Moon stickers for the unicorn and giggled at how bright the other was beaming.

Crafty ran to Bobby and showed her the two coloring books she picked out. “That's lovely sweetheart. I also found a few stickers you would like. Take my paw and we can go buy them.” Crafty nodded and the two made their way to the checkout.

Chapter 52: Building a pillow fort


Dogday helps Hoppy and Bobby make a pillow fort


Thank you for the request!

Chapter Text

It was currently evening, Hoppy bounced in place in excitement as Dogday walked up with blankets and pillows. Bobby sat on the ground so they knew where not to put the pillow fort. Both littles smiled at Dogday as he started to set up the pillow fort for them. “I'm not doing this alone, come and help me. You two asked, so we can work as a team and build one.”

Hoppy giggled and sprang into action, Bobby slowly following in her steps. Bobby grabbed a pillow and handed it to Dogday who gladly placed it on top of a chair. Two chairs faced inward so they could sit on them if they wanted.

Hoppy tried to help with putting the blanket on top, but sadly couldn't reach. She whined which got Dogday's attention. “Do you need help hops?” Hoppy nodded with a slight pout. Dogday lifted Hoppy and she happily grabbed the blanket, adjusting it so it wouldn't slip. “So tall!” Dogday couldn't help but laugh at her adorable reaction to being lifted off the ground.

Once Hoppy was placed on the ground again, Bobby also wanted to be picked up. “You too baby bear?” Bobby nodded and lifted her arms. “Hops could you go inside the pillow fort and see if all the pillows are in the right place?” Hoppy gave him a thumbs up and crawled inside. Bobby giggled as Dogday lightly bounced her in the air. “Look at how small you are today.” The canine cooed at the other.

Dogday gently sets Bobby back on her feet, “Do you want your paci?” Bobby hummed, missing the feeling of it in her mouth. At first she didn't need it, but now she does. Dogday left to go get it as Hoppy popped her head out. “Bubby! It's safe.” Bobby jumped then turned towards Hoppy, “Warm?” Hoppy nodded quickly, “Very warm.” Bobby giggled and took Hoppy's paw just as Dogday returned.

“Here baby.” He gave the pacifier to Bobby who wasted no time putting it in her mouth. Hoppy pulled Bobby inside and Dogday rolled his eyes. Classic Hoppy being the energetic one. He crawled inside and glanced around. “We did a great job.” Both littles nodded proudly then they snuggled up to Dogday.

Chapter 53: Valentine's Day catastrophe!


Dogday is helping Catnap who is making gifts for their friends for Valentine's Day! However, things go all wrong and Catnap has a meltdown, thankfully Dogday is able to calm him down and the day is saved


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

Chapter Text

Valentine's Day! A day to spend with those you love and show just how much they mean to you. Dogday and Catnap were making gifts for all their friends. “Kitty, are you done with all your letters?” Catnap gazed up at Dogday and nodded. Dogday smiled widely at how much the other's writing had improved. “Good job! Let's leave them here for now in a pile and go bake the cookies.” Catnap took Dogday's paw as they walked to the kitchen.

Dogday let go of Catnap and opened a cabinet, he grabbed a bottle of sprinkles they could use. Catnap didn't have enough strength to pick up the ingredients with his hands but his tail did. Dogday put the sprinkles down and found the cookie cutters. Everything was now set for them to start.

Things could be better but Dogday still had hope that the outcome would be the best part. Dogday's eyes went wide as the cookie cutters bent and the shapes didn't turn out right. Catnap was going to try but his arm accidentally bumped the bottle of sprinkles which was open, sprinkles spilled all over the counter. Despite Catnap being mute, there were ways Dogday could tell whenever the feline was upset. His body language and sometimes facial expressions gave it away.

Catnap's breath hitched, as he stared at the sprinkles now ruined and unable to use. “It's alright honey, we can make cookies without sprinkles. I know the other's won't mind.” Catnap gazed up at Dogday, his ear flicking but he nodded anyway after taking in a shaky breath. “We can still stick these in the oven, I understand that the shapes aren't what we we're going for but that's okay!” Dogday stuck the oddly shaped cookies into the oven and sighed.

“Let's go pack your letters so we can have everything prepared for when we leave later.” Catnap hesitantly followed the canine into the living room and felt his heart drop. The letters he spent so much time on, were missing. Dogday ran over to the table, panic clear on his features. Nothing seemed to be going right and Catnap felt as if it was all his fault.

Before the feline could even process what was happening, a shrill cry escaped from his throat. His body fell to the ground and his claws came out as he moved his arms and legs wildly. Dogday had to act now or else Catnap could accidentally hurt himself. Catnap sobbed uncontrollably, his tail wrapping around his torso and squeezed.

“Hey, hey kitty, could you look at me? I have an idea.” Catnap peered at Dogday through glossy eyes, his fur already was a mess. “I think our cookies are done, how about we go check together.” Catnap sniffled and shook his head. Dogday had to get the feline to calm down first before they could do anything, the other's long tail squeezing around his torso could really do some harm. Dogday got down to Catnap's eye level and gently held Catnap's paws, he had to be careful due to the claws. “Could you take a few deep breaths with me, little moon?” Catnap nodded slightly then followed Dogday's breathing patterns.

“There we go kitty. I'm relieved to see you calmer.” Catnap's claws retracted and his tail let go of his torso. “Guess what I found.” Dogday placed a plush fish into the other's arms. Catnap immediately brightened and hugged it close. “I also found your letters! They fell to the floor earlier but don't worry I was able to find every one of them.” Catnap snuggled up to Dogday and purred, eyelids heavy. The canine stood up then picked up the feline and held him close as he walked into the kitchen.

“Our cookies are done!” Dogday was going to put Catnap down, but the feline was latched on. “Would you look at that! There is another sprinkle bottle in here!” Dogday said after opening a cabinet. He set it down on the counter then put on the oven mits so he could take out their cookies. “Want to help me make another batch?” Catnap sniffled and nodded, Dogday set the feline on his feet softly and they got to work.

Valentine's Day was saved! Catnap and Dogday were able to make more cookies and would be able to see their friends on time. Dogday was happy to see the smile that was on Catnap's face when he gave his gifts to all their friends.

Chapter 54: Stress overload 🧡


Dogday can't focus, he's stressed and everything is too much. Catnap happens to walk by and notice the fussy puppy and immediately takes action


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!
Also I will be using the heart suggestion tysm I love it ✨️

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Dogday sat at his desk, tears blurred his vision as he held his head in his hand. He was extremely stressed and on his wits-end, the words on the computer in front of him meshed together into one unintelligible mess. He slammed the lid down on his computer and allowed the floodgates to open. Nothing made sense to him anymore, the world was too big and confusing for his little mind.

Catnap walked by and instantly noticed the fussy puppy. “Hey sunshine, what's wrong?” He asked softly while lifting him and securing the canine in his hold. Dogday whined and squirmed, tears flowing down his cheeks. Catnap looked up and noticed the closed laptop, “Oh…puppy-” He gazed down at the sobbing canine. “I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were this stressed..” Dogday cried louder, his paw hovering near his mouth.

Catnap sat on the couch with Dogday in his lap, who was still squirming and crying his little heart out. Catnap thought for a moment about what to do, he knew that if he didn't calm the poor canine down soon he would probably start screaming. The feline slowly started rocking the other and humming a tune where he couldn't remember when he heard it. Dogday sniffled and closed his eyes, Catnap's soothing methods were working.

Dogday stuck his thumb in his mouth, his cries finally coming to a halt. Catnap smiled down at the other, a relieved sigh escaping him. “Are you sleepy pup?” Dogday yawned in response. “Time for a nap, little sun.” Catnap adjusted his hold on the canine and completely laid down on the couch. He could also use a nap.


I slightly projected onto Dogday in this one, I haven't been doing that great mentally but writing has been a part in helping me get through it all

Chapter 55: Here in the garden 💙


Bubba and Picky are in the garden, Bubba keeps pointing out different bugs and info-dumping about them to Picky who doesn't mind. They go inside for lunch once Bubba's stomach growls and Picky makes his favorite food.


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

Chapter Text

Pickypiggy and Bubba were out in the yard where Picky's beautiful garden was. Bubba sat on his knees, a bright smile on his face as he pointed out another bug and started info-dumping to her. Picky nodded along, a happy smile on her face as well. Picky had been out since late morning and it was now the afternoon, that's when Bubba had come out to join her. He felt lonely inside and wanted to see what his caretaker was doing.

“What's this one bubs?” She gestured towards another bug and watched the way he gasped, eyes practically glowing at the encouragement to keep talking. Picky laughed lightly at his reaction. She enjoyed that despite him being regressed he still was the same when it came to talking about the things he was interested in.

Suddenly Bubba stopped talking when a growl erupted from his stomach. “Aww, are you hungry sweetie?” Bubba nodded while staring at the grass. “Follow me baby, I'll make your favorite, cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches.”

Picky started walking towards the house and Bubba ran to catch up with her, his big ears flapping and tail wagging as he moved. Picky opened the door and held it open for him, the little elephant stopped running once he was inside since he knew it could have a bad outcome.

Chapter 56: Focus on the sound of my voice 🤍💛


Craftycorn is watching another episode of Doki Doki Pretty Cure alone when suddenly she sees Kickinchicken crying. She is able to calm him down by singing to him.


Thank you Candy_Yume for the request!

Chapter Text

Craftycorn was sitting on the couch eating her favorite snacks with her blanket on her lap. She was watching the new episode of Doki Doki Pretty Cure alone since Dogday and Bobby had to run out to get groceries.

Crafty flinched from the sound of a door slamming open, she turned her head towards the entrance of the living room and spotted Kickinchicken slightly waddling his way to her. His shoulders were shaking as he looked around, big globs of tears trickling down his cheeks.

The credits played and Crafty got off the couch so she could see what was wrong with Kickin. Once she stopped him, she grabbed his wing and guided him to the couch. “What's wrong?” She asked him, as she watched him sob. “Where ar’ dey?” He hiccuped and held onto her, worried that if he blinked she would be gone too.

Crafty could feel her heart ache, Kickin had just woken from a nap and their caretakers were gone. “They'll be back soon.” That answer didn't satisfy Kickin as a fresh batch of tears dripped from his eyes. Crafty inhaled and exhaled so she wouldn't panic from how distraught the other was. Crafty grabbed her blanket and wrapped Kickin in it nicely, he sniffled as she focused on wiping his eyes. “Want dhem!” Kickin cried and squirmed for a moment, new tears welling in his eyes.

Crafty didn't want him to cry all evening until Dogday and Bobby returned so she had to think of something she could do to help him calm down. She turned off the tv and gasped when an idea sparked in her mind. She held Kickin close and inhaled through her nose. Crafty opened her mouth, and softly started to sing the theme song to Doki Doki Pretty Cure.

Kickin looked up at her, he was mesmerized by her voice. A smile made its way onto his face as she continued singing. Kickin snuggled into her side and sniffled. When Crafty was finished she felt both proud and relieved that Kickin had calmed down.

“We're home!” Dogday called out after the front door opened.

Chapter 57: A puzzling disaster 🤍💜


Craftycorn and Catnap are doing a puzzle together when Crafty starts to go faster on her side than the kitten can handle, this ends up with him throwing a tantrum and Dogday walks in very confused


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

Chapter Text

Sitting on the floor was a puzzle box, the picture of the complete puzzle resting on top of it. Craftycorn stared at it for a moment in concentration, in her hoof was a puzzle piece. She had been working on this puzzle for two days now and was halfway done, of course this time she wasn't doing it alone. Catnap sat next to her also holding a piece, his brows were kitted as he gazed at the puzzle.

The kitten watched the unicorn figure out where her piece went and quickly put it in place, his eyes widened as she grabbed another one and put it in place. He turned away from Crafty and tried to focus on where his piece went, frustration was building rather quickly in his chest as he heard her place another one down. His eyes glanced at her side and immediately noticed how she was able to figure out where certain pieces went easily. Catnap's ear flicked twice, tears forming in his eyes.

Crafty decided to take a small break and check on Catnap's progress, she watched him throw his puzzle piece onto the carpet. His body flails about as a wail fills the air. Dogday walks into the living room upon hearing the distressed cries from Catnap. He looks around and doesn't really see anything that could've upset the kitten. Letting out a sigh, the canine lifts up Catnap who is still throwing a fit.

Dogday knows he won't get an answer out of Catnap so he decides to look at Crafty and ask her instead. Crafty stands up, “We were doing a puzzle together then suddenly he started throwing a tantrum, I think I went too fast for him-” Dogday gently rocked Catnap who was now just sniffling. “That's alright but you have to remember that he doesn't understand some things as fast as you do because of how little he is. You'll have to help him out after his nap.”

Craftycorn nodded apologetically and watched Dogday walk away with Catnap still in his arms. She let out a sigh then started putting away the puzzle since she knew how long the kitten could be asleep for.

Chapter 58: Doing more than you can handle ❤️💜🩷🧡💛💚💙🤍


Dogday is in charge of all his other friends who are regressed, however due to the stress he accidentally regresses himself


Thank you Insert name here for the request!

Chapter Text

Dogday could feel stress rising but he did his best to ignore it. All day he'd been taking care of his friends who were all regressed. At first he didn't mind it, but as morning changed into afternoon into evening it wasn't so fun and dandy anymore.

Dogday had to stop Hoppy and Kickin from arguing again over something small and keep Catnap in his sights. Picky was sitting next to Bubba on the couch listening to him talk while she ate apple slices, Crafty was coloring and Bobby took Catnap away from the canine again to do who knows what. Probably another tea party.

Kickin and Hoppy were shouting at each other, Dogday took in a sharp breath and forced a smile. “What happened this time?” Hoppy stomped her foot and pointed at Kickin, “He's lying again!” Kickin gasped and shook his head, “Nuh uh! I'm telling duh truth!” Dogday was about to say something when he felt a tug on his pant leg, he looked over and saw Bobby who was also holding Catnap's paw in hers. “Kitty is wondering when he will nap.” Dogday's head started to hurt, he couldn't focus on anything anymore especially when more than one problem arises.

“Finished my appy scices!” Picky shouted over the noise so Dogday could hear her, the canine felt his bottom lip tremble. This was all too much for him. “It isn't time for kitty's nap, it's still too early.” Bubba, being the biggest age at the moment amongst the other littles tried to inform Bobby that it wasn't officially bedtime yet. Dogday felt tears well in his eyes as he tried to squish his ears against his head.

“Doggy?” The floodgates opened and Dogday fell to his knees sobbing uncontrollably. The room immediately went silent as everyone stared at Dogday, he was no longer big. Crafty put her crayon down and walked over to the canine. Catnap sleepily wrapped his arms and tail around Dogday, the other critters joined and all of them hugged the canine. Dogday accepted the comfort and wiped at his eyes, he no longer felt overwhelmed.

Chapter 59: The coolest guy in town will protect you 💚


Hoppy is absolutely terrified of the raging storm outside, thankfully she has Kickinchicken to comfort her and remind her that she is safe


Thank you Multi_Slushy for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickinchicken is relaxing on the couch, the tv is playing on a low volume. There is a crash of thunder which shakes the house for a moment, he doesn't really mind it until he hears the sound of a door bursting open from down the hall. The frightened cries of Hoppy fills his ears as she runs out of her room and into the living room.

Kickin stands up and catches the green rabbit in his arms, he lifts her up and gets a good look at her pale face. She clutches onto him tightly as her body shakes like a leaf. “What's wrong hops?” He asks her softly, watching tears slip down her cheeks. “Scary..” She mumbles and tries to hide her face. It finally clicked in his head, “Are you terrified of the storm?” Hoppy nodded, her body flinching when another roar of thunder filled the air.

Kickinchicken smiled kindly, he understood what it was like to be scared of a storm. “It's alright honey, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll keep you safe from what's out there.” Hoppy wiped at her eyes while sniffling. Kickin sat on the couch with her in his lap and he grabbed a nearby blanket then wrapped her in it. “Did you know that the sky is afraid of me?” Hoppy gave him a curious look at that. “Yeah, I'm so fearless that when I step outside the rain instantly stops.” That caused Hoppy to giggle, “You no scary.”

Kickin puffed his chest out proudly, “Of course I am, I can totally be scary. You'll just never see it because I'm too cool for that.” More giggles came from Hoppy as she lightly hit him on the chest in a playful manner. “Silly.” Kickin adjusted their position as he laid down and properly draped the blanket over them. “Not silly, cool. Remember that hops, I'm too cool for anyone to handle, even the sky itself.” Hoppy rolled her eyes at Kickin's words.

Kickin laughed, he was just happy that he was able to cheer the other up. He grabs the remote and turns the tv off so he can continue the conversation with Hoppy until she drifts off to sleep.

Chapter 60: You are not alone 🧡


Dogday awakes from a nightmare where he had lost all of his friends, still stuck in a panicked state Bobby finds him sobbing. She lifts him up, and is able to calm him down


Thank you Multi_Slushy for the request!

Chapter Text

You're alone, something that you were familiar with but didn't think would be your end result. The dim room which you are confined in, is decorated in blood from the bodies of your friends. Their cracked and shattered pendants lay in front of you, the only thing that showed they ever existed. This isn't what you wanted, you promised as a leader to always protect them and yet, you let them down. That is the only thing repeating in your headspace as you cry. You let them down… You will never forgive yourself, and they might never forgive you. Your greatest fear has come true, you will forever be alone.

Dogday shot up in bed, tears already streaming down his cheeks. He glanced around his dark room and his panicked mind continued to spiral once he realized he was alone. He couldn't speak, he was unable to verbalize his distress, all he could do was sob.

He tumbled out of his bed and jumped to reach the door knob since he felt too small to actually reach it physically. The canine runs out of the room and trips over his own feet, once he hits the ground his cries become louder. Dogday curls into himself, the world feels too far away and his oxygen is running low.

Suddenly a pair of warm arms lift him, he feels something soft and gentle but can't determine what it is. There's a motherly voice coming from somewhere, it sounds close. Dogday hesitantly opens his eyes and his scarce breath hitches since all he can make out is the color red. “Hey, puppy it's alright. Mama bear is right here, nothing is going to hurt you.”

The voice is clearer, he can also make out the sound of a heartbeat. Whatever his head is resting on, it's slowly moving up and down. He follows the movement with his breath, which helps calm down his heart. The canine looks up and is met with a face, a familiar face. “There you are sunshine, you scared me. I truly thought I'd lose you.”

Dogday babbled and wiped at his eyes, his cheeks were matted from how soaked his fur was. “That must've been one heck of a night terror huh pup?” That definitely explained it, a nightmare was all it was. He was safe in Bobby's arms, all his friends were alright and he didn't let anyone down. The canine stuck his thumb in his mouth, all that faded adrenaline and crying really tired him out.

“No, no baby. How about we go get your pacifier instead. After everything you went through, I'll let you sleep with me for the rest of the night.” Dogday’s eyes were starting to close, he couldn't register anything as Bobby started walking. The last thing he could recall is sucking on his binky before falling asleep.

Chapter 61: A fashionable accident 💜


A package full of diapers randomly shows up and Craftycorn doesn't want them to go to waste so she decides to decorate each one for her friends. What she doesn't expect is for Catnap to use his accidentally and now she has to comfort him when he starts crying


Thank you Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for the request!

Chapter Text

Craftycorn stared at the open package of diapers on the table. It had showed up on their doorstep with no name. She didn't know who ordered them but she didn't want them to go to waste so she decided to grab a few supplies and decorate the diapers for each critter. It was quite simple and each design was unique in its own way.

Gathering the other critters was a bit embarrassing but once she told them her idea, they thought it was fun and agreed. Putting them on was easy, except for one. Catnap struggled to secure his, the frustration was clear on his face. Dogday noticed this and offered to help which the feline immediately nodded. Dogday gave him a thumbs up after he was done and got in line.

Crafty watched all of them show off the diapers and felt satisfied with her work. Her friend's looked absolutely adorable in them. Catnap dreaded his turn that was approaching quickly, he shifted from one foot to the other. He really needed to go and couldn't hold it anymore, he was the last one in line and would ask to use the bathroom before his turn but he didn't know how to take the protection off and didn't want to ask for help.

Catnap tried to suppress a whine as he walked forward. Finally by the time his name was called he had already used his decorative nappy. As he walked tears filled his eyes, he felt extremely uncomfortable and couldn't continue forward. Craftycorn could tell something was up, however before she could say anything, Catnap started crying.

Crafty went up to the feline and gazed down, she instantly knew what happened. “Kitty, did you have an accident?” Catnap hid his face in his paws, embarrassment causing him to sob harder. “It's alright, I'm glad you were wearing this then.” Crafty signaled to the others silently that she will be changing him in the bathroom.

Crafty gently took one of Catnap's paws and led him into the bathroom, she could still hear him sniffling. She opened the bathroom door and gave him a soft smile, he wiped at his eyes as the door closed behind him.

Chapter 62: Power outage night routine 🧡


Catnap is watching Dogday for the night when suddenly a power outage happens causing the canine to slip to a younger age, the feline now has to comfort Dogday and find a way to continue their night routine in complete darkness


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

Chapter Text

Dogday had just finished getting his pajamas on, he ran out of his room joyfully and looked up at Catnap who was waiting for him. “Are you ready for bed pup?” He asked, the canine nodded quickly in response. Catnap smiled at how wild Dogday's tail was wagging. Dogday followed behind the feline since he was feeling like a big boy tonight and didn't need to hold the other's paw.

However that didn't last since a power outage struck, coating everything in darkness. Dogday, who previously didn't mind the storm, now let out a blood curdling scream and burst into tears holding onto his fluffy ears. Catnap could see quite well in the sudden darkness but knew the canine couldn't. He didn't expect the power to go out but now he needed to act.

“Sunshine, can you hear me?” His heart ached when all he got was a choked sob from the other. Catnap decided to lift and hold Dogday due to how rattled and frightened he is. “M’ scared an’ can't see..” Dogday's paws found Catnap's crescent moon pendant and anxiously fiddled with it. “It's alright puppy, I've got you. The harsh weather is the reason the power went out and I'm unsure when we'll get it back.”

Dogday whined and lightly kicked his feet to show how unhappy he was about that but there truly was nothing they could do. “Stay up.” Catnap wiped at Dogday's eyes and clicked his tongue. “I'm sorry baby but I won't allow you to stay up all night just because there was a power outage.” Dogday pouted and crossed his arms. “That won't work on me pup, you're still going to bed.”

Catnap carried the canine into the bathroom, they were still going to finish Dogday's night routine even in the dark. Catnap grabbed a toothbrush which belonged to Dogday and was able to find toothpaste. The canine could hear the feline squeeze the paste onto the brush. “Open wide, I'm going to brush your teeth.” Dogday shook his head, a whimper seeping from his throat.

“Someone is getting fussy from how tired they are from crying.” Dogday huffed and shook his head again. “Not tired…” Catnap let out a soft laugh and was grateful for the other finally opening his mouth. Brushing Dogday's teeth thankfully didn't take long and washing his mouth was pretty easy too. “Do you need to potty?” Dogday shook his head, “Did befur powur off.” Catnap hummed and helped the canine walk out of the bathroom.

Once Dogday was tucked in, tears welled in his eyes once he realized that Catnap would retreat into his own room for the night and he would be all alone. “What's wrong, sunshine?” Catnap immediately asked after noticing the sour expression on the other's face. “Don't go…” Catnap sat on the edge of Dogday's bed with a sigh. “I'll tell you a story, then I'll leave once you're asleep.” Dogday wanted to protest but Catnap's plan did sound okay in his little mind. “Okey..” Catnap gave the canine a kiss on the forehead then took in a deep breath before beginning his small story.

Chapter 63: Don't forget to take breaks and eat 🤍


Picky has to stop Crafty in the middle of an art project because she forgot to eat again


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Crafty hummed while adding detail to the corner of her latest painting, she felt satisfied with how it looked and couldn't wait to finish it. She'd been working on it since morning and ignored the rumble in her stomach. She hadn't consumed anything since morning, she thought about it but didn't think it was important at the moment.

“Sweetheart, why don't you wash your hooves and take a small break?” Pickypiggy walked up to her, she was holding a plate full of warm food and in her other hoof was a sippy cup full of apple juice. Craftycorn turned to her and glanced at the food, her stomach grumbled again in agreement with Picky’s words. Crafty was hesitant but reluctantly did what the other suggested.

Picky had already set everything on the table once Crafty walked into the dining room. “Make sure to eat slowly little flower.” Craftycorn nodded and grabbed the fork next to her plate. Sometimes she would eat quickly so she could return to her art projects, that would result in her stomach hurting and she would throw up everything she ate. Picky made sure that wouldn't happen by staying by her side.

Chapter 64: Being small doesn't make you any less cool 💛


Kickin regresses at school and has an accident, this results in a few of his classmates bullying him, thankfully Hoppy is there to stop anything bad from happening and comfort Kickin


Thank you cutekitty for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickinchicken had his head resting on his desk, his thumb was in his beak and he felt pretty content. He didn't understand a word his teacher was saying and it's not like he really cared. Kickin slightly squirmed in his chair, the chair wasn't really comfortable, neither were his clothes. His brows furrowed as he desperately tried to get cozy but failed.

Hoppy glanced over at Kickin, she could tell that he had slipped not too long ago and she desperately wanted to do something to help him but couldn't. There were a few classmates that would give him strange glances since he was acting ‘out of character.’ Kickin was known at school as the ‘cool kid’ and now that reputation was going to be thrown out the window thanks to him regressing.

Kickin squirmed for a bit longer, a whine leaving him. The bell rang and it startled him which caused him to release. A few students walked over to him and stared at him for a moment until bursting out into laughter. They called him horrible things, he didn't understand what they meant but he knew it wasn't anything positive. Tears welled in his eyes from the unkind words and the soggy feeling in his lower area.

Hoppy grabbed her things then stood up, she walked over to where Kickin was sitting. “Hey! Leave him alone, the bell rang and this was our last class so go!” Those who were previously making fun of Kickin surprisingly left, they knew Hoppy was someone they should not mess with.

Kickin hiccupped as tears rolled down his face. “Hey kicks, did you have an accident? It's alright baby. I'm taking you home now and then I can properly change you.” Hoppy cringed when she lifted Kickin up and held him, she could feel the uncomfortable sloshing in his lower area. Hoppy walked out of the school building carrying a very fussy Kickinchicken but thankfully was quick to open her car.

“We'll be home soon, kicky don't worry.” Hoppy secured him in the car seat then started the car and drove off, thankfully Kickin wouldn't have to deal with sitting in his soaked clothes for much longer.

Chapter 65: Don't take your eyes off the quiet kitty 💜


Bubba has to watch Catnap while Dogday is out and thought it would be simple but oh lord was he wrong


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

Chapter Text

“Can you please watch him while I'm gone? I know it's sudden but an emergency popped up and no one else is available.”

Those are the words that Dogday said before leaving Catnap in Bubba's hands (hooves) then left in a hurry. Honestly the elephant didn't think watching the mute kitty would be so difficult. However that turned out not to be true because all he did was take his eyes off of Catnap once and the kitten was missing. Bubba immediately panicked because what if Catnap got hurt?

Bubba searched the living room and there was no sign of the purple feline. He rushed into the kitchen and looked up, Catnap was atop the fridge and seemed quite relaxed. Bubba let out a sigh and was gratefully tall enough to grab the kitty. Catnap slowly opened his eyes and lazily blinked at Bubba.

“How did you-? Asking is useless, you won't answer anyway.” Bubba walked into the living room carrying Catnap since he didn't want to lose him again. He gently set him on the couch and sat next to him, he closed his eyes for a moment then looked back at where he placed the kitten and he was gone. “You've got to be kidding me-” Bubba stood up to search for Catnap again.

“Does he disappear and show up in random places with Dogday too?” He thought aloud, he'd definitely have to ask when Dogday came back to retrieve Catnap. For now, he'd focus on finding the purple kitten, again.

Chapter 66: To be more independent 💛


Kickin regressed to a bigger age this time and is struggling with being more independent, luckily Hoppy is there to encourage him and give him a few ideas!


Thank you Candy_Yume for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickinchicken was frustrated, conflicted and overwhelmed. He had been pacing back and forth in his room for a while now, usually whenever he regressed he was around a toddler or infant age range but this time he was bigger.

“Hey Kickin, are you in here?” Hoppy peeked her head in, and noticed how stressed the other was. “What's wrong?” She asked, walking over concern now growing. “I want to be more independent but don't know how.” He grumbled while crossing his wings across his chest. “How about staying up and sleeping at a later time?”

Kickin was confused by what she meant. “You usually sleep at 8:00 so why not just sleep at 10:00 instead?” Her idea did sound better, he would have more time to do whatever he wanted.

“We could also go out to the park right now and leave at nightfall!” Hoppy sounded extremely enthusiastic, her suggestions weren't so bad either. “I could try more skateboarding tricks!” Hoppy nodded in agreement, “You'll have so much time if you go now.” Kickin glanced at the time then smiled brightly, “I'll get ready now!”

Hoppy laughed as she watched him open his closet in a hurry. She was just happy to help.

Chapter 67: Trying to help break a habit 💜


Dogday tells Catnap not to nibble on his plushie again which results in the kitten throwing a fit, the canine now has to calm him down


Thank you justasillycat for the request!

Chapter Text

Catnap was sitting on a soft rug in the living room holding his favorite crescent moon plushie. Dogday let out a sigh and shut off the tv. He glanced over at Catnap who was nibbling on his plush again, he had already told him no earlier and didn't want to do it again. However, ignoring it wouldn't help the kitten break the habit.

“Kitty, remember what I told you earlier. You can't do that.” Dogday gently grabbed the plushie from him and a part of him regretted it. Catnap’s expression quickly changed from content to very upset. Dogday watched the purple feline flail on the ground after letting out a high pitched squeal.

“Kitten, it's alri-” The canine tried to reach for the other but was hit away instead. Catnap sobbed harder, big blobs of tears dripping down his cheeks. Dogday had to think of something else so he could calm the other down. He grabbed the crescent moon plush and showed it to Catnap who was now screaming in between sobs.

“I have a moon for my little moon.” The lavender kitten sniffled and looked at the plush with glossy eyes. “I'll give you this back as long as you don't nibble on it okay?” Catnap nodded then made grabby paws towards it as a hiccup escaped him. Dogday smiled and lifted the feline after giving the plush back.

“Is my baby exhausted?” Catnap snuggled up to the canine and blinked at him with heavy eyelids. “After all that I understand why you're tired, how about a nap?” Catnap lazily nodded, cuddling the plush close. “Alright then, let's go put you to bed for a nap.”

Chapter 68: Nap time zoomies 🧡


It's time for Dogday's nap but he has the zoomies, how will Catnap be able to calm him down?


Thank you kittenchan for the request!

Chapter Text

Dogday wouldn't settle down and it was already his nap time. Catnap watched the canine run past him again for the sixth time within the span of 10 minutes. He thankfully caught him with his long tail and held him at eye level.

“You need a nap puppy, I don't understand where this sudden burst of energy came from but it's time to calm down.” Dogday shook his head, his tail wagging wildly behind him. “I wanna run more!” The canine squirmed in Catnap's grasp, hoping to get free. Catnap frowned but the other back on his feet then watched Dogday run away.

The lavender feline sighed, he would have to think of something to help calm Dogday down. Catnap walked into Dogday's bedroom and saw the sun plushie he always slept with that's when he got an idea. “Sunshine, I'm in your room, could you come here?”

Catnap turned around and saw Dogday run inside. “I was thinking and I've decided on something. If you take a nap, I'll let you bring this to the park with you after you wake up.” Dogday's tail somehow wagged faster as he nodded excitedly. “All I'm asking from you is to keep track of it.”

The last time Catnap let the canine bring his sun plushie to the park he had lost it and wouldn't stop sobbing until the feline had found it again. Catnap didn't want a repeat of that day.

Dogday took the plushie from Catnap with a wide smile. That offer worked as the canine happily climbed into bed.

Chapter 69: Movie night quarrel 🤍💚💛


Hoppy, Kickin, and Crafty are arguing about what movie to watch, Picky tries to help settle the argument but fails. Thankfully Bubba who is an expert, solves the problem


Thank you kittenchan for the request!

Chapter Text

It is movie night! Hoppy, Kickin and Crafty were holding different movies they wanted to watch and things were getting heated. “This is better!” Hoppy argued after Kickin had shoved his movie in her face. “Nuh uh!” Crafty glanced down at the movie she chose, “This one..” She mumbled and they both looked at her. “That lame.” Kickin uttered and Hoppy nudged him harshly.

“I say dis one!” She shouted and held it in the air. “Don't care, I want dis one!” Kickin argued back. Crafty wiped the tears which were forming in her eyes. “It sucks!” Hoppy stomped her foot and stuck her tongue out. “No!” Crafty screamed, getting their attention quickly. “Mine!” Kickin shouted and pushed Crafty backwards.

Picky walked into the living room, she was the one in charge of making the snacks but she didn't want their argument to continue. “What's all the screaming about little ones?” They all turned towards Pickypiggy, “Pick my movie!” Hoppy begged but was shoved aside by Kickinchicken, “No, mine!” Craftycorn sniffled and shook her head. “Wanna watch..” She showed the movie that she picked out to Picky.

“Sweethearts, this isn't something to argue about.” Her words went ignored thanks to Hoppy whacking Kickin on the head hard. “Ow! Dat hurt!” Picky and Crafty both gasped, “We don't hit-” Once again her words went unnoticed as Kickin hit Hoppy back. “Oh, dear…” Picky left to quickly get Bubba who was in the other room making sure all the littles had everything they needed out of their rooms.

Picky could hear Crafty burst into sobs, she desperately needed help from another caregiver. “Bubba, our babies are fighting and I don't know how to stop them.” That immediately got Bubba's attention and he stood up. “What are they fighting about?” He asked as they left the room.

His question was answered instantly upon seeing the three sobbing littles still holding onto their chosen movies. Picky went into the kitchen and Bubba decided to deal with the problem at hand. The elephant embraced them all, their sniffles filling the silence.

“Instead of fighting over which movie to watch, how about we take turns? We'll watch Hoppy's tonight, Kickin's tomorrow and Crafty's last.” Hoppy and Kickin nodded, Crafty pouted but nodded anyway. Bubba smiled, “Now that we are all on the same page, how about you three get comfortable and I'll start the movie?” The three littles cheered and got comfortable on the couch. Picky walked out with snacks and whispered “Thank you for the help.” Bubba nodded and sat next to Picky on the couch.

Chapter 70: Chronic illness regressed panic! 💜


Catnap has a chronic illness which disables his ability to walk for hours to a few days, this only happens whenever he's stressed. Sadly he's so stressed that he regresses and is unable to walk, making him panic. Luckily Kickin is there to help!


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

Chapter Text

Catnap sat with his head in his paws, he lightly chewed on his bottom lip in concentration. He needed to finish this essay and turn it in, he'd put it off for too long and now it had come to get him. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, but to put it simply, he was stressed.

His roommate, KickinChicken, would be home soon since it was getting late. Catnap ignored how his stomach ached from hunger, he hadn't eaten since this morning. He stared at the screen with blurred vision, he didn't even care to wipe his tears away. His thumb immediately went into his mouth, words on the screen becoming a jumbled mess.

Catnap couldn't focus thanks to the fuzziness in his headspace, he turned his chair around hoping to wobble into the kitchen but once he slightly pushed himself off the chair, he fell onto the floor. He couldn't move his legs, he couldn't even crawl. Oh no…

Kickin opened the door to hear the distraught cries of a baby. Two thoughts popped into Kickin's mind as he rushed towards the living room. He was greeted with the sight of Catnap sobbing while hitting the ground with his paws. Kickin lifted the kitty who immediately clung onto him. “What's wrong kitten?”

Catnap hiccuped and tried wiping at his eyes but it did nothing to stop the flow of tears. “Hey, breathe little moon, I don't want you to pass out.” Kickin sat on the couch with Catnap in his lap and helped him calm his breathing. Once the feline was able to breathe better, Kickin tried again.

“What happened that made you so upset?” Catnap pointed at the computer across from them with his free paw, since the other one was in his mouth. He desperately tried to kick his legs but was unsuccessful which caused a whine to seep out. “Oh kitty, can you not move your legs?” Catnap nodded while taking in a staggering breath, he didn't want to cry again.

Catnap's stomach rumbled loudly and he whined again, he really should've eaten beforehand. “Are you hungry, little moon?” Kickin stood up and carried the feline into the kitchen where he set him gently in his highchair. “You're in luck, we still have some baby food left.”

Chapter 71: Too many tickles 💚


Bobby tickles Hoppy too much which results in the green rabbit having an accident. Bobby now has to calm her down and give her a bath.


Thank you WolfOfTime23 for the request!

Chapter Text

Bobby and Hoppy were sitting next to each other on the couch, Bobby had just turned the tv off since Hoppy's favorite show ended. The red bear glanced at the unaware green bunny then attacked her with tickles. The other immediately erupted into giggles and slightly squirmed.

“No! No tickle!” Hoppy begged in between giggles and tried to push the other away but obviously failed. “What? Did I hear more tickles?” Hoppy fell onto her back, her sides aching. She lightly kicked her feet into the air and Bobby finally stopped, however she could still feel the phantom tickles.

Her giggles stopped when she felt her undergarments become soaked. Bobby noticed the change in expression and before she could ask, Hoppy started crying. “Did you have an accident, hops? I'm sorry that's my fault-”

Bobby helped Hoppy sit up, she was still sobbing as the rose scented bear took her shorts off. “It's okay honey, I'll help bathe you so you'll be clean.” Hoppy hiccuped and refused to be picked up. “It's okay baby, it was just an accident. It's my fault for not stopping when I should've.”

Bobby wiped the tears from Hoppy's eyes, she thankfully wasn't crying anymore but instead she was pouty. “Bath!” Bobby hummed and lifted the other, “It's bath time.” Bobby smiled as she closed the door behind them.

Chapter 72: Lost in a world you can't see 🧡


Dogday who is blind thanks to an accident is regressed and crawls out of his house, luckily Bobby and Craftycorn find him. Now his actual caregivers, Catnap and Kickinchicken have to come get him so they can all go home


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

Chapter Text

Ever since the accident which caused Dogday to go blind, he's been age regressing to deal with the trauma. Usually Kickinchicken or Catnap, his two best friends who have been helping him every step of the way in this new way of living would take care of him. This obviously was the case for today, however they made a grave mistake.

Kickin and Catnap were putting up groceries and of course Kickin forgot to close the door properly, Dogday who loved to crawl lightly pushed the door open and left. Both caregivers were completely unaware that their blind baby had just escaped and couldn't see where they were going. This could end with the canine getting lost.

Dogday knew he wasn't in the familiar and comfortable space that is his house thanks to the sounds around him and the ground below him. Dogday stopped crawling, a cry building in his throat at the realization that he doesn't know where he is. He's alone in a scary big world that he can't see.

Tears quickly welled in his eyes as he inhaled deeply. The shriek that ripped from his throat was earsplitting, warm tears trickling down his cheeks. He gripped onto his shirt tightly, expression scrunched up. Dogday would often get lost whenever he's crawling but his caregivers would easily be able to find him when they hear his signature distressed sobs, this time was different and the canine could tell when he didn't hear the familiar footsteps from Catnap or Kickinchicken.

Bobby and Craftycorn are on their way home from a lovely day at the park when they hear crying. They are met with the sight of Dogday who is lost and extremely upset. Bobby lifts the canine and holds him close. “Oh sweet boy, why are you all alone?” Dogday hiccups and clutches onto her clothes. “He's so confused…” Crafty mumbles, “I wonder how long he's been out here-” Bobby utters with a concerned expression.

“He'll make himself sick if he doesn't calm down.” Bobby nodded at Crafty's words and gently rocked Dogday who fussed and continued to bawl his eyes out in her arms. “I'll call Kickin and see if he or Catnap can come and get the poor puppy.”

Her phone rang twice before Kickin answered, his voice was laced with panic. “Bobby and I found your lost baby, he won't stop crying and we're worried about making himself sick.” There was a loud noise on the other end for a moment, “We’ll be there, just text me your location.” Craftycorn hung up and quickly texted Kickinchicken where they were.

Dogday coughed, sounding close to vomiting due to how much he was crying. His body shook violently with every scarce breath. Bobby stopped rocking the canine and instead rubbed his back softly.

Crafty saw a car pull up and stop, Kickin and Catnap getting out. Catnap took Dogday from Bobby’s arms and Kickin set a yellow colored pacifier in his mouth. They were all relieved to see the canine halt his crying and was just sniffling now. Dogday was exhausted and needed a nap, Catnap's heartbeat helped keep him calm.

“Thank you both so much, it was entirely our fault for not closing and locking the front door.” Bobby let out a heavy sigh, “Don't let this happen again, please.” She said disappointingly. Kickin and Catnap nodded as then they waved goodbye to Bobby and Craftycorn.

Kickin handed a sun plush with a heartbeat in it to Catnap who gratefully took it and sat in the backseat of the car. Dogday fussed for a moment until he heard the heartbeat again. Kickin started the car as a sigh escaped him.

Thankfully the drive back home wasn't too long, and Dogday was already asleep by the time Kickinchicken and Catnap got out of the car. “I'll put him to bed, you focus on lunch.” Kickin nodded and headed towards the kitchen while Catnap made his way to Dogday's bedroom, carrying the canine close.

Chapter 73: Arcade chaos 💚🤍❤️💛💜💙🩷


Dogday takes his regressed friends to an arcade not expecting things to get hectic


Thank you for the request!

Chapter Text

Dogday thought that taking his regressed friends to an arcade would be fun! Nothing could go south right? Wrong.

Kickinchicken whined about Hoppy cheating at skeeball, which Dogday had to stop them before their argument turned into an actual physical fight. “Please you two, behave and go play something else.” They nodded then ran off in a better mood. The canine was hoping that would be the only problem but of course life wouldn't be that nice to him today.

Dogday saw Bubba running towards him with a worried expression, “Kitty is stuck.” Those were the only words he could utter due to being out of breath. “Where? Show me what happened.”

Bubba took Dogday to a claw machine and gasped when he saw Catnap was somehow stuck inside. “Why are cats made of liquid-?” He mumbled, “They are?” Picky asked as she tried one more time to get Catnap out. “No, it just seems that way.” Dogday answered then rushed to get help from someone else.

When they finally got Catnap out he looked shocked by what just happened. Dogday crouched to his eye level, “Are you okay?” Catnap slowly nodded and wrapped his tail around the other's leg. The canine sighed thinking everything would be fine now until he saw Craftycorn walking towards them with Bobby who was sobbing.

Dogday welcomed the bear with open arms, “What's wrong sweetheart?” He gently lifted her so they were eye to eye. “Scwrd…” She said in between hiccups. “What scared you?” She wiped her eyes and sniffled, “Zomby…” She answered, “A zombie game? It's okay hun, it's not real.” Bobby hid her face in his chest.

Dogday glanced at Bubba and Crafty, “Could you go and get Kickinchicken and Hoppy, I think it's time for us to go home.” Bubba and Crafty nodded, “So soon?” Picky whined. “Yes, I'm sorry sweetie but at least you had a good few hours to play.” Catnap rubbed his eyes then stuck his thumb in his mouth, “You all need to relax and some of you need naps by now.” Dogday said after noticing how tired both Catnap and Bobby were.

Chapter 74: The mistake of arguing in front of a little 🤍


All the critters are arguing which overwhelms Craftycorn who regresses and cries, everyone stops and rushes to comfort her


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

“That's not how it works!” Hoppy shouted at Kickinchicken, “Actually that is how it works.” Bubba corrected, “You're not supposed to take his side!” Pickypiggy screamed, “Okay everyone how about we don't argue.” Dogday tried to intervene, “Shut up, this is important!” Bobby cut him off before he could say anything else. Catnap glared at the bear and separated her from the canine.

“Please…” Craftycorn tried to get their attention but no one even glanced at her. “Don't give her that look!” Hoppy shoved Catnap away and was grabbed by Kickin from behind. “Calm down Hoppy.” Bubba tried to tell her calmly, however there was an edge to his tone.

“We don't need to fight…” Crafty spoke again but her voice was too soft. “We don't result in physical harm when we're angry!” Dogday shouted at Hoppy. Craftycorn covered her face and tightly closed her eyes wishing the argument would stop. “Peas…” Craftycorn’s voice was watery, tears starting to flow down her cheeks.

“No moor…” She cried, her shoulders shaking with each hiccup. “Stop!” Crafty sobbed while holding onto her pendant tightly. Everything went silent, the only sound being Craftycorn’s weeping. “Picky give her something to drink, Catnap her plushie is in her room.” The two critters nodded then left.

“Oh honey, we're sorry for arguing.” Bobby embraced the little unicorn, her heart aching from seeing the other so upset. “No argu..peas” Crafty mumbled after sniffling. Catnap returned with a colorful flower plushie in his paws and gave it to Bobby who offered it to Craftycorn.

“We have a flower for our little flower.” Hoppy cooed, hoping that would encourage her to grab it. Crafty wiped her eyes and took the colorful flower plushie. Picky returned with a sippy cup in her hoof, “She needs to drink this so she can stay hydrated after all those tears.” Dogday smiled as he watched Picky give the sippy to Bubba who helped Crafty drink from it since her hooves were still slightly shaking. Bobby gently combed through the unicorn's mane with her paws.

“She needs a nap.” Catnap said after watching Craftycorn’s eyes flutter once she finished drinking from the sippy cup. Bobby let Catnap hold one of Crafty's hooves as they walked to her room. They learned their lesson, never argue like that in front of the little again.

Chapter 75: Sometimes you don't know your own strength 💛💚


Kickinchicken and Hoppy are wrestling when Hoppy accidentally hits Kickin too hard causing him to regress to a younger age


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickinchicken and Hoppy were wrestling for fun in the living room, since they were both the same age while regressing they knew what not to do.

They were both horrible when it came to stopping, especially whenever they made it a competition. Hoppy cheered at winning again which only fueled Kickin's determination to beat her. “We're doing another round and this time, I'll win!” Kickin declared and immediately tried to grab Hoppy by the stomach but failed due to her quick reaction.

“I'm not allowing you to get a head start.” She smirked and hit him in the abdomen. However she didn't realize how hard she hit him and watched him fall onto the ground on his bottom.

Hoppy could tell something was different as she stared into his glossy eyes. “Kickin-” She was cut off by him bursting into tears. He regressed to a younger age, that's what happened. “Oh shoot.” Hoppy looked at her fist for a moment then sat by his side.

“I'm sorry kicks, I didn't realize how hard I hit you.” She inhaled then gently pulled him into a hug. “I didn't know how strong I was…sorry.” Kickin wiped his eyes and slowly hugged her back. Hoppy smiled and knew she was forgiven, deep down she was proud of herself since she's bigger than him at the moment. “How about we play something else?” She suggested which earned a nod from Kickin.

Chapter 76: Cuts, bruises and broken bones 🩷🤍💜❤️💚💛🧡


When Bubba opened his eyes and the sounds around him became clear, the first noise he could recognize was the sound of crying. There was so much crying. He carefully stood up and noticed the broken, flipped car. Now he has to try and calm everyone down after the horrible car accident


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!
Trigger warning for those who are sensitive to injuries, possible death experience or have (or knows someone) who has been in a car accident

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Bubba opened his eyes and the sounds around him became clear, the first noise he could recognize was the sound of crying. There was so much crying. He carefully stood up and noticed the broken, flipped car.

Pickypiggy was holding onto Craftycorn's non broken arm, she was sobbing and didn't seem anywhere near calming down. Hoppy and Kickinchicken were sitting next to each other, they couldn't stand due to similar injuries. Hoppy had a broken knee, Kickin had a broken leg. They were both crying and holding onto the broken part of their limb.

Bobby was panicking over Catnap's head which was bleeding, he wasn't crying but he was constantly sniffing trying to stay strong with a shocked expression. Dogday walked up to Bubba bawling his eyes out, both of his wrists were broken and his nose was bleeding.

“Hey sunshine, focus on me. I'm right here, breathe in slowly.” Dogday tried to move his paws but was unsuccessful which caused him to release a fresh patch of tears. Bubba pulled his phone out and dialed the number for help. He thankfully got Picky's attention and motioned for her to get Bobby and bring everyone else to him so they could all stay close together.

The call was surprisingly quick and Bubba put his phone away so he could try and calm everyone down, especially the younger littles. Picky gave Craftycorn to Bubba who lifted her, he watched her pained expression with tears flowing down her cheeks. “Catnap's head is bleeding, I'm worried about him passing out-” Bobby told Bubba, the panic was clear on her face. “I need one of you to keep an eye on Crafty, I'll have to carry Hoppy and Kickin.” Bobby nodded and gently took Crafty's hoof on the arm that wasn't broken.

Bubba picked up Kickin and Hoppy who were sniffling. “Puppy it's alright, we're all here and I'm pretty sure help is on the way.” Picky tried to reassure Dogday. “They'll arrive soon.” Bubba confirmed calmly. “Breathe crafts, can you please look at me?” Bobby tried to keep her voice steady. “Can you show me what hurts?” She knew that if she asked her to tell her, she wouldn't get an answer due to the unicorn being nonverbal.

Craftycorn sniffled and showed Bobby her broken arm. It was surprising how Picky, Bubba and Bobby were only covered in cuts and bruises. Catnap wrapped his long tail around Bubba's leg and walked over to Dogday who was still sobbing. “Kitty your head-” Picky gasped, after getting a good look at his injury. “Hurts…” Dogday cried as Catnap gently embraced him.

“Can't walk…” Kickin mumbled after glancing at his broken leg. “We can't play!” Hoppy whined. Bubba adjusted his hold on both littles and felt relieved as the loud blast of sirens filled the air.


Stay safe everyone ♡

Chapter 77: When the world is too loud, I'll be here to silence it 🧡


Catnap held onto Dogday with one paw while his other one pushed the cart in front of him and his long tail grabbed what he needed. He would've loved to keep the canine at home but they needed groceries and having him alone wasn't good. Kickinchicken had to run because of an emergency with Pickypiggy and they desperately needed to go to the store, so Catnap had no choice but to bring Dogday with him.


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Catnap held onto Dogday with one paw while his other one pushed the cart in front of him and his long tail grabbed what he needed. He would've loved to keep the canine at home but they needed groceries and having him alone wasn't good. Kickinchicken had to run because of an emergency with Pickypiggy and they desperately needed to go to the store, so Catnap had no choice but to bring Dogday with him.

Catnap sighed as his tail put another thing in the cart, Dogday whimpered he wanted to be home right now. Due to the canine being blind, his other senses have become heightened. Everyone was too loud for him to handle. He pulled on his ears and whined, hiding his face in Catnap's shoulder.

The feline gazed worryingly at Dogday, who lightly kicked his feet. Tears quickly welled in his eyes, nothing was working and the noise just got louder. “Is everything alright sunshine?” Catnap asked as they turned into another busy isle. Catnap really didn't expect the store to be this crowded. The only response he got from the canine was a whimper, well that wasn't good.

“What's wrong pup?” Dogday lifted his face and hiccuped, tears flowing down his cheeks. He let go of his ears and gripped onto Catnap's shirt. “Too…lou..” He couldn't even get any more words out as he broke into sobs.

“Oh puppy…” Catnap immediately recognized how overwhelmed the other was and walked into a more secluded area in the store. “Too much…” Dogday cried then put his thumb in his mouth. Catnap realized this was his second time doing this within the store trip. “Sunshine, I'm sorry I didn't understand that you were trying to self-soothe earlier.” The feline kept his voice as quiet as a whisper so he wouldn't add anything to the already upset pup.

Catnap dug into the bag he had around his shoulder which thankfully had the other's comfort items. “I'm glad I thought ahead before we left.” Dogday cried even harder when Catnap grabbed his thumb and took it out of his mouth. “Shh, it's okay puppy.” Dogday sniffled and the lavender feline put the pacifier in the other's mouth. Dogday gave the pacifier a tentative suck, he whimpered but didn't sound as upset.

“Lift your head for a moment.” Dogday did as told and inhaled shakily. “Alright you can put your head back down baby.” The canine rested his head and instantly heard the sound of a heartbeat. Catnap used one paw to wipe away the stray tears on the other's face. “I'll need to let Kickinchicken know to never leave without Dogday's sun plushie and pacifier later when we get home.”

Dogday looked exhausted, the heartbeat lulling him to sleep. “I'm almost done with shopping then we can go home.” Dogday closed his eyes, allowing himself to drift off.


Blind regressor Dogday quickly grew on me I love him so much 🥺🫶

Chapter 78: Give me attention too! 💜


Catnap is playing alone and is finally done with his caregivers not paying attention to him so he decides to try and get their attention


Thank you WolfOfTime23 for the request!

Chapter Text

Catnap was playing with blocks on a soft carpet, he heard his caregivers laughing again behind him. He pouted and put the blocks down, he didn't think it was fair that they weren't giving him any attention.

Catnap grabbed onto Dogday's pant leg and gave it a tug, hoping that would get him to look away from Craftycorn but alas. Catnap let out a huff then tried to get Craftycorn's attention by hugging her leg. “Hello little moon.” That was the only acknowledgement he got from her. The feline whined and crawled away then stood up.

Dogday and Craftycorn finally looked at Catnap after he stomped his little foot on the ground, he had a strong pout on his face. “Did it seem like we were ignoring you kitty?” The canine asked and opened his arms. Catnap nodded and accepted the hug. Craftycorn smiled softly and joined in the hug as well, “We're sorry honey.” She said as purrs emitted from Catnap.

Chapter 79: A boost of energy! 💚


Catnap has been trying to catch Hoppy since she is full of energy, when he finally snatches her, he won't let her go until she's tired out


Thank you WolfOfTime23 for the request!

Chapter Text

Catnap had been chasing Hoppy almost all afternoon. She was highly energetic and her nap time was coming up. Catnap was exhausted and slightly out of breath. He finally had an idea on how to stop her and successfully grabbed her with his tail.

Hoppy whined and tried to struggle free, “That's not fair!” She shouted while Catnap just watched her attempt to escape. “Please, let me go!” She begged and continued to squirm. Catnap just shook his head, “I'm sorry hops but you need to be tired in order to fall asleep quicker.”

Hoppy pouted, “I don't need a nap.” She grumbled, “You do, and I know you'll have so much energy when you wake later.” Hoppy tried to free herself again from Catnap's tail, however there was no progress made.

The feline noticed how her movements were sloppy and starting to slow. “Feeling tired?” Hoppy whined but nodded. “Time to put you to bed for a nap.” This time Hoppy finally agreed with that statement.

Chapter 80: Tornado warning jumpscare 💛


Kickinchicken gets scared and regresses after hearing a tornado warning, thankfully Craftycorn is there to comfort him


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickinchicken didn't mind storms, sometimes they could be calming, especially when you're about to sleep. He tried to distract his mind by keeping himself occupied with tv, Craftycorn was watching the weather and Kickin did think it was interesting.

Thunder and lightning argued in the sky, causing him to flinch. Crafty gasped when the weather caster announced a tornado warning in their area, Kickin's eyes went wide. From what he could recall, tornadoes were dangerous, they sucked up everything in its path and could destroy anything. Houses, cars, critters, if a tornado hit would he ever see Crafty again? If he slept tonight and a tornado hit, would he even open his eyes?

Before he could ask anything or process how those thoughts made him feel, he broke into horrified sobs. Craftycorn pulled him into a hug, “Did the tornado warning scare you kicks?” He nodded and his grip tightened slightly. “It's okay buddy, it's just a warning. That means it's a possibility but I highly doubt it, especially where we live.”

Her words sadly didn't do anything to calm him down, “Don't wanna lose you…” He hiccuped, “You won't lose me, I promise. I'll always be right here.” Crafty gently smoothed out his feather crown. “But what if I do?” He sniffled, looking up at her with big sad eyes. “I'll make sure that doesn't happen, kicky.” She wiped his eyes then hugged him close again. “I won't lose you as long as we hold each other closely.”

Chapter 81: Healing takes time 💚💜🧡🤍💛


This takes place a few months or so after the car crash and how everyone is doing during their recovery


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Hoppy and Kickinchicken stared at the ceiling, Hoppy let out another dramatic sigh. Recovery from the car accident was slow, and boring. “Stupid broken leg…” Kickin mumbled. “I'm so tired of being forced to stay in bed! I want to move!” Hoppy shouted frustratingly and pounded her fist on the bed.

“Hey you two, everything okay?” Pickypiggy walked up to their beds, “No, it's boring in here…” Hoppy immediately answered. “We would rather be outside playing.” Kickin added with a heavy sigh. “Well you two are in luck! I have a fun game we could play.” Picky grabbed a chair and took a seat. “It's where we take turns saying one word to make a story. There are no rules and I'm excited to see what you two come up with.” Kickin and Hoppy glanced at each other, Hoppy shrugged. “Why not, we have nothing better to do.”

The sound of crying filled Bobby's ears as she opened the door to where Catnap and Dogday were resting. They were hugging each other, their expressions terrified of something she couldn't see. “It's alright, It's only me, Bobby.” She said softly, hoping to get their attention. They thankfully did notice her and ran up to her, sobbing as she embraced them close.

“Everything is alright my little sun and moon, nothing can hurt you.” She gave them each a kiss on the forehead. “It was scary and hurt…” Dogday cried in between hiccups. “Head hurt…” Catnap sobbed. “Phantom pains my dears, you're perfectly safe.” Bobby wiped their tears away, she gave them a gentle smile.

Craftycorn was coloring but she was very unhappy due to the fact that her dominant arm was broken. She was unable to move it out of the cast and despised drawing with her other hoof. “Why the frown baby?” Bubba asked and sat next to her. She pouted, hoping that was a joke since it was obvious why she was upset.

“Your dominant arm is still healing, I know how much it sucks to use your other arm but I believe your art won't change.” Crafty tilted her head at that, she didn't know what he meant by that. “It may not seem perfect, but your art is still beautiful and unique because it's yours.” Crafty stared down at the paper and slowly smiled. She liked that.

Chapter 82: One stubborn sick pup 🧡


Catnap and Kickinchicken were at a dead end, “I don't know what else we could try. We've run out of options, applesauce, peanut butter pancakes and just straight up peanut butter. I don't know what else we can do to make him take his medication.” Catnap sighed, knowing that the other was right, “We can't help him get better if he won't take it.” Kickin nodded, “He's sick and stubborn.”


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Catnap and Kickinchicken were at a dead end, “I don't know what else we could try. We've run out of options, applesauce, peanut butter pancakes and just straight up peanut butter. I don't know what else we can do to make him take his medication.” Catnap sighed, knowing that the other was right, “We can't help him get better if he won't take it.” Kickin nodded, “He's sick and stubborn.”

Catnap glanced at the blind co*cker spaniel who was still sitting in his highchair. “Wait, I have an idea!” Kickin took his phone out of his pocket, Catnap raised an eyebrow. “This better be a good idea.” Kickin rolled his eyes, “Of course it is, I'll call Pickypiggy for help. She's always been better at making food than all of us.” Catnap hummed thinking over the other's plan. “While you're at it, call Bobby as well. We'll need all the help we can get.” Kickin nodded and immediately brightened when he heard Picky answer his call.

Catnap walked over to Dogday and let him out of his highchair. The feline carried him into the living room and set him down on the rug. Dogday whined, his fever ever present. “Don't worry pup, nobody likes to be sick.” Catnap frowned after he put his paw up to the other's head and it didn't seem any cooler. “Kickin and I invited Picky and Bobby over, they'll arrive soon.”

As if on cue, there was a knock at the front door. “I'll get it!” Kickin ran and opened the door, “Come on in.” When Picky and Bobby walked inside, both instantly greeted Dogday. “Picky, just follow me so we can discuss in further detail about what I mentioned on the phone.” Kickin said and started walking towards the kitchen.

“I heard you were sick, sunshine.” Dogday nodded, he just wanted to nap but his caregivers insisted that he needed medicine. “He's also cranky.” Catnap commented which earned a pout from Dogday. Bobby laughed at the adorable display, “I honestly don't blame him.” Dogday stuck his thumb in his mouth. “We've been trying to help him break that habit with pacifiers.” Bobby grabbed Dogday's paw and guided it out of his mouth, he whined but didn't fuss any further.

Catnap peeked into the kitchen and saw Kickin gesturing for him to bring the sick pup. Catnap lifted the canine and carried him back into the kitchen, Bobby followed close behind. Once Dogday was back in his highchair he was immediately suspicious of what they were planning.

Kickinchicken held a bowl of medicated food that Pickypiggy made. Dogday couldn't tell if there was medicine in the food since he couldn't smell it but he still didn't want it just in case. Kickin held the spoon next to Dogday's lips, “Open wide!” The canine frowned, he didn't want it, the letters ‘n’ and ‘o’ spelled ‘no’ and that's another word for stop, so Dogday shook his head and shouted, “No!”

“No? You need to eat puppy, aren't you hungry?” Dogday slammed his open paw on the tray and screamed “No!” again. Catnap honestly expected this, Dogday had been persistently stubborn despite having a fever. “Oh my, I see what you mean by him being uncooperative.” Bobby mumbled to Catnap. “Don't want! No!” Dogday screamed and wiggled in his highchair. “Eating will also help the fever go away soon honey.” Bobby said, hoping that would encourage him.

“I made the food, I know for sure that it's delicious.” Dogday didn't seem convinced, he had his arms crossed and glared at nothing in particular since he couldn't see. “Want out!” He banged on the tray again. Catnap took the bowl from Kickin and tried a different approach to the issue. “How about this, I'll take a bite and then you take a bite. It'll be gone quicker that way.”

All of them looked equally shocked at his proposal, “WHAT?” Kickin shouted, he truly thought the feline lost his mind. Catnap glared daggers at him to shut him up. Picky and Bobby exchanged looks until realizing Catnap's plan. The lavender feline pretended to take a bite, “That's good.” He said with his ‘mouth full’, Dogday believed Catnap had his portion since all he could go off of was sound.

After swallowing nothing, Catnap put the spoon next to Dogday's lips. “It's your turn.” Dogday shook his head, “Come on baby, we have a deal.” The canine hesitantly opened his mouth. They all smiled when they saw Dogday accept the spoon and chew. The feline was grateful his plan worked.

Catnap continued doing his act until everything was gone. “Good job pup.” Dogday would usually react positively to praise but not today. Picky decided to wash the bowl and spoon while Kickin pat Catnap on the back. Dogday's earlier suspicions were correct when he felt the medicine taking effect 10 minutes later. This did not please him at all.

Bobby observed Dogday's behavioral change which was rather quick. His expression was scrunched up, big shiny tears threatening to fall, paws in tight fists. This told her all she needed to know. “Puppy-” She tried to reach for him as he inhaled deeply, this was a mistake on her part as he started screaming and crying.

She backed off and watched him flail his arms while stomping his feet. Catnap, who was previously in the kitchen with Kickinchicken and Pickypiggy, rushed into the living room. Catnap was relieved to see no one was injured but definitely didn't expect to see Dogday throwing a massive tantrum. “I guess he figured out that he took his medication after all-” He muttered under his breath.

Dogday flopped on the ground and continued to kick the air, screaming at the top of his lungs. Kickin and Picky could hear him from the kitchen, “I already know what to make for after he's calmed down.” She said and grabbed what she needed. Kickin left to get Dogday's sippy cup.

“Should we do something?” Bobby asked worryingly, “Let him get his emotions out, he feels as if we betrayed him but later he will know we did this for a good cause and because we care about him.” Catnap answered. “I'm surprised he had enough energy to throw a tantrum when he's still sick.”

Kickin returned with Dogday's sippy cup and washed it so Picky could pour liquid into a clean cup. “Don't hold your breath sweetheart, you might pass out.” Bobby warned kindly. Dogday finally inhaled again although it was staggered. Kickin and Picky walked into the living room to witness the rest of Dogday's tantrum.

Throughout his kicking and flailing he had managed to hurt himself accidentally. He had stopped now and was exhausted, Bobby lifted the canine who sobbed and she placed him on the couch. Everyone was grateful that he wasn't screaming anymore, but they could tell his throat was raw.

Bobby kissed his boo boos and once she was done, she wiped his tears away. “His fur is soaked and matted.” She noted out loud as she finished wiping his eyes. Dogday coughed, it sounded dry. “I'll help him blow his nose.” Catnap grabbed a tissue as Picky went up to the canine. After Catnap left to throw the tissue away, Picky helped Dogday drink from his sippy cup. “He definitely needs a nap now. I'll put him to bed once he's finished drinking.” Kickin said as Catnap returned.

“Thank you for the help.” Catnap said to Bobby and Picky. “Of course, we'll always help whenever we can.” Picky gave the empty sippy to Catnap who left to wash it. Kickin picked up Dogday, his eyes were heavy and lidded. “Say bye to Picky and Bobby, puppy.” Dogday waved, hoping he was facing the right way. “Buh bye.” Dogday said sleepily.

Pickypiggy and Bobby smiled then left as Kickinchicken walked down the hall to Dogday's room.


I loved writing this so much, it felt as if I was writing a chapter in a slice of life story

Chapter 83: Adjusting to a new way of living 🧡


Dogday has to adjust to living blind with the help of Catnap and Kickinchicken, let's find out how that goes


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Catnap carefully took the bandages off Dogday's face, this was a few weeks after Dogday had been in an accident which took his sight. Kickinchicken stood behind Catnap, the doctor had called them earlier and told them it was alright for Dogday to have his bandages off. So that's exactly what the feline was doing.

Catnap's heart ached, guilt hitting him hard. If only he could go back in time and stop his best friend from ever leaving the house that day. Kickin rubbed Catnap's back as he took a few deep breaths so he wouldn't start crying. “Is it that bad?” Dogday asked, “No, no dude! You don't look different at all.” Catnap nudged Kickin in his side. “What he meant was, you're still you despite being blind.”

Throughout the week Dogday would often wake up in a panic due to terrifying nightmares, his panicked state would increase when he realized he couldn't see. Thankfully Catnap would hear his distressed cries and rush to comfort him, the feline thought it would be better if he let Dogday sleep in his bed with him to ease his mind. This was always a hit or miss since on most mornings Dogday would awaken sobbing in pure horror.

Catnap woke up due to such crying and after rubbing his eyes, he sat up and held the other close. “It's alright puppy, I'm here. Nap is here for you.” This was two days after Kickinchicken and Catnap had brought up the idea of age regression as a healthy coping mechanism for the canine. At the time Dogday was hesitant and a bit embarrassed but after half a day of regressing and being helped into the smaller mindset, he actually enjoyed it.

Catnap hugged Dogday and spoke to him in a low yet calm voice. “Nothing is going to hurt you sunshine, I understand that you can't see anything so you don't believe me but you're in a comfortable bed and the sun is shining and it's just us.” Dogday hiccuped but was starting to calm down, Catnap kissed his forehead and wiped his eyes. “You're safe here pup.” Dogday hummed and Catnap guided him out of the bed.“Stay there, I'll be back. I need to wake Kickinchicken.” Dogday nodded but felt anxious to be alone in a world of complete darkness.

Catnap found it quite easy waking up Kickin, “You're in charge of bathing Day, I need to make breakfast because I don't trust you in the kitchen after last time.” Kickin got out of bed and groaned, “It was only one time!” Catnap turned around and opened the door, “One time is all I need to know I can't let you cook again.” He said before leaving.

Kickin saw Dogday standing in the doorway of Catnap's bedroom with his thumb in his mouth. He had to hold onto the wall to navigate himself but the whole time he thought he would trip or bonk his head on something. Kickin picked up Dogday since it was easier to transport the blind pup that way. “We're in the bathroom, I'll get the water started for your bath if you need to potty go now.” Kickin was still getting used to Dogday being blind as well and most times would forget to explain important details to the canine.

It was a miracle Dogday did his business in the toilet due to using his sense of touch to find where it is. Afterwards, Kickin helped Dogday take his shirt, undergarments, and pants off along with sitting in the tub. This is where the problem started however. Dogday was absolutely terrified of getting in the water because he couldn't see where he was going to sit or how high the water was.

Kickin's eyes widened as Dogday thrashed in his hold, repeating “No!” and “I'm scared!” almost at the top of his lungs. It was a surprise that Catnap didn't burst through the bathroom door. Kickin sighed and set Dogday back on the bathroom floor gently. “It's okay, it's just water, it can't hurt you. Besides, I'm here to watch over you.” Kickin grabbed one of Dogday's paws and slowly dipped it in the water.

Dogday lightly splashed the warm water and smiled. “See? It's fun!” Kickin said enthusiastically then picked the canine up and set him into the water on his bottom. Dogday giggled and slightly splashed around. Kickin washed him and felt relieved that the other was having a great time.

When bath time was over and Dogday was wrapped in a towel, Kickin opened the closet. He strongly disliked how wet and cold his fur was, he never realized it could be such a problem until he lost his sight. “What do you want to wear pup?” Dogday pouted, he couldn't even see what outfits he had! “I dunno…” He replied solemnly. Kickin looked at the other's upset body language and expression. “Want see back! Wanna see ‘gin!” He was scared of the unknown and even the simple idea of not being able to pick his own clothes for the day.

“I know puppy…we both highly wish you could see again. Catnap would trade an organ for you to be able to see.” Dogday whined and Kickin chose something for him to wear so he isn't shivering in a towel anymore. Kickin dried Dogday the best he could then helped him into his shirt, undergarments, and pants. After picking up Dogday and deciding to deal with the towel later, they made their way into the kitchen where a delicious smell filled the air.

Once Dogday was in his highchair, Catnap gazed at Kickin with narrowed eyes. “What was all that screaming I heard from the bathroom earlier?” Kickin laughed awkwardly, “I forgot to properly guide our pup into the tub that was filled with water.” Catnap shook his head in disappointment, “You're an idiot.”

Dogday had to feel around where his fork was and do the same thing to find his food. He was unsure of taking a bite, it smelled really good and his stomach rumbled loudly but he didn't trust it. He opened his mouth hesitantly and luckily the fork made it in. He chews and his tail starts wagging. Catnap and Kickin share the joyful mood when they watch Dogday takes a few more bites successfully. It seemed as if the harsh parts of the day were over, now they can all just relax.

“I'm not ready for his nap time later.” Catnap stared coldly at Kickinchicken, “Shut up, don't remind me.” They both dreaded the possible tantrum later in the day but they still loved Dogday no matter what.


Had this sitting in my docs for a while today after seeing the request and would've posted immediately but got anxious, anyway here it is!

Chapter 84: Tantrums, tantrums, and more tantrums 🧡


These past few weeks had been horrible for Catnap and Kickinchicken, their little blind puppy would easily get aggravated and throw the worst tantrums. They both don't understand how he has enough vocal strength and lung capacity to scream and cry until literally nightfall. They have to use their last method but of course that ends up not so well and Catnap feels awful


Thank you SW33TEM3RY for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

These past few weeks had been horrible for Catnap and Kickinchicken, their little blind puppy would easily get aggravated and throw the worst tantrums. They both don't understand how he has enough vocal strength and lung capacity to scream and cry until literally nightfall. Last time they had a playdate, Dogday would take the other's toys and refuse to give them back. Whenever they told him no because he wanted something, it would result in a temper tantrum straight away.

“He was somehow able to perfectly throw objects and food at us when he's blind, I don't understand it!” Catnap sighed, he felt exhausted. “Heightened senses and good thinking for a little one.” That was the only answer the feline could come up with. They had noticed indications on when their pup was about to throw a fit, either it be constant whining, hard pouting, large tears in his eyes, expression scrunching up, or a change in how he breathed and sometimes he would hold his breath which worried Catnap since he didn't want the canine fainting. The worst part was, they didn't know how to stop, distract or comfort Dogday before he could start his fit.

“I don't understand what's wrong with him, what's going on in his head or why he's going through this phase. Can we even call it that?” Kickinchicken asked, he had a raging migraine and his patience was running thin. “I tried to give him his comfort items but he threw them on the ground which surprised me.” Catnap said feeling defeated.

“We probably should use our last resort, since when we try to discipline him it doesn't work.” Catnap nodded, “I've had to put him in timeout so many times this week along with taking away his toys. Overall he just ended up throwing more tantrums. Using that method however-” Kickin's expression softened, I know you don't want to, I don't want to either but what else can we do?”

Kickinchicken and Catnap took a deep breath and prepared themselves for what could happen, they already knew a tantrum was soon to happen due to Dogday's behavior today. “Hello our little sun!” Catnap greeted the canine once they walked into the living room. Dogday didn't smile or seem to acknowledge them at first until he carefully stood up and walked up to Catnap by listening to the sound of his footsteps.

“Want ice ceam.” Catnap would've loved to say yes but didn't want to go through all that trouble of finding a safe type of ice cream that he could have. Kickin gave the feline a look and Catnap braced himself for what was about to pierce their eardrums. “I'm sorry puppy but no, it's already evening and we don't want to go anywhere.” Dogday whined and tugged on Catnap's shirt, “Peas!” He begged.

Catnap was the calmer caregiver out of the two but he would also accidentally spoil the pup sometimes and this would get on Kickin's nerves. “The decision is final sunshine, our answer is no.” Kickin said firmly. Dogday stomped his foot harshly on the floor while whining. “Want ice ceam now!” He stomped both feet, tears welling in his eyes. Kickin had to resist the urge to groan out of frustration. “No ice cream honey.” Catnap said, keeping his voice calm.

Dogday let out a blood curdling scream and fell to the ground kicking and hitting the air. Thankfully both caregivers backed away in time so they didn't get caught in the fire. Catnap felt as if his ears were ringing for a moment. Kickin didn't want to deal with it anymore so he left temporarily, leaving Catnap to do the discipline once again. The feline could hear how raw the other's throat already was, it was amazing how it didn't bleed.

Catnap picked up the canine who tried to kick and punch him, however the lavender feline didn't feel much. Catnap opened the door to Dogday's room and put him down slowly. “I'm going to leave you in your room so you can scream and cry all you want, you'll be allowed out once you're done alright?” Catnap explained over Dogday's sobs mixed with screaming. Catnap walked towards the door and did his best to ignore the other's heartbreaking cries. Catnap found a way to block the door so the canine couldn't leave. He hated this method.

Catnap saw Kickinchicken on the living room couch, “I can't believe I can still hear him from his room.” Catnap heavily sighed. “Are you sure it's a good idea to leave him in his room alone? What if he holds his breath and actually faints? He's been doing that here and there throughout his tantrums. It deeply concerns me.” Catnap sat next to Kickin, “I doubt he'll do that.” It wasn't the most reassuring words but Catnap could only hope that he was right. “He'll tire himself out, his tantrums have lasted long but they can't continue forever.” That's when the most frightening thing happened, it was dead silent.

Catnap and Kickin instantly rushed to Dogday's room and unblocked the door. They see Dogday who is on the floor constantly hiccuping in between scarce breaths, he's beyond exhausted and is covered in slight bruises from how hard he hit himself. Catnap picks him up and holds him closely, “I'm so sorry puppy…” They all start walking out of Dogday's bedroom and he sets him on his lap. Catnap wipes his tears away and does a few breathing exercises so the canine can truly calm down.

Kickin smoothed out his feather crown, today was quite the ride again. “How about some peanut butter?” Kickin stared in disbelief at Catnap, “Do not coddle his bad behavior, it'll make things worse…” Dogday sucked his thumb tiredly and nodded, peanut butter sounded nice. Catnap ignored Kickinchicken and carried the pup into the kitchen. He couldn't help but want to cheer Dogday up and give him at least something he loved today, he's his puppy and it wouldn't hurt to spoil him tonight.


Might start that blind regressor DD book later today!

Chapter 85: No use crying over spilled milk 🩷


Pickypiggy is hungry and wants cookies but Catnap is taking an afternoon nap, so she decides to make them herself which immediately has something go wrong


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

Chapter Text

Pickypiggy was hungry and wanted cookies but she didn't want to wake her caregiver Catnap since he was taking his afternoon nap. She made her way into the kitchen and decided that she could make the cookies herself.

She couldn't really remember how to make cookies but it shouldn't be so difficult. When gathering everything she needed, a few times she had to stand on a chair due to being small. She was really proud of herself for getting everything alone.

Picky picks up a large bowl for the cookies and accidentally drops it, she didn't realize it would be so heavy. She watches it with large eyes and it breaks once it hits the ground. She panics and starts crying, she didn't mean to break anything. Her sobs awaken Catnap who walks into the kitchen and sees the problem.

“What is going on here? What were you trying to do?” Picky turns her head and looks up at Catnap, more tears spilling down her cheeks. Catnap glanced at the broken bowl then at the ingredients. “I'm sorry…” Picky hiccuped. Catnap gazed at her with a soft expression.

“Everything is alright, I understand it was an accident.” Catnap decided to clean it up as Picky wiped her eyes. “M' hungry and wan' cookies but din't wanna wake you.” Catnap gave her a quick hug, “I'll help you bake some baby.” Pickypiggy smiled brightly and cheered.

Chapter 86: It isn't always about winning 💛


Kickinchicken keeps losing at one of his favorite videos games which results in him throwing a tantrum, Hoppy hears this and comforts him letting him know that losing isn't always so bad


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickinchicken had been playing one of his favorite games for about half an hour now but he kept losing and it was annoying him. After staring at the screen one last time and realizing he had lost again, he threw the device with a frustrated scream. Thankfully the device didn't break and landed safely on his bed.

He didn't even want to look at the device anymore and sobbed, screaming how it wasn't fair while flailing his body harshly on the ground. His caregiver, Hoppy heard his distress and opened his bedroom door confused about what happened.

Kickin noticed Hoppy in the doorway and stood up, he stumbled towards her and tugged on her shirt still sobbing. “What's wrong kicks?” Kickin tried to inhale so he could tell her but ended up coughing instead. “It's okay, just breathe kicky.”

“It's not fair!” He shouted and stomped his foot, “What isn't fair?” Hoppy asked, “I keep losing…” Kickin hiccuped, Hoppy had to hold back her laughter at how funny yet understandable his anger was. “You keep losing in your game?” Kickin nodded with a pout.

“It's okay to lose, it's the only way to get better in the end.” Kickin sniffled and crossed his wings across his chest, “I don't wanna lose…” Hoppy got down to his level and looked him in the eye, “I lose in games and sports sometimes, do I get upset? Of course! If you don't lose sometimes though, you'll never make progress on getting better. That's how you learn.”

Kickin whined but didn't argue, Hoppy wiped his tears and smiled. “How about we play the next round together?” Kickin lightened up at that, “Really?” Hoppy hummed and nodded. Kickin immediately jumped onto his bed and grabbed his device.

Chapter 87: Store scare! 🧡


Bubba and Dogday are at the store, Dogday is overwhelmed and scared by how crowded it is. His last straw is when someone accidentally bumps him. He runs off crying and now Bubba has to find him.


Thank you b0nesandst0nes for the request!

Chapter Text

Bubba and Dogday are at the store and the poor pup is highly overwhelmed and terrified of how crowded it is. His large, shiny eyes scan around them almost every second. Dogday clutches tightly onto Bubba's shirt, he can't suppress the whimper which escapes his throat. The store is too loud, too crowded and he can't take it. He fails to blink away the tears that blur his vision.

They turn into another aisle and someone accidentally bumps Dogday, this was his last straw and the dam broke behind his eyes. Bubba watches in shock as the pup runs off sobbing and pulling on his ears. Bubba let out a sigh, concern clear on his face.

Bubba searched and asked a few passers-by if they had seen the puppy, thankfully he was given helpful answers and walked through the kids section for clothing. The elephant was grateful for having a keen eye and spotted an orange tail poking out of a clothes rack. He got down to Dogday's eye level and spoke in a calm, low tone.

“Hey baby, I found you. I was so worried that I wouldn't find you.” Dogday peeked his head out and sniffled, Bubba opened his arms which the canine didn't hesitate to be engulfed in. Dogday whimpered in the other's arms and wiped at his eyes. The elephant pulled out a pacifier and gently put it in Dogday's mouth then set headphones on his floppy ears.

Dogday smiled and happily sucked on the pacifier, Bubba lifted him and slowly put him in the cart. “You can sit here until we leave sunshine.” The elephant felt a lot better now that his puppy was found and at ease.

Chapter 88: A brave little hero 💛💜


Kickinchicken, Catnap and Hoppy are playing pretend. Kickin who is the hero has to save Hoppy from the evil Catnap


Thank you WolfOfTime23 for the request!

Chapter Text

Kickinchicken jumped from one pillow to the next, he had a cardboard sword held in one wing. “Help me!” Hoppy called out from across the room wrapped up in Catnap's tail. Catnap chuckled, they were playing pretend and Kickinchicken had to save Hoppy from Catnap.

“Let her go!” Kickin demanded, holding his cardboard sword in Catnap's direction. “Come at me!” Catnap shouted back and picked up his toy wand. Hoppy playfully squirmed in Catnap's tail, acting like she wanted to be freed. Catnap pretended to cast spells as Kickin tried to hit the feline with his sword.

“You'll never defeat me!” Catnap laughed and Kickin struck for the heart. Catnap gasped and slowly flopped onto the ground groaning in agony. Hoppy was released and hugged Kickinchicken, “You did it brave hero! I believed that you could!” Hoppy cheered. “Your reward is a feast in your honor of saving my life.”

Kickin happily followed Hoppy into the kitchen, Catnap stood up and trailed behind Kickin.

Chapter 89: A welcomed change 💜


This is a continuation of Catnap being put into diapers by Playtime Co.
Bobby has been put in charge of changing him and it doesn't take long until the other critters find out


Thank you AtoZfics for the request!

Chapter Text

Catnap was hanging out with Bobby, which had become more of a recent occurrence. He squirmed in place uncomfortably, Bobby had told him before not to hold his bladder in especially since he now has the protection on but he had been too embarrassed to actually let go. He didn't want his friends to judge him. However since it was just the two of them, he didn't care enough and finally released in the diaper.

Catnap wearily watches a scientist walk in and starts explaining the whole reason why Catnap and Bobby have been spending more time with each other. “In the cartoon she is a mother figure to you. We decided it would be best if we made that a reality here as well.” That definitely made sense in Catnap's mind, he didn't mind being around Bobby more often.

“She will also be changing you, follow us to your rooms.” Catnap didn't like how there were more people watching them. Bobby took his paw in hers to soothe him. Catnap was very hesitant to get on the changing table but with the support of Bobby he finally laid down.

It didn't take long for word to get out of what was becoming a normal routine for the bear and feline, he was embraced by all his friends who agreed he was their baby, their precious kitty.

Chapter 90: An unexpected turn of events 💜


Catnap is kidnapped on his way home but instead of being murdered or tortured like he expected, he is babied by a couple who can't have a child of their own


Thank you Qwscbjhgdxxbnjutsa for the request

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Catnap was on his way home, the gloomy sky above matched his mood. He had no parents and no friends, he was truly alone. Catnap sighed then suddenly was grabbed from behind, he was blindfolded and gagged so he wouldn't be able to scream for help.

The feline felt his heart racing, thinking of what his last moments could possibly be like running through his head. What were these creatures capable of? Murder? Torture? Something worse? He was placed on a soft bed and felt the gag and blindfold be taken off.

It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust and once they did he was met with the sight of a dog and a bear. They didn't seem dangerous. “Hello there sweetheart, I'm sorry this was so sudden but we didn't know what else to do. There is no need to worry because we are harmless.” The red bear spoke first, her voice was motherly and soft.

“We only have one request for you honey.” The canine then nodded towards the bear, Catnap came to the conclusion that they're married due to their matching rings. “I'm unable to have a child of my own, so we were wondering if you would like to be our baby.” Catnap was confused but the offer didn't sound so bad, his life had been so empty and his childhood wasn't so great.

“The only question we have for you is if you have anyone who would miss you, because you'll be reported as missing.” Catnap tried to hold back the sobs building in his throat as tears clearly welled in his eyes. Would anyone miss him? The answer was no, not even the critters who looked after him. No one would even notice he was gone.

Catnap was embraced by the couple, that's when he realized that he was sobbing his heart out. He shook his head, “Oh you poor baby…” The rose scented bear muttered. “Everything's alright, you're our baby now.” Catnap liked the sound of that, he would be cared for and loved. The vanilla scented canine wiped the tears from his eyes and helped his wife put the feline into a diaper.

“Look at how adorable he is!” She gushed, Catnap's headspace was fuzzy. He probably should be concerned but he isn't. Catnap accepted the pacifier that was held in front of his mouth and sucked on it. Maybe life wasn't so bad after all.


I feel like I've heard a story like this before 🤔

Chapter 91: I know you're afraid of me, but please don't be 🤍


Pickypiggy and Craftycorn are left in the same room as everyone else went to the store, this was a bad idea and Crafty ends up regressing


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Every critter had left to go to the store, except for Craftycorn and Pickypiggy. Keeping them in the same room together wasn't the best idea since Crafty still suffered from nightmares of the trauma she endured. She was horribly afraid of Picky and the critters had only started doing group therapy for a week. There was still so much to unpack and critters to forgive.

Crafty's body wracked with each sob, she desperately wanted to cover her face but couldn't due to having no hooves. Picky thankfully was able to see Crafty with her one eye and carefully approached her. It hurt her heart to see the unicorn in such distress, especially knowing she was the exact cause of her tears.

“Go away!” Crafty shouted in between hiccups, Picky was worried about the other crying herself into being ill. Picky kept her hooves in the air to show the little unicorn she meant no harm. “It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you.” Never again went unsaid.

Picky hesitantly lifted Crafty up and held her close, guilt stinging her gut. Crafty sobbed against the other, her fear turning into something else. She just wanted to be protected and loved. “There we go, little flower, deep breaths.” Picky uttered softly as Crafty slowly inhaled the faint scent of citrus.

Once the unicorn had calmed down, her eyelids fluttering, Picky wiped her tears. “There's nothing to be afraid of, you look exhausted so take a nap.” Crafty closed her eyes albeit hesitantly since there was a small part of her that didn't trust Picky. Eventually that would fade with time, but for now she just wanted sleep.

Chapter 92: Pickypiggy's encounter with The Black Lovelace 🩷


The critters are on a camping trip and Hoppy and Kickin decide to tell a scary story, Picky sees a shadowy figure later that night which terrifies her and she runs off thankfully Bobby finds her and brings her back to camp but sleep does not come for Picky and she follows the sound of a guitar


Thank you WolfOfTime23 for the request, I hope you like it!

Chapter Text

The critters are on a camping trip, the fire burns brightly as the moon above them shines faintly behind a few trees. Hoppy and Kickinchicken are telling the scary tale of a shadowy-towering figure called The Black Lovelace, who plays mesmerizing songs on his guitar that makes all women who hear it approach him before he steals their hearts causing them to go insane.

Catnap, Bubba, and Bobby were unamused by the tale since they knew these two loved to pull pranks sometimes. However Dogday, Craftycorn, and Pickypiggy were huddled up because they believed the tale. Bobby let out a sigh and hugged Crafty close.

“There's nothing to be afraid of, these two are just spouting nonsense.” Bubba comforted Picky who was shaking like a leaf in his arms. Catnap nodded and purred to soothe Dogday's nerves.

“Alright time for bed everyone, get comfortable in your tent.” There were a few groans from those who didn't want to sleep but went inside their tent anyway. Thankfully everyone shared their tent with at least one other critter.

Picky awakens to a strange noise, it sounds quite close. She silently leaves the tent she shares with Bobby and sees a tall shadow figure with a hat, terrified that it could be the creature Hoppy and Kickin spoke about as she runs into the dark forest.

Trees try to trip her as she runs, hanging vines wrapping around her arms and legs as she stumbles. Picky almost loses her balance which scares a group of sleeping bats, she screams and watches them fly away. Different weeds and dead flowers grip at her feet but she doesn't stop running, tears filling her eyes. The moon light is her only guide, shadows casting terrifying faces on the trees and stumps. One wrong step and she trips then falls, she rolls down until she's grabbed by a bush. At this point she's sobbing uncontrollably and wiggles herself out of the bush falling onto the harsh ground. The wind blows causing leaves to surround her for a moment as birds fly away above her. She cowers in place, her hooves on her head.

“Picky? Oh sweetheart what happened?” Someone walks up to her, the voice gentle and warm. She's embraced and sobs into the rose scented fluffy chest. It's Bobby, no it's Mama Bear. Picky is lifted and carried back to camp, comforting words and promises that everything was alright. Everyone was relieved to see her, Bubba scolded Hoppy and Kickin for frightening Picky.

Bobby cuddles Picky hoping she'll sleep better but sleep does not come. She hears the sound of a guitar and despite her better judgment she leaves the tent. Picky ventures out and finds a shadowy, towering figure against a lone tree, playing their guitar. "Beautiful night, isn't it madam?" They ask, "Who are you? The Black Lovelace?" Picky asks, "If you desire, you may call me by that name.”

“Have you come to take my heart and watch me go insane?" She asked tepidly. "It wouldn't be right to just take someone's heart, especially one so young." He sighs, "How would they be able to live alongside their friends?” His voice is rather calming that Picky doesn't feel intimidated by his presence.

"Unfortunately, our time has come to an end. Thank you, Miss Picky." He says before taking his leave, “Hey, will I ever see you again?” Picky asks curiously, "Anything is possible, anything." were his last words. "I'll be waiting! I' waiting." Picky says with a smile.

Chapter 93: Chronic Migraine Madness 💙


Bubba suffers from chronic migraines, and often gets them from wearing his glasses too much, studying for too long, and intense heat
He ends up regressing during these horrible migraines, often being alone whenever this happens but thankfully Dogday comes over and knows exactly what to do!


Thank you L0V3LYMYMY for the request!

Chapter Text

Bubba was stressed which was never good considering that he could already feel his head pounding, he tried to ignore it but his vision became hazy. He stumbled out of his chair and fell to the ground with a whine, the fog in his mind welcoming him from the pain surrounding his head.

Dogday was walking to Bubba's house since he was invited over not too long ago, he expected the door to be unlocked and was greeted by the sight of a tiny elephant sobbing with his hooves on his head in intense pain.

The canine immediately knew what to do and got to work. Thankfully Dogday was available to come over and take care of Bubba since everyone else was busy, especially since Bubba would regress to a really young age sometimes.

Dogday carries the crying elephant into his room and sets him into his bed, shushing him softly. The canine shutters the windows, and quickly leaves to grab a washcloth. He wets the washcloth in cold water and returns to Bubba then sets it on his head.

Dogday gently wipes away Bubba's tears and sets a pacifier in his mouth then wraps the baby elephant in a soft blanket so he's comfortable. Dogday was surprised yet relieved that Bubba fell asleep so quickly. He closed the door behind him and decided to stay to take care of Bubba for the rest of the day.

Chapter 94: Protection for your stitches 🧡


Dogday isn't used to wearing a diaper but the other critters insist that he needs one which results in a temper tantrum


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Dogday stomped his feet for the fourth time within the span of 15 minutes, the other critters were trying to reassure him that there is nothing wrong with wearing protection and he needed it on at all times. Dogday wasn't used to wearing one and desperately wanted it off.

“Get off! No m'ore!” Dogday screamed, trying to pull the nappy off. “No, no, sweetheart, it needs to stay on-” Bobby said calmly, hoping it would ease the pup but sadly it had the opposite effect. Dogday flailed around, tears trickling down his scrunched up face.

“Baby, if you continue to throw this tantrum, your stitches might come undone.” Craftycorn warned him with a firm yet kind tone. That was the main reason for the co*cker spaniel to be wearing the diaper. Dogday sobbed and shook his head. “Want off!”

“I'm sorry but you need to keep it on.” Hoppy tried to get it through the pup's head. “No!” He screamed while kicking his legs on the ground after falling onto his bottom. Every critter shared a worried glance with each other, they didn't know how to calm him down.

“I understand that the nappy is uncomfortable and it can be embarrassing to wear. We will never judge you, and wearing it helps prevent your stitches from opening, little one.” Bubba stated. “We don't want you to lose your legs again.” Picky commented.

Dogday wiped his eyes which still had tears in them. Catnap walked over to Dogday and purred hoping it would settle the upset puppy. Dogday sniffled and raised his arms, “Uppies…” Catnap nodded and lifted the canine. Catnap wasn't as soft as he was in the past but Dogday didn't care.

“Has he finally calmed down?” Kickin asked Bobby who was sitting next to him. “Will you keep your diaper on pup?” Catnap whispered which earned him a whine. “Okey…” Dogday agreed hesitantly and rested his head against Catnap's chest. “I'm relieved to see that your stitches are not coming undone.” Dogday hummed and closed his eyes, he felt utterly exhausted after his fit. "They could've-" Bubba said and Catnap nodded, "They almost did thanks to how violently he was moving the lower part of his body." They were all relieved that his stitches didn't come undone because that would've resulted in something much worse than a tantrum from the pup.

Chapter 95: The little chicken and the purple cat 💛


Kickinchicken is having nightmares again about Pickypiggy and wakes up sobbing, Catnap hears his cries and comforts him


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kickinchicken was tossing and turning, tears dripped down his cheeks as whimpers escaped him. He was having another nightmare about Pickypiggy back when she attacked him. His eyes opened slightly but he couldn't see due to the large tears blurring his vision.

Kickin squirmed and wailed, he was alone and scared. His only leg lightly hit the soft mattress as he continued to scream and sob. He lifts his wings in the air, as someone comes closer.

Catnap was walking around double checking that all his friends were asleep and comfortable when the distressed noises coming from one of their rooms caught his attention. He opened the door and saw Kickin, the one who was making all the noise.

Catnap lifted Kickin and held him close, Kickin immediately clung onto the burnt fur. Catnap gently wipes away Kickin's tears, the feline is relieved that the other isn't sobbing anymore. Kickin closed his eyes as Catnap carried him over to the changing table, the critters had a rule. Whenever one of them regressed to one and under, they were put into diapers as a precaution.

Kickin instantly screamed once Catnap put him down, wings reaching upwards. The purple cat forgot how clingy Kickin got whenever he was tired and regressed. Catnap softly shushed Kickin as he secured the nappy around his waist.

It was no surprise that Kickin's waterworks stopped after he was back in Catnap's arms. He decided that Kickin would sleep in his arms for the night, thanks to the other being stuck to him like glue. Honestly he didn't mind it, this is exactly why he took naps during the day. Catnap let out a sigh as Kickin fell asleep in his arms.


I had a hard time thinking of a title thanks to going through a slight writer's block

Chapter 96: Eating is very important for one's body ❤️


Bobby isn't used to eating 3 meals everyday and hasn't gained much weight, thankfully Hoppy is there to encourage her and reassure her everything will be alright


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Hoppy was looking after Bobby and walked in carrying two plates of hot food that Pickypiggy had just made for everyone. “Lovebug, I brought you food since I noticed you haven't been eating recently, again…” Bobby glanced at the plate of food after it was placed in front of her.

She didn't feel hungry, just numb and rather empty but she was used to this. “I'm okay, I don't need it.” Hoppy sat next to the bear who was extremely skinny. “Are you sure? You haven't eaten anything all day.” Bobby nodded and swallowed thickly, maybe she did want it after all.

“Try some of it sweetheart, and if you want seconds I can get you more.” Bobby hummed and dug in, her eyes sparkled after taking a bite. Hoppy giggled, “See? There's no need to worry anymore hun, everything is different now.” Hoppy let out a sigh then started eating, it was nice to take each day one step at a time.

Chapter 97: Itchy fur is no good 💜


Catnap's fur is slowly growing back however this causes his whole body to itch uncomfortably. Thankfully Bubba is here to help find the cream which will stop the itching!


Thank you BenX2005 for the request!

Chapter Text

Catnap laid on his back constantly whining, his burnt fur was growing back slowly and it made him feel itchy. He squirmed uncomfortably on the changing table, his diaper resting next to him. Thanks to Catnap's headspace being so little, he had to be put into a diaper for caution. That was the rule every critter agreed on.

Bubba was searching for the cream that would help Catnap not be so itchy. He opened a cabinet hoping it would present itself since the last critter who cleaned the room had forgotten where they put it. Catnap loudly whined again, this time sounding close to tears. Bubba sighed and just when he was about to lose hope, he found the small bottle.

The elephant smiled and grabbed it then walked over to Catnap who was sniffling. “It's alright, I found a bottle of cream which will help stop the itching.” Catnap smiled after it was gently rubbed onto his fur, “Are you feeling slightly better? It'll kick in soon.” Bubba put the bottle away and focused on getting the purple kitty in his diaper.

Chapter 98: No need to fight, let's take turns instead 💛🤍


Dogday, Craftycorn, and Kickinchicken were sitting on the couch together. Crafty and Dogday had their focus on the tv screen, Crafty held her plush close one of her favorite scenes about to play. Kickinchicken grabs the remote and changes the channel, thankfully Dogday stops the two from fighting and figures out a solution!


Thank you Candy_Yume for the request!

Chapter Text

Dogday, Craftycorn, and Kickinchicken were sitting on the couch together. Crafty and Dogday had their focus on the tv screen, Crafty held her plush close one of her favorite scenes about to play. Kickin grabbed the remote which was sitting next to Dogday, taking it wasn't that hard since he was sitting on the dog's lap.

Kickin wanted to watch a show that he liked and switched the channel. Crafty gasped and looked at Kickin, “Hey!” She whined, “Kicky, I was watching something.” She tried to take the remote from him but Dogday quickly took it before something could happen.

“Alright, no fighting you two. Crafty, Kickin is younger than you so he's more impatient sometimes and doesn't understand as much as you.” Craftycorn pouted as Dogday changed the channel back to what she was watching. “We'll take turns, once this episode finishes Kickin can watch whatever he wants.”

Crafty huffed but nodded, she was just relieved she could continue watching and put her attention back to the tv screen. Kickin whined obviously a bit upset about what Dogday said but didn't care once he felt a pacifier being set into his beak.

Smiling critters age regression oneshots - Chrysxnthemvm (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.